Sunday, 11 June 2017

16 Ways Actors May Fail And Guaranteed Success Strategy

Why 90% actors fail?
Why 90% actors fail?

  • Why Your acting career may fail?
  • Because You Just Dreamt Without Knowing Requirements And How To Fulfill Them

Realities And Success Strategy

1. Dreaming of being an actor without knowing realities
Ans: Do research on the internet before you leave your house

2. No knowledge of film |TV or commercial ad industry
Ans: Do research on the internet. Meet industry people or theater in your place

3. Neither a good body or looks
Ans: Build your body at home. Read this blog for home exercises

4. Poor in acting craft and no idea of a need to get self-trained
Ans: Join a good school or an acting coach. If don't have enough money, get self-trained by reading and practicing 250+ posts from this blog in front of mirror or with friends

5. Poor in spoken Hindi and workable English
Ans: Buy CDs, select YiouTube videos befriend actors with the mythological film background, join Hindi?English coaching classes

6. No knowledge of the need for portfolio, resume, show reel, video interview
Ans: Research on the internet, ask other actors and industry crowd

7. Unaware of artist coordinators, casting directors, directors, producers or production houses
Ans: Read relevant posts from this blog by keywords in the search box on the home page. Research on the internet, ask other actors and industry crowd.

8. No idea of a struggle of many years ahead before you get a break. Not studied the struggle stories of Bollywood stars
Ans: There are some good posts in this blog on the struggle stories of Bollywood stars. Please read carefully and understand the struggle required

9. No financial planning and sufficient resource available to live, travel, get trained and struggle in Mumbai for a long period
Ans: Know the expenses (read a post from this blog on living expense in Mumbai). Make an expense budget on yearly basis. If short of money, take up a job (night shift at airport, security officer, part-time jobs, internet survey and other related or join production dept, in a film-TV production company, channels etc) and be a working actor

10. Do does not know how to be a good public relations actor
Ans: Search the internet for how to be and practice body language, voice, posture etc or join an acting coach 

11. Do not know how to market and promote acting career as a business man | woman
Ans: Search this blog (Put keywords in search box on home page and find relevant posts) or ask your acting coach

12. Impatience
Ans: Practice Yoga, relaxation, and auto-suggestion techniques. Join classes or read from this blog 

13. Can not accept repeated rejections at auditions
Ans: Accept the 'rejection' as an unavoidable and necessary evil of 'an actor's life'.

14. No knowledge of time management
Ans: If you fail to plan and manage 'time', it will manage and make you old and date expired in no time. You must schedule daily activities and stick to it.

15. Does not have "a thick skin" to accept neglect, mocked upon and criticism
Ans: Whatever happens in your acting life, good or bad, take it as transient happening and as a fun. Develop other hobbies and skills like singing, dancing, martial arts, social service etc.

16. Do not know how to use social media for career development
Ans: Open account with 'page' at least on FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin Pinterest. Post daily relevant post. However (Warning), don't get carried away by 'likes'. None of those friends can help you in your acting career. Befriend casting directors, join acting related groups and post news, your activities, your current status, daily experiences etc.

So, You think I have a hope to be successful?
Of Course, Yes!

Dear actor,
The storms in your life 
Will be followed by rainbows
For every time you've been down
There are times when you 
Will shine and glow
From every mistake that you've made
You will learn and you will grow 
It's just a process we all go through
And something we have to undergo
So do not waste your time 
Going against your problems 
Just be like water and flow
We are all just spiritual beings 
Having a human experience.....

Join top acting coach to succeed as an actor

"When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will walk safely and successfully"

Come join and be with me. I will make you a successful actor
-Kiran Pande, your acting coach

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