Sunday, 30 April 2017

Why Practicing These Top Tongue Twisters Win Over Competition

Excellent dialog delivery by top Bollywood actors
Excellent historical diction and dialog delivery by top Bollywood actors in Bajirao Mastani

Why should actors do diction exercises?

Because your speech content may be great, you may look fantastic but unless your audience can UNDERSTAND what you're saying, your message is lost. 

Language and diction exercises will help you learn how to speak clearly. An athlete does warm-ups and stretches before an event: a singer does likewise.
These drills are the actors and speaker's warm-up equivalent like a professional boxer before boxing bout. They prepare and train you to speak with ease.

More important, for For Bollywood and Hollywood actors, delivering long and difficult dialogs with strong emotions without a break (due to a single shot) become a necessity in scenes of religious, spiritual or historical films, TV episodes or in theater plays

What's A Tongue Twister? 

The tongue twister is a phrase or sentence which is hard to speak fast, usually because of alliteration or a sequence of nearly similar sounds. It helps develop speech skills and helps in speech therapy. To get the full effect of a tongue twister you should try to repeat it several times, as quickly as possible, without stumbling or mispronouncing.

The benefits of diction/articulation exercises or drills are:

  • Strengthening and stretching the muscles involved in speech
  • Bringing to your attention habitual speech patterns which may be less than perfect.
  • Good diction is NOT about changing your accent or making you 'talk posh'.
  • It is about clarity - making sure what you say is heard.
  • Tongue twisters have long been an integral part of an actor's toolkit. As well as being fun, they are extremely effective.

Practicing The Ultimate List of Tongue Twisters

Practicing tongue twisters
Legendary Hollywood actor Jim Carrey success secret of top dialog delivery-practicing tongue twisters

English Tongue Twisters

Because of a long and ancient history of theater and English plays, it seems we have more and effective choice available in English than in any other languages. The objective is a good dialog delivery rather than a particular language

A good cook could cook as many cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.
I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.
Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said "this butter's bitter! But a bit
of better butter will but make my butter better" So she bought some better
butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her butter better so it was
better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter!
If you understand, say "understand".
if you don't understand, say "don't understand".
but if you understand and say "don't understand".
how do I understand that you understand? understand!
I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you.
Red bulb blue bulb red bulb blue bulb
I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.
Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds.
Double bubble gum, bubbles double gum.
If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
I thought a thought.
but the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.
if the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.
'One-One' was a racehorse.
'Two-Two' was one, too.
When 'One-One' won one race, 'Two-Two' won one, too.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
If one doctor doctors another doctor does the doctor who doctors the doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors?
Six Silly Sisters Selling Shiny Shoes
A good cook could cook as many cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.
I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.
Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said "this butter's bitter! But a bit
of better butter will but make my butter better" So she bought some better
butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her butter better so it was
better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter!
Frivolously fanciful Fannie fried fresh fish furiously
She saw Sharif's shoes on the sofa. But was she so sure those were Sharif's shoes she saw?
Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.
Mix a box of mixed biscuits with a boxed biscuit mixer.
Sheesha sews slightly slashed sheets shut.
She should shun the shining sun.
The big black back brake broke badly.
The big beautiful blue balloon burst.
Smelly shoes and socks shock sisters.
Stick strictly six sticks stumps.
Cinnamon aluminum linoleum.
Cooks cook cupcakes quickly.
A bragging baker baked black bread.
She sold six shabby sheared sheep on the ship.

Hindi Tongue Twisters (In English followed by the Hindi language):

Samajh samajh ke samajh ko samjho
samajh samajhna bhi ek samajh he
samajh samajh ke jo na samjhe
meri samajh me woh na samajh he
समझ समझ के समझ को समझो
समझ समझना भी एक समझ है
समझ समझ कॆ जो ना समझे
मेरी समझ मे वो ना समझ है
Chandu ki chacha ne
chandu ki chachi ko
chandni chonk me
chandi ke chamach se
chatni chatai.
चंदु के चाचा ने
चंदु की चाची को
चाँदनी चौक मे
चाँदी के चमचे से
चटनी चटाई
Khadak Singh ke khadakane se khadakati hain khidkiyan, khidkiyon ke khadakane se khadakata hai Khadak Singh.
खड्गसिंह के खडकने से खडकती है खिडकीयाँ
खिडकीयो के खडकऩे से खडकता है खड्गसिंह
Ek ooncha oont hai, Poochh oonchi oont ki
Poochh se bhi oonchi kya, Peeth oonchi oont ki.
एक ऊँचा ऊँट है
पुँछ ऊँची ऊँट की
पुँछ से भी ऊँची कया
पीठ ऊँची ऊँट की
Madan, mohan, malveya madras mein machhli maarte maarte mare.
मदन मोहन मालवीय मदा्स मे मछली मारते मारते मरे
Chaar Kachari Kachche Chacha,
Chaar Kachari Pakke.
Pakki Kachari Kachche Chacha,
Kachchi Kachari Pakke.
Lala Gope Gopal Gopaggam Daas.
लाला गोप गपुँग़म दास
Dubey dubai mein doob gaya.
दुबे दुबई मे डूब गए
Nandu ke Nana Ne Nandu ki Nani ko Nand Nagari me Nagin dikhaie.
नंदु के नाना ने नंदु की नानी को नंद नगर मे नागिन दिखाई
Pital ke patile mein papita pila pila.
पीतल के पतीले मे पपीता पीला पीला

Which One Deserves To Quit Acting? Check

The art of listening for actors

How To  Kill Your Own Dream To Be An Actor, Pack Up And Go Home. You Are A Poor "Listener" in Audition And While In Shoot

One Of The Major Reasons Of Failure In Acting Career


  • Pretending to pay attention when you actually are not
  • Pretend to be present when really you are not
  • You are tense and nervous
  • You fake listening in the final shot because you are bored with repeated rehearsals
  • You show acceptance and agreement with your faked expressions without understanding the message
  • You are failing to accept the imaginary situation in audition or a film scene truthfully as a 'Reality'
  • You have not yet learned how to be a convincing actor and give a truthful performance


Get Trained | Learn The Art Of Listening In Acting Where The Magic Lives

How An Actor Could Be A Magician And Mesmerize Audience

Just 'Listen'

At audition or in a shot in a film scene to your co-actor. It creates an honest connection between scene partners. The actor has to create a true response that can only come when really listening. Nothing can replace it.
The audience can even listen to the silence of someone. Listening is feeling in emotional reactions, body language, facial expressions, and energy.

You can’t “fake and act” listening

Never pretend to listen. Sometimes actors will move their head up and down, nodding or shaking their head, acting as if they are listening. How can you know whether you can agree or disagree until the other actor has finished their thought and lines? You have to wait and really hear and feel the actual thing that will generate your response.

The connection between speaker and listener is more important

Sometimes actors make the written words more important than listening to what lives beneath them. The truth of life is that the spoken communication never be more important than the underline meaning of the message.

How you listen

We respond differently in every relationship. Wouldn’t you prefer to hear bad news from one person rather than from another? We have special bonds with a select few. All of that is taken into consideration as part of the real communication.


Let’s say you are playing a small role as a young father. You are supposed to hear a bad that your 5 years old son has met with an accident and died. The messenger (who is a good actor) comes and delivers the message analyzing the moment and looking at you keenly watching your reactions and the way he thinks is the best. You don't have any dialogs.  How are you going to look at the messenger, and how you take the message, how you study the messenger eyes, how do you react emotionally and with gestures after hearing the news is crucial to your performance.

The only way to listen is to honestly engage in the activity of listening

Two  Listening secrets in auditions to win roles

1. Listening shows who you really are.

Listening deeply and reacting freshly either to your co-star (script reader) or to what a casting director is explaining to you,  gives a window into your internal life and remember,  while other actors in audition may also listen differently and may be casual,  no one will have the singular light that’s behind your eyes.

2. Listening helps you to impress the camera.

Dialogue is important. But a look can convey far more intent and mean on-camera than two pages of dialogue.

With so many auditions being put on tape these days, it’s essential that you not just stare into the camera, but use it to your benefit. The moments that are the most compelling and that live the longest in the memory of the audience are the wordless ones. Casting directors, producers, and directors all know this, and if you want the job, you need a technique that gives you the listening/camera skills that allow you to create these job-getting moments in the audition. You draw the viewers’ attention to you when you listen deeply and react genuinely, and that is especially important if the person who has the authority to hire you is not in the room, but watching your audition miles away in his own comfort.


An eyeline is simply where an actor is looking when you're shooting i.e. where he/she was looking– while acting a scene.
It's the wonder of actor's eyelines which speak everything without any dialog. Many actors are unaware of the importance and use of eyelines for the camera. Forget about training, many schools are aware of the concept of "Eyeline" in acting for the camera.  I consider the use of eyelines by an actor as one of the best ways to express emotions without dialogs. Here, the process of listening plays an important part and helps to react genuinely with your eyes.
And you can't use your eyelines without listening truthfully.

Please read "How to Use Eyeline for Camera"

Simple 3 Steps Techniques To Improve The Power Of Listening

Actors who are naturally curious see conversations as learning opportunities, an experience of something new of people, situations, moments, emotions and attitudes. They are always looking to discover or learn something new and see everyone they talk to as having the potential to teach them something.

1. Be Curious

Practice this in your acting and daily life. When somebody is speaking and you are a listener,  ask yourself- what good can it do to me if I listen attentively and respond genuinely?

2.  Put Yourself In Their Shoes

Whether you are supposed to agree with the speaking co-actor or a speaker in your normal life or even have an interest in what they have to say, remember what they are saying is important to them. Imagine yourself in their situation, wanting only to have someone listen to them. When they are speaking, make an effort to think of the moment they are in at present, the message and why are they speaking.  Imagine what their life is like and what struggles they might be facing. The camera and audience will appreciate that you made the effort to understand and really hear.

3. Listen to the words and try to picture what the speaker is saying

Allow your mind to create a mental picture of the information being communicated by the other

If you to master this and other acting crafts, Join Us!

Monday, 24 April 2017

Failing As An Actor? Find And Kick Your Bad Friends Out

Actors, identify bad and good friends
Actors, identify bad and good friends 

The ways your friends affect your acting career and life

They change your beliefs about things, especially acting as a career 

Beliefs can be changed if they were constantly challenged and if new beliefs were constantly repeated. Lots of friends can have a negative or a pessimistic view of the acting and actor's prospects in Bollywood/ TV job market before they even had the chance to know the real truth. This pessimistic view came from the continues programming they received from their friends in the form of suggestions that are repeated over and over such as "it's extremely hard to find a job these days" 

They affect your self-confidence

Again this is partially related to the first note;  'belief"- Friends Alter the perception of each other, if your friend is arrogant or snobbish then this belief will be transferred to you. His/her behavior towards you in a bad way might be interpreted by you as a sign that shows that you are not that worthy of being good then such a belief might affect your self-confidence badly. 

Your friends affect your behavior 

If your friend is anxious, timid, introvert and scared
An experiment has shown that a monkey that never feared snakes started to fear them when it saw the anxious response of another monkey that feared them!! This means that watching someone who is feeling afraid, anxious or helpless could teach you how to be like him!

Your friends can break or make you

The support or betrayal: Friends can betray you at a crucial moment or help you. This could be traumatic or be motivating for you and shape your personality.
Your friends can make you a social or anti-social
It depends on the archetype and attitude of your friend. Your long association with friends who are introvert, withdrawn, doubtful, with quick anger can seriously affect your personality to be a poor networker and make you a failure to develop contacts in the film industry

22 Signs Of  A Bad Friend

  1. Doesn't respect your time.
  2. Energy draining.
  3. Tries to change you.
  4. Asking for too much from you(demanding sacrifices).
  5. Selfishly steers activities and conversations
  6. Maintains business-like when it comes to money
  7. Never returns a favor
  8. Not truly happy for your achievements/success.
  9. Doesn't have good intentions for you
  10. Ignore you in a group
  11. Make you feel guilty
  12. They need to be one-up on you
  13. Actions do not match words
  14. Doesn't respect the friend's privacy
  15. Doesn't know when to leave a person alone and how to support again
  16. Not helping in need
  17. Saying bad things behind you
  18. Doesn't listen
  19. Unable to apologize
  20. Never understands what hurts you.
  21. Acts busy when you are in need of a help
  22. Never tries to cheer you up when you are in real trouble.

15 Signs That You Are Surrounded By Good Friends

1. Your friends listen to you.
2. Your friends care about you.
3. Your friends know when to throw a party.
4. Your friends know when to end a party.
5. You feel like your friends have your best interests at heart.
6. Your friends support you.
7. You always hear the truth from them.
8. Your friends check in on you.
9. Your friends know when to leave you alone.
10. You don’t feel like you always have to reciprocate.
11. You can call your friends anytime you need them.
12. Your friends feel like they can call you when they need you.
13. Your friends celebrate your victories and help you get over your setbacks.
14. Your friends see you for who you are.
15. Your friends tell you when you’re making a mistake.

    Monday, 17 April 2017

    Still A Struggling Actor? Follow 10 Steps To Win Roles

    The success of P V Sindhu
    Accepting and practicing 10 Life steps for success: The success of  P V Sindhu

    Accept 10 Facts that Can Change Your Acting Life

    The power of a thought is tremendous. A single destructive thought can ruin somebody’s life, make your day, or change your mood. Fortunately, there are some sentences that can give us the power to go on.

    1 “Other actors aren't against you; they are for themselves.”

    2 Dreams and Ambition: “Climb mountains, not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.”

    3. "You learn more from failure as an actor than a common person. You build up a diverse and strong sense memory which can help you to create a beautiful character you intend to play"

    4. “The most dangerous risk of all – The risk of spending your life not doing what you want and leading a 'Situation Compromised Life'

    5 “Go where you’re accepted gladly, not where you’re tolerated.”

    6 “The person that you will spend the most time with in your life is yourself, so you better try to make yourself as interesting and enjoyable as possible.”

    7 “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does taking a bath every day that’s why we recommend it daily.”

    8 “Everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something”

    9 “Comfort is the enemy of achievement.”

    10 "The inevitable thing in life is 'time changes'. It can never remain the same. So, don't stop, continue the struggle and wait for the opportunity. The luck can not fight with time. It has to follow"

    Based on

    Sunday, 9 April 2017

    Top 5 + 6 Theater Groups To Learn True Acting And Fame, Free

    Prithvi Theatre Entrance and coffee shop
    Prithvi Theatre Entrance and Prithvi cafe-Hang out place for actors, directors, producers and cine celebrities
    Prithvi Theatre-rehearsals and show

    What Is The Major Truth Of Acting And An Actor?
    “Some are born actors, while a majority are trained into it.”

    And that is why there are so many acting schools that boast of creating superstars. However, in India, this kind of acting schools focus mainly on churning out star material and not actors. Which means that instead of working on psychology and methodology behind the acting, students are taught to dance, catwalk, and posing before the camera.
    This is why, if you are serious about learning to act, your best (and free) bet is to join a theater group.


    Well, because joining a theater group won't only give you a practical and hands-on approach towards learning acting, but you will also be able to connect with so many other talented people and learn what methods work and what don’t when you perform in front of a live audience. And let's admit it, learning to develop and improve performance in a scene which has a script is something that most of the Indian acting schools are yet to start teaching.

    So, we are giving you some of the best theater groups in India that you can join (some of them are free):

    A Single Window Resource For All Theater Groups In Mumbai
    Click on the image to know all theater groups

    How to join a theater group?

    You have to contact to the theater play creative directors and ask for help. In the case of Prithvi Theater, hang around the coffee shop, you will be able to meet directors, casting notices and other ways to join by networking with aspiring theater actors who are hanging around.

    Top Theatre Groups in India

    1. Prithvi Theatre

    Prithvi Theatre is one of Mumbai's best-known theaters. It was built by Shashi Kapoor and his wife Jennifer Kapoor in memory of Prithviraj Kapoor, Shashi's father, who had dreamt of having a "home" for his repertory theater company, Prithvi Theatres, belongs to the Kapoor family, one of the most influential actors and director families in Bollywood. Prithviraj Kapoor founded 'Prithvi Theatres', a traveling theater company in 1944.
    Address: 20 Janki Kutir Juhu Church Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400049

    2. Ansh 

    A Theatre Group by Makrand Deshpande (Mumbai)
    The city of dreams, Mumbai is home to a plethora of theater groups. And a lot of them are headed by renowned artists. One such group is Ansh, lead by veteran TV and film actor Makrand Deshpande. Known for its wacky and edgy stories, Ansh theater group though provides free workshops and training to newcomers but also expects a lot in return. The schedule is airtight, there is not much space for slacking and passing an audition is like walking a tightrope. But hey, you will be getting trained under the best of the scene. Give Ansh a try, contact them on their facebook page (
    Contact: 9930740784;9892443124
    Language: Hindi , English

    3. Rangshila Theatre Group

    Rangshila Theatre Group is a Mumbai-based group formed in 2008 by Avneesh Mishra. Run by young theater enthusiasts, Rangshila has staged plays all over the country and performed at major theater festivals like Bharat Rang Mahotsav hosted by the National School of Drama. They are also known for their acting workshops held under the banner Parados to Stage.

    4. Ekjute Theatre Group, Mumbai

    Address: Nepathya 20, Gulmohar Rd, Swastik Society, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400049
    Phone: 022 2625 6846

    5. Darpan Theatre & Cine Arts

    Darpan Theatre & Cine Arts was founded by
    Mr. Sunil Prem Vyas in 1997 with a mission of encouraging new talents in Hindi theater and eventually building it into a sincere production house for quality Stage & Cinema.
    Contact: Email darpanarts@); darpantheatregroup@);
    Phone: Tel .: +91-22-2674 0947; Cell : +91-98215 64539

    In Delhi

    National School of Drama

    National School of Drama is the best to learn acting and work in theater in India A theater training institute situated at New Delhi, India. It is an autonomous organization under Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
    Address: Bahawalpur House, 1, Bhagwandas Road, Mandi House, New Delhi, Delhi 110001
    Phone: 011 2338 9402
    Director: Waman Kendre (August 2013 -present)
    Note: To join NSD, you must have theater experience in plays with theater production groups. The selection procedure is relatively a bit tough

    Pierrot’s Troupe (Delhi)

    Pierrot’s Troupe is another fantastic group that performs both national and internationally. Though the training and workshop under this group are free, Pierrot’s Troupe focuses on monetization of their content. It is one of those groups that has the costliest tickets for its plays. Where a theater group like Asmita (quite renowned) charges between INR 50 to 100 for one play (they also do several plays for free), the tickets for Pierrot’s Troupe range between INR 200 – 700 (which is considered costly in theater business). Lead by a writer, director and actor M. Syeed Alam, the group is home to veteran actors like Tom Alter and Rakesh Bedi.
    Contact Phone Number: 098102 55291
    Address:. A-687, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-110076. Ph. 9810255291, 9810460366
    Email Address:

    Chhaon Theatre Group

    Address: Opposite The Lalit Hotel, Barakhamba, New Delhi
    Phone: 092121 17672

    Dramatech Theatre Group

    Address: S-326 Panchsheel Park, New Delhi, Delhi 110017
    Phone: 088006 49019

    Kshitij Theater Group

    Address: A-9, Swati Complex, 3rd Floor, Acharya Niketan, Mayur Vihar, Phase - 1,, Delhi, 110091
    Phone: 098108 24194

    Jazba Theatre Group

    Address: I.P.Extension, Patparganj, New Delhi, Delhi
    Phone: 098998 83921

    Asmita Theatre Group (Delhi)

    Lead by the renowned playwright, director, and activist Arvind Gaur, Asmita is one of the biggest names in Indian Hindi Theatre Groups. The group tours both national and international locations and doesn’t charge for training. However, in order to get into this group, you need to have a flair and some talent as the number of applications are always soaring. Get in touch with Asmita Theatre on their Facebook page (
    Contact Phone number:- 9540656537(Shilpi Marwaha), 09899650509(Arvind Gaur),9015402269 (,Gaurav Mishra), 097111 00036,
    (For Weekend Theatre Workshop by Asmita Theatre Group, Contact on Above Given Phone Numbers)
     Languages: Hindi, English

    In Pune

    Swatantra Acting Theater Group 

    Address: NEAR F.C DECCAN,844 AGARKAR ROAD, theatreNEXT TO BMCC, SRI MAHAVIR JAIN VIDYALAYA, MAHARASHTRA, PUNE-4Phone: +91-9923643335, 9767178857

    Maharashtra Cultural Center

    Sudarshan Hall, Near Ahilyadevi Girl’s High School
    Above bank of Maharashtra, Shaniwar Peth Branch
    421/ 422 Shaniwar Peth, Pune
    Phone: 020 24430803

    Natya Sanskar Kala Academy

    Address: S No 205 Gopal Krishna Soc, Pataskar Marg, Shukrawar Peth, Pune – 411002, Nr Kala Haud
    Ph: +(91)-9422303303, +(91)-20-24478268
    Other Indian Famous Theatre Groups
    a. Arpana Theatre Group
    Phone Number: 9819576871
    Contact Form:

    In Bengaluru


    Bangalore has seen a sudden rise in the number of theater groups. Though small in manpower, these groups are consistently keeping the art alive in the IT city. Though most of the theater groups charge for training and workshop in this city, some relatively new groups hire new blood and train them for free. One must visit venues like Rangashankara and try their luck with several theater groups to find the best one.
    Contact Address: No. 36/2, 8th Cross Road, JP Nagar, 2nd Phase, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560078
    Phone numbers: +91-80-26592777, +91-80-26493982
    Languages: Hindi, English, Kannada

    In Kolkata

    Padatik Theatre (Kolkata) West Bengal

    Established in 1972, it is one of the oldest theater groups in our country. The group owns its own performance space in Kolkata and so it has become a self-sustainable venture. The group provides free viewings and training under its young guns program. The only catch, however, is that you must be between the age of 16 to 25. Any other age falls under their basic fee structure.
    Contact: Padatik Theatre, 6/7 AJC Bose Road, Kolkata – 700 017
    Phone: +91 33 228 76087 | +91 33 22813189 (Fax & Phone) | +91 98300 59978
    Languages: Bengali, English
    Partly based on

    Sunday, 2 April 2017

    Actors! Are You Failing? Follow These 7 Steps To Prevent Collapse

    Priorities for a new actor

    How to Prioritize As An Actor And Prevent Failure

    Anyone new to acting is undoubtedly excited to launch their career. But to avoid frustration and spending a lot without tangible results, you need to prioritize how to spend your time and money. Here are four steps to make the best use of your resources for the long haul.

    1. Clarify and set your goals

    I meet a lot of talented actors just starting out, and one thing many of them have in common is wanting to do it all: theater, film, TV, commercials, voiceovers. The problem with not being specific about your goals is that your time and energy become fragmented and scattered, which can quickly lead to disappointment and burnout.
    Pick one or two areas to focus on for the next year. This will automatically narrow down which classes to take, casting directors to target, headshots, and auditions. Once you get traction in your chosen area, add another down the line.

    2. Don't screw up your finances

    Look back over the past months and make note of your income and how you spend your money. Then create a realistic budget that covers your living expenses. (Try Mint or You Need a Budget.) Whatever’s left will be earmarked for acting.
    4. Set up an acting fund

    Set up a separate account for your acting career and make a deposit every month for your expenses. Even a small amount saved every month will add up over time. This will keep you honest about what you can afford. If there’s nothing left for classes, work on monologs in front of a mirror or organize a rehearsal group with friends. Everything helps.

    3. How to be an actor without spending money

    Free ways to live and pursue an acting career. “So you can’t get headshots, take classes, or attend auditions right now, correct? OK. Let’s look at what you can do. "There are dozens of free/cheap ways" to cultivate your chosen profession without spending a single Rupee or dime, and others that cost very little.
    Explore, read and research.
    For example, read all the posts of this blog and practice either with your friends or in front of a mirror. There are 29 actors who have learned acting free from this blog and are now actors in film and serials.
    Read, read—plays, monologs (let these be in English-translate into Hindi), watch selected Hollywood or Bollywood films, biographies, books on acting technique.

    4.  Be crazy to look "Sales" and buy

    Shop only "discount and coupon sales". Sales are your best friend. Look for coupons and discounts anywhere you can. You may not always be able to afford new clothes.  login Indian fashion sites like Flipkart, Jablong, and many others and look for cheaper clothes and your other needs.

    5. STOP your addictive urge to work for any assignment

    Yes, I have seen many aspiring actors who go on working for projects spending their own money to (pseudo) casting directors for getting a break, travel, food, wardrobe and for other miscellaneous expenses. Most of these projects either never see a good commercial launch or get confined to YouTube/ Vimeo or to "Festival's".
    To deal with this, try to be selective as far as possible researching the best ways to make the little bit of money.
    I would strongly recommend going for commercial ads. It may give you money, to learn acting for camera FREE, contacts and a good networking platform

    6.  Don't count theoretical money, please

    Never count your money in theoretical terms.
    “Only count on money you actually make, not what you think might happen. For example, if you get cast in a short film or a teaser, don’t assume that I will be paid. You MUST ask before you accept. Don't be shy. The only money that is real is the actual money you got paid.

    7. Don't neglect other essential expenses

    Actors tend to enjoy their dreams and live in an imaginary world. Don't forget ground realities of a long and ruthless struggle to be an actor, a successful one. There are many absolute and necessary expenses like rent, food, transportation, sickness, networking, technology (mobile, data pack or laptop) etc.

    Plan Your Financial Life or Quit Acting