Sunday, 25 June 2017

Are You A Claver Actor? Check Here And Act NOW

Great Theater and Bollywood actor  Naseeruddin Shah
Great Theater and Bollywood actor  Naseeruddin Shah Performing on Stage

Salman Khan: Screen Acting-Inviting Camera
Observe how Bollywood star inviting the camera to look at him- the character

Have You Learned Theater  And Film Acting Both?

Practical Differences Between Stage And Screen Acting

How to Be a Good Stage Actor



Great actors spend their entire careers learning to relax the muscles in their face and body at will. Tension is very obvious when you are on stage. Your voice will sound thin and wavering, and your movements will be jerky and unattractive. To avoid these stiff and nervous displays when you're acting, it is essential to remain as relaxed as possible, This is possible by learning and practicing "Shav Asana", Self-Hypnotism and Auto-Suggestion (contact us)


Focus your attention 

It could be another actor, a prop, etc. Keep yourself in the moment on a scene and never stare off into space or at the audience. It is obvious to the audience if you are spacing out, and it is very distracting. Keeping your focus on an object in the scene enables you to remain in character.  and enhances the believability of the role and the play itself. Look at the eyes of the people we're speaking with or listening to, as we do in real life, so doing that on stage will appear quite natural.


Immerse yourself in the role

Forget that you are pretending, and try to become the character you are playing. Envision how that person reacts to life, how that person dresses, walks, thinks and converses with others. Don't be afraid to act like someone else.


Everything should be more clear and  a bit exaggerated on stage

While acting, you need to speak your words carefully and clearly. Project your voice farther than normal (which is not the same thing as shouting), because there are people a good distance away who are trying to understand what you're saying. All the emotions on your face should be formed in a more intense and exaggerated manner.


Warm up your vocal cords

Breathe deeply. Do numerous vocal warm ups to ensure that you do not strain your vocal cords. Practice voice-techniques.


Concentrate on your expressions

Facial expressions should be combined with simultaneous vocal modulations. For example say a simple "Oh!" or "Aaray, Ramesh!" (Hindi) in front of a mirror. Notice both your face and your voice. Alternately portray sadness, awe, anger, fear, shock, excitement, and any other emotion you can think of.


Read, analyze, feel and practice your lines repeatedly


How to kill stage fright

Use the stage lights to kill stage fright. If you're less than comfortable performing before a live audience, trick yourself. When the lights in the theater hall go out and the stage lights go on, you won't be able to see the audience, except for the first row or two. Just pretend you're acting for a few friends.


Make audience disappear by creating a wall

Whether it be a live audience, a camera, pretend there's a wall between you and the audience. They call this "the fourth wall." You're no longer on a stage or a set, you're in your private world, and the audience doesn't exist. For example, imagine this as a blank wall or is of your bedroom, study room, bus stop etc.
10. Finally, just remember never to turn your back on the audience.

Screen Acting-The 6 Key Factors



Learn the requirements of how to be a film actor and how to meet them
Look and read relevant post in this blog


Find A Good Acting Coach or a school


LearnActing Craft Professionally

A special focus should on  developing confidence, the power of imagination, acting for camera, audition techniques apart from how to market and promote your career


Find Opportunities to practice acting craft

  • Join local theater groups
  • Act in local communities plays
  • Creating your own self-written short film. Use Mobile Camera
  • Practice in front of mirror or with friends
  • Present monologs, jokes in parties. Be a party anchor

If financially tight...

Find a part time job in the film industry like production, direction, film or acting institutes


Acting for films is a "Cut Throat Business"

Learn how to market and promote your career as a "Business"


* Learning at home

One of the finest resources for learning at home is this blog itself which has more than 250+ posts. There are many aspiring actors who could not afford expensive acting schools have practiced at home from 280+ Posts and now are in Films and in TV serials. However, learning and mastering the acting craft from this blog requires serious reading, patience and regular practice with either your friends or in front of mirror


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