Thursday, 15 June 2017

An Actor's Failure Formula = Just Dreaming + Ignorance + Crap Around

Struggler Arshad Warsi Now A successful Bollywood star
Arshad Warsi-Bollywood Star, who struggled for more than 10 years

Your dream of a Bollywood Star, just a dream, it's all illusion, unless you...Know The Facts Before You Screw Up Your Career And Life


  • There are thousands of young aspiring actors in Mumbai from all over India
  • Better looking, great height, excellent physique and lots of money for a really prolonged struggle. Still, 95 % fail, Some do menial jobs like waiters, auto drivers or sell cheap clothes on footpaths 
  • Or worst, commit suicide in front of the producer's\director's house.


Only dreams do not help


Becoming a film star requires:

  1. Good looks and body
  2. Excellence In Spoken Hindi Without Any Regional Accent
  3. Spoken English
  4. A Top Class Training In The Acting Craft and To Continue Till You Die 
  5. A Good Portfolio With Resume | Monolog | Video Interview | Show Reel Website
  6. Acting Being A "Business": Develop Goals, Marketing And Promotional Strategies And Implement Vigorously
  7. Perseverance And Patience, May Be For Years
  8. Sufficient Financial Resources To Face Significant Periods Of  Poor Income
  9. (A Minimum of  Rs. 2.5 Lakhs Per Year for A Minimum Struggle Period Of  3 to 5 Years)
  10. A Thick Skin
  11. Positive Attitude To Accept And Face Rejections And Criticism

Read carefully the following posts which will open your eyes and bring down to the realities of an actor's life:

Feeling Depressed?Well, here is a Success Formula


Dear Aspiring Actors,
Still Confused?
I can help and coach you individually to become an excellent actor with great chances to be 
A Bollywood star! Just Visit

Updated Post

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