Sunday, 26 February 2017

Better Quit Acting | You Create A Bad First Impression

Failing in life due to bad first impression
Failing in life due to bad first impression

Why Creating  A Good First Impression Is Important For An Actor

  • There is no doubt you've heard the common saying that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. What many actors don’t realize is just how important a first impression can be. As a rule, people judge others within the first 3 to 5 seconds of meeting them. The judgment is made subjectively, without conscious thought.

Unfortunately, actors seldom pay any attention to this art of “Creating a good impression” and the consequence is disastrous-
You Are Rejected Instantly!

    The major cause of an actor's repeated failure- bad first impression

     It is paramount importance that actors when they are meeting with directors and other cine/TV industry people or for a camera auditions, do their best to make a good impression, professionally and personally. Oftentimes, it is the simplest concepts of good manners or social etiquette that are forgotten. Nevertheless, there are steps that anyone can take to improve the impression they make in those crucial first moments.

    How to create a good First Impression

    The Basics of Good Impressions

    The cornerstones of result oriented and proper etiquette for actors are the following:

    • Be on time.
    • Dress appropriately for an occasion.
    • Address everyone respectfully, such as by their last name.
    • Maintain eye contact, but do not stare.
    • Speak clearly, confidently, and do not rush through your thoughts or sentences.
    • Offer a firm handshake.

    Smile, Smile, Smile

    A confident, relaxed smile is the best way to put other people at ease. Analyzing hundreds of successful and great actors, it has been found that smiling is an important social catchword, and that other person will respond to smiles on both as at known (conscious ) and at unknown (subjective) level. If a person smiles in joy, others around them will smile, and their brain activity will actually copy the activity in the brain of the person that initiated the smile.
    While people have some ability to detect fake smiles, this ability is not well-developed, and a good fake smile can fool most people. Whether or not you really feel it, put a smile on your face when meeting new people and, indirectly, people will also feel happy to see you. That feeling will resonate every time they think of you.

    How to make smile a habit?

    Start your day practicing a smile on a mirror as soon you get up in the morning. Every day till it become a permanent feature of your profile, your “essence”

    Good Manners Never Go Out of Style

    While your parents should have taught you good manners growing up, here’s a quick recap on the basics that can really make a difference on your first impression.

    Mind Your Language

    Good manners are indicative of your respect for yourself and others. “Please,” (Krupa kar key) “Thank You,” (*Dhanyavad) and “You’re Welcome,”(Aap ka swagat hai) are not meaningless words; they demonstrate to others that you value their effort, thought, and/or generosity. this is particularly true when engaging with your elders.
    Make this as your habit and I’m sure it will definitely help you in getting acting jobs

    Should I Speak Names?

    Furthermore, it is rude to use someone’s first name unless given permission to do so, since it indicates a degree of familiarity the other person may not desire. Always address others in business by their title (Mr., Mrs., or Ms.) or just say “Sir” or” Madam”, unless they request you use a given name or nickname.
    However, abroad especially in USA or UK, it may be customary or normal to address everyone by their first names, but it is best to wait for an invitation and avoid offending potential managers or co-workers.

    What Care Should We Take On Attire and Dress?

    It is usually better to lean towards formally-dressed unless advised otherwise than informal, weirdly, or under-dressed. Once again, the way a person dresses can demonstrate their respect for whoever they are meeting.
    Here are a few factors to keep in mind and prefer:
    Less skin – long skirts, shirts with sleeves, nothing too tight
    Simple colors – light blue/cream/light gray, and if wearing suit then dark blue, gray, dark brown with a tie without designs
    Hide tattoos

    Eye Contact

    Eye contact is another important cue, and those who do not make eye contact place themselves at a social disadvantage, especially during meeting directors, artist co-coordinators, giving a monolog or in public speaking. Most people believe that those who do not make eye contact are lying or avoiding something, or that they lack the confidence to interact effectively with other people.
    While it is impolite to stare at other people, it is important to watch their faces, make regular eye contact when communicating, and occasionally look away.

    How To Speak?

    When meeting someone for the first time, it is important to make your words count, for example, especially meeting casting director, director or producers when you are answering interview questions. Additionally, others may not be able to understand you if you do not speak clearly and in a voice loud enough to be heard.
    A clear, well-modulated speaking voice is an important social tool and contributes to the ease of communication and a good first impression.


    If you are prompted to shake hand (India) having a firm handshake shows self-confidence, an important asset for any employee. While the handshake should be firm, too much pressure shows a desire to dominate and can be a negative signal. Keep handshakes friendly and painless. However, shaking hands is a social ritual in many western countries/entertainment industry

    What Not To Do

    Be careful about humor. Though it may be welcomed by some, tasteless jokes should be avoided. Avoid showing your talent of comedy in normal discussions, unless asked to show

    My Final Word

    While it may be trite, the best advice may be to treat other people as you wish to be treated yourself. A friendly, courteous demeanor is always a good way to make a favorable first impression on the people you meet. When you think about the way others will think about, perceive you, consider your reaction when meeting different people, and emulate the ones who made the best first impression on you.

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