Monday, 24 April 2017

Failing As An Actor? Find And Kick Your Bad Friends Out

Actors, identify bad and good friends
Actors, identify bad and good friends 

The ways your friends affect your acting career and life

They change your beliefs about things, especially acting as a career 

Beliefs can be changed if they were constantly challenged and if new beliefs were constantly repeated. Lots of friends can have a negative or a pessimistic view of the acting and actor's prospects in Bollywood/ TV job market before they even had the chance to know the real truth. This pessimistic view came from the continues programming they received from their friends in the form of suggestions that are repeated over and over such as "it's extremely hard to find a job these days" 

They affect your self-confidence

Again this is partially related to the first note;  'belief"- Friends Alter the perception of each other, if your friend is arrogant or snobbish then this belief will be transferred to you. His/her behavior towards you in a bad way might be interpreted by you as a sign that shows that you are not that worthy of being good then such a belief might affect your self-confidence badly. 

Your friends affect your behavior 

If your friend is anxious, timid, introvert and scared
An experiment has shown that a monkey that never feared snakes started to fear them when it saw the anxious response of another monkey that feared them!! This means that watching someone who is feeling afraid, anxious or helpless could teach you how to be like him!

Your friends can break or make you

The support or betrayal: Friends can betray you at a crucial moment or help you. This could be traumatic or be motivating for you and shape your personality.
Your friends can make you a social or anti-social
It depends on the archetype and attitude of your friend. Your long association with friends who are introvert, withdrawn, doubtful, with quick anger can seriously affect your personality to be a poor networker and make you a failure to develop contacts in the film industry

22 Signs Of  A Bad Friend

  1. Doesn't respect your time.
  2. Energy draining.
  3. Tries to change you.
  4. Asking for too much from you(demanding sacrifices).
  5. Selfishly steers activities and conversations
  6. Maintains business-like when it comes to money
  7. Never returns a favor
  8. Not truly happy for your achievements/success.
  9. Doesn't have good intentions for you
  10. Ignore you in a group
  11. Make you feel guilty
  12. They need to be one-up on you
  13. Actions do not match words
  14. Doesn't respect the friend's privacy
  15. Doesn't know when to leave a person alone and how to support again
  16. Not helping in need
  17. Saying bad things behind you
  18. Doesn't listen
  19. Unable to apologize
  20. Never understands what hurts you.
  21. Acts busy when you are in need of a help
  22. Never tries to cheer you up when you are in real trouble.

15 Signs That You Are Surrounded By Good Friends

1. Your friends listen to you.
2. Your friends care about you.
3. Your friends know when to throw a party.
4. Your friends know when to end a party.
5. You feel like your friends have your best interests at heart.
6. Your friends support you.
7. You always hear the truth from them.
8. Your friends check in on you.
9. Your friends know when to leave you alone.
10. You don’t feel like you always have to reciprocate.
11. You can call your friends anytime you need them.
12. Your friends feel like they can call you when they need you.
13. Your friends celebrate your victories and help you get over your setbacks.
14. Your friends see you for who you are.
15. Your friends tell you when you’re making a mistake.

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