Sunday, 26 February 2017

Better Quit Acting | You Create A Bad First Impression

Failing in life due to bad first impression
Failing in life due to bad first impression

Why Creating  A Good First Impression Is Important For An Actor

  • There is no doubt you've heard the common saying that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. What many actors don’t realize is just how important a first impression can be. As a rule, people judge others within the first 3 to 5 seconds of meeting them. The judgment is made subjectively, without conscious thought.

Unfortunately, actors seldom pay any attention to this art of “Creating a good impression” and the consequence is disastrous-
You Are Rejected Instantly!

    The major cause of an actor's repeated failure- bad first impression

     It is paramount importance that actors when they are meeting with directors and other cine/TV industry people or for a camera auditions, do their best to make a good impression, professionally and personally. Oftentimes, it is the simplest concepts of good manners or social etiquette that are forgotten. Nevertheless, there are steps that anyone can take to improve the impression they make in those crucial first moments.

    How to create a good First Impression

    The Basics of Good Impressions

    The cornerstones of result oriented and proper etiquette for actors are the following:

    • Be on time.
    • Dress appropriately for an occasion.
    • Address everyone respectfully, such as by their last name.
    • Maintain eye contact, but do not stare.
    • Speak clearly, confidently, and do not rush through your thoughts or sentences.
    • Offer a firm handshake.

    Smile, Smile, Smile

    A confident, relaxed smile is the best way to put other people at ease. Analyzing hundreds of successful and great actors, it has been found that smiling is an important social catchword, and that other person will respond to smiles on both as at known (conscious ) and at unknown (subjective) level. If a person smiles in joy, others around them will smile, and their brain activity will actually copy the activity in the brain of the person that initiated the smile.
    While people have some ability to detect fake smiles, this ability is not well-developed, and a good fake smile can fool most people. Whether or not you really feel it, put a smile on your face when meeting new people and, indirectly, people will also feel happy to see you. That feeling will resonate every time they think of you.

    How to make smile a habit?

    Start your day practicing a smile on a mirror as soon you get up in the morning. Every day till it become a permanent feature of your profile, your “essence”

    Good Manners Never Go Out of Style

    While your parents should have taught you good manners growing up, here’s a quick recap on the basics that can really make a difference on your first impression.

    Mind Your Language

    Good manners are indicative of your respect for yourself and others. “Please,” (Krupa kar key) “Thank You,” (*Dhanyavad) and “You’re Welcome,”(Aap ka swagat hai) are not meaningless words; they demonstrate to others that you value their effort, thought, and/or generosity. this is particularly true when engaging with your elders.
    Make this as your habit and I’m sure it will definitely help you in getting acting jobs

    Should I Speak Names?

    Furthermore, it is rude to use someone’s first name unless given permission to do so, since it indicates a degree of familiarity the other person may not desire. Always address others in business by their title (Mr., Mrs., or Ms.) or just say “Sir” or” Madam”, unless they request you use a given name or nickname.
    However, abroad especially in USA or UK, it may be customary or normal to address everyone by their first names, but it is best to wait for an invitation and avoid offending potential managers or co-workers.

    What Care Should We Take On Attire and Dress?

    It is usually better to lean towards formally-dressed unless advised otherwise than informal, weirdly, or under-dressed. Once again, the way a person dresses can demonstrate their respect for whoever they are meeting.
    Here are a few factors to keep in mind and prefer:
    Less skin – long skirts, shirts with sleeves, nothing too tight
    Simple colors – light blue/cream/light gray, and if wearing suit then dark blue, gray, dark brown with a tie without designs
    Hide tattoos

    Eye Contact

    Eye contact is another important cue, and those who do not make eye contact place themselves at a social disadvantage, especially during meeting directors, artist co-coordinators, giving a monolog or in public speaking. Most people believe that those who do not make eye contact are lying or avoiding something, or that they lack the confidence to interact effectively with other people.
    While it is impolite to stare at other people, it is important to watch their faces, make regular eye contact when communicating, and occasionally look away.

    How To Speak?

    When meeting someone for the first time, it is important to make your words count, for example, especially meeting casting director, director or producers when you are answering interview questions. Additionally, others may not be able to understand you if you do not speak clearly and in a voice loud enough to be heard.
    A clear, well-modulated speaking voice is an important social tool and contributes to the ease of communication and a good first impression.


    If you are prompted to shake hand (India) having a firm handshake shows self-confidence, an important asset for any employee. While the handshake should be firm, too much pressure shows a desire to dominate and can be a negative signal. Keep handshakes friendly and painless. However, shaking hands is a social ritual in many western countries/entertainment industry

    What Not To Do

    Be careful about humor. Though it may be welcomed by some, tasteless jokes should be avoided. Avoid showing your talent of comedy in normal discussions, unless asked to show

    My Final Word

    While it may be trite, the best advice may be to treat other people as you wish to be treated yourself. A friendly, courteous demeanor is always a good way to make a favorable first impression on the people you meet. When you think about the way others will think about, perceive you, consider your reaction when meeting different people, and emulate the ones who made the best first impression on you.

    Sunday, 19 February 2017

    6 Best Tips To Exceed What Directors Want From Actors

    6 tips for actors to exceed directors expectations

    How to be a convincing actor?
    These 6 incredible tips are based on my personal experience of 15 years as an acting coach, short filmmaker, and actor in addition to the expectations from actors expressed by leading directors during forum meetings.


    An artist’s life is all about resilience (the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness). It’s few things that might seem like setbacks at the time might be the things that push your career forward.... It’s easy to be caught up in day-to-day ups and downs. Every up feels like you’re winning the lottery; every down is your soul being crushed.” Instead of focusing on rejection, the director encourages actors to change their perspective: “Try to take a step back and see those ups and downs and see a journey. It’s a healthier way to be.”


    Have confidence in your own ideas and don’t be afraid to share them with your director.


    Don’t underestimate how much of acting is nonverbal (without dialog).
    Your face tells just as big a story: Many of the top directors look for someone who could emote (Show emotions) without speaking, and mostly, that was in the eyes. They pay attention to what actors were doing when they weren’t speaking
    Trust in your director, be ready to work, and be willing to play.

    Don’t Be Stingy

    Training, a regular update, and practice are extremely important.
    Don’t economize by using less time, money, or material on something that is necessary on your training.
    Remember, while in front of a camera, there’s a certain emotional immediacy (An instant involvement)  and veracity ( A truthfulness, accuracy, and realism), an attribute of really good actors that is evident from the beginning. The moment a good actor walks in a director and viewers can really tell if they’re emotionally present or not, or if they’re putting on an act.... The capacity to really act. it’s as per one of the world’s top acting coach Sandy Meisner: genuine emotion in imaginary circumstances.
    Well, if someone can do that, they’re going to be really interesting with lots of future opportunities


    Further, before actors try for auditions, they must consider their suitability for a given role


    Finally, an actor can create a unique asset for him/herself by bringing a role to themselves. The character is like an alien planet. It has its own culture, its own references, its own inner world. A good director or viewers are looking for convincingly transformed actors who bring their own universe on the screen, their own background. So, bring the character in you

    Join us to learn to be one!

    Monday, 13 February 2017

    Wanna Be An Actor? Don't Jump | It's Hard | Not Everyone Can

    How to be a good actor?
    Why am I failing as an actor? What can I do?

    Don't Just Dream To be Actor | You Will Be Foolish And Destroy Life
    • Do you have some inborn acting talent?
    • Have you as a kid, performed in parties, school plays, with friends? 
    • As a child or even now, do you like and enjoy to observe, mimic and copy people?
    • As a young aspiring actor, have you taken an extensive acting training preferrably from a personal acting coach or a good school?

    Most acting problems stem from 

    • We think of acting as the process of copying life of the character as portrayed in a script, narrated by the writer or briefly explained by the director. What does that mean? Simply this: in life we laugh, cry, and say things with a certain amount of emotional investment, so if we duplicate that emotional attributes and say our characters’ words, we will do Great Acting!
    • And when that doesn’t work out the way we think, we are baffled: “I thought that if I said it just like I do in real life it would be REAL.”

    The Fact No 1.

    However, most acting problems stem from

    • That we forget our own inborn or learned essence (archetype), our type, style- our physical attributes, physical movements, voice, language, gestures, body language and our emotions and attitudes.
    • That as a "life" our glass is full, our slate is all written with no place for anything new
    • That when we try hard to live a new and imaginary life of a different character than what we truly are, to the audience it looks labored and fake. People identify easily that the actor is not truthful and is "bad".
    •  To dig deeper, the problem with that line of thought is this: we can’t copy the appearance of life, in the same way, that we can’t take a photograph of something and present it as the original and "live" itself. The photograph may be an external representation of the subject photographed, but that’s about it.

    So how do we solve this problem, or what are the true underpinnings of great acting? 


    A. First and foremost, observe yourself keenly, know your type and undertake exercises (Michael Chekov) to learn to get rid of your type and how to be neutral to be able to create a new life of a character.

    B. Acting for the camera and for a stage. The different techniques and how to market and promote yourself as a product in a highly competitive market where every aspiring actor is better than the other.

    Then what's an acting technique?

    • Acting technique is the process by which you create the appearance of life (a character from the story) by creating spontaneity and emotionally truthful behavior as you tell and show the story you were hired to tell.
    • Learning acting is understanding and practicing this process by triggering the power of imagination and getting to the NEEDS and ACTIONS underneath the outward appearance of a character's behavior. 

    The Fact No 2.

    The human behavior we observe around are too diverse, leading to a creation of people of different attitudes with underlying emotions.  To transform yourself into this unique and dynamic character truthfully becomes difficult, may be practically impossible if you don't have at least some inborn power of imagination, and on the top of it, may get compounded with the lack of knowledge and training.

    For example.
    You’re shooting a scene and your director tells you – “More anger!”. OK, so how do you do that? You decide to be louder and FEEL the way you do in life when you’re angry. The director yells “Cut!, What the f*** are you doing? That’s terrible!”
    You’re baffled and also in a panic – if you don’t get this right, you’ll never be hired by this director ever again or his friends.  But if you have been learning acting, and at the right school or with a good personal coach, you will have a way to solve this. You will know that what the director really wants is more intensity, more emotions of action. Meaning that if you fight for whatever you’re fighting for in the scene, anger will happen naturally, if you are feeling the situation in a scene as 'happening really' rather than trying hard to generate an emotion of increased anger.
    The result will be believable, your director will be happy, and you will keep your job.

    • The point is, you need to understand and learn the process of acting (especially developing the power of imagination and creating a physical and emotions generation center within you. 
    • You will be shocked how very few directors understand that process and rely on YOU to understand it and give them the results they need in order to move on to the next shot.


    So a word of advice, it’s OK to call yourself an actor before you are one, but also "Know How To Do The Job". 

    You may get acting jobs because of your looks and body or with excellent communication skills but how long? Without learning and mastering the fine craft of acting, If you’re just faking it, you will be found out and it won’t be pretty. You may fool them for a bit, but eventually, someone is going to ask you to act and act well.

    Don't  Worry!We would love you to join us to be a great actor.

    Contact us NOW!

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    Thursday, 9 February 2017

    Why Everybody Should Learn Acting to Be A Hit And Be Happy

    Feed Shark

    Why to learn acting for happier life

    Why You Fail And Are Morose In Life?
    Why The Art Of Pretending Can Make You Successful And Happy?
    Why Everyone Should Learn Acting For Life?
    How Everyone Can Learn Acting Free To Feel Achiever and Jubilant?

     Acting For Life By Acting  At Its Best

    I’ve had many responses during my career as an acting and a life coach and consequently, I have been nudged into exploring one big, basic question that seems to come up in every response – whether explicit or implied – “What, exactly, is acting and why do I recommend everybody to learn to be successful and happy?”

    This seems to be a simple question that should have a simple answer in 2 steps:

    1. What, exactly, is acting?

    Acting is pretending to be someone or something else.
    That’s it, right?
    Or, if you want to get a little more specific: Acting is when an individual takes on the role, behavior, attitudes, etc. of another person, perhaps in a scripted environment like a play or film.
    Maybe. Or in life(?)

    2. Why do I recommend everybody to learn to be successful and happy

    But if acting is merely pretending to be someone else, then anyone can do it. As a matter of fact, we all do it – every day.

    Just think the purpose of our life

    • Success, recognition, love, happiness, a bliss, longevity, good health, acceptance, wealth, material comforts etc.?
    • And to achieve this we try hard consciously or unconsciously. Sometimes we succeed sometimes we fail to lead to dissatisfaction, frustrations, anxiety, fear and finally unhappiness

    The fact of life and acting

    Seriously, can you actually get through a day without a moment of acting – of pretense? Perhaps you are not pretending to be someone else. But, how often in one day do you pretend? How often do you hide your truth? (The dictionary definition of pretending: “to act as if something were true”).
    For example, how often do you pretend to be pleased, or disappointed, or interested? How often do you hide your impatience, annoyance, anger or fear? We all do this. It’s a central part of the human condition. Sometimes it’s a matter of survival. Pretending is a technique we use to maneuver the rapids of daily existence. And this makes us all actors – to an extent. And then we could discuss those moments when we are accused of acting, of faking it, pretending or lying. And you know how often you can recognize when someone is not being authentic, honest, or truthful. Acting is a part of our lives, every day.
    Sanford Meisner eloquently stated: “Acting is the ability to live truthfully under imaginary circumstances.” For a common man, this means “pretending”
    In day to day life, this statement is how wonderfully simple, direct and true. But, what does it really mean? What does ‘living truthfully’ really entail?

    Is Learning Acting And Pretending Difficult?

    To achieve success and happiness I know, for myself, how difficult it is to live truthfully (or honestly) day-to-day, or moment-to-moment. I know how often I hide, pretend, or manipulate or disguise our own truth. Yet, we have to recognize that that modification of our deeper truth is, indeed, the truth of who we are in “that moment”.

    So what do we do to make this truthful pretense simple?

    1. Learn acting techniques
    2. Know who you are; your emotions, attitudes and what triggers your set reactions, body language, gestures, walk etc.
    3. Exercise to make yourself neutral, an empty slate to write and to act instantly to achieve your objective
    4. Understand your instrument for success and happiness ie Body and Mind
    5. And learn how to change and sharpen this instrument

    • Read and practice 210+ posts from this blog. Search Labels at the top of home page or type keyword like "emotions", "body language", Mental health" and so on, in the search box on the top of right sidebar and get the post
    • You will learn acting for sure, and when you apply acting techniques in your day to day life, you will be a successful and happiest soul on the earth!

      Start today NOW!
      Read this blog regularly
      Visit my incredible free acting blog, read all 200+ articles one by one daily and practice
      Good Luck For A Successful And Happy Life

      Tuesday, 7 February 2017

      Why Actors Fail | 3 Stupid Audition Mistakes | Correct Them

      The secret of winning auditions

      Causes of Repeated Audition Failure

      • Poor Acting Technique
      • No Or Wrong Marketing And Promotion of Acting Career 

      Acting Career Success Factors

      A. To be a Good Product: Get yourself trained to master acting craft and go on updating till you die
      B. Marketing Self:
      Let the people know who are you
      Vigorous promotion your career with planning, action plan and its implementation

      Mistakes committed, how to correct and create a winning strategy

      1. How do you “look” or “perceived”?

      It’s time to talk about your “look,” your “casting,” your “type,” etc. Many of you are marketing yourselves poorly, which creates more opportunity for those actors who are doing it “right” and you lose the role to these smart guys.
      Unfortunately, many of you have not taken a strategic approach to your look.
      The most important thing that the auditioners want to see in you is more than what you “look like” and that is what your “personality” is. In other words, your look and how you have promoted yourself through the portfolio, showreel etc should be such that casting understands and perceives you clearly.
      Now here what do we mean by “marketing” yourself for auditions? Here in simple terms, it means the moment you enter and start talking, are you projecting those aspects and qualities of your personality which are suited best to the project (Role) you are auditioning?

      How to find how you look and accepted (perceived)?
      The best way to find out is through friends or through social media like Facebook. Let people describe you. Ask them what they take you, find you and perceive you?
      Are you smart, caring, humble, funny, suspicious, indecisive, a good friend, sweet, hot, sick, intelligent, dependable and so on? Ask these questions on social media
      The great thing is that the more you understand how others accept and take you (as a character)  or perceive you, you can
       A. select specific casting calls suited to you and offer “a perfect” choice to casting directors on how you are perceived in general with right qualities of a role they are auditioning.
      In the beginning of your career, you may like to explore as many opportunities as possible to learn auditions or improve your selection chances. In such a situation
      B. Or turn off  those qualities from you while preparing for audition
      For example, if you are accepted normally as a funny may be a shy guy but this doesn’t fit the story, with efforts you can turn that part of you off.
      In this way, you can always add, subtract, or explore new aspects of yourself, suited best to a particular character in an audition or just to present the right aspect of your personality to impress upon auditioners. After all, they are keen to know whether you could be a good team member or not.

      2. Another big mistake!

      Take your physical appearance, for example. The way we dress and style ourselves can often be random, thoughtless, or even a direct contradiction to our “self” (how we are perceived).  That’s because many of us use or construct (re-create) our “look” as a personal statement against or to the world, or to hide, or show off, or as a defensive reaction, or to try to be something we may want to be but just isn’t true to who we are.
      Like actors styling and marketing themselves like 20-somethings when they’re clearly in their mid-30s or older.
      Then, there are the unintentional issues. Some of you have colored your hair weird, or it’s a bad cut, or you over-pluck your eyebrows, or never fixed your teeth, or are carrying too much weight for no good reason, or feel great of showing off-putting weight on one leg with shaking your head and hands.

      3. Next, when determining what roles you’play

      You’ve got to accept what your age category is.  So, what kinds of roles do men or women in their early 18, 20, 30 or 40s play? Collegian or a typical city boy /girl, Hot and Sexy, Young professionals, Fathers / Mothers, Doctors, Athletes, Workers, Villager, Friends, Neighbors, Boyfriends, Taxi drivers etc.
      Definitely, you have a better chance of winning an audition if you consider and develop your Personality Marketing Strategies suited to an audition requirement

      Want to get the best acting coaching individually and be a Bollywood | TV actor?

      Thumbs up

      Sunday, 5 February 2017

      How To Be A Top Actor | Terrific Answers By Top Coach On Actors


      Interview of an acting coach
      Interview by  Brattleboro Reformer - Brattleboro, Vermont USA

      Here are excerpts of an interview of An Acting Coach on

      What is one line advice to actors?
      How to create success?
      How actors damage their career?
      What are true realities in becoming an actor?

      Q1: What's your ultimate one line advice to aspiring actors?
       A:  Be Confident. Be Prepared. Be You

      Q2: Can you talk about what you see that works with an actor and the efforts actors make to create their success?
      A:  Actors who I have watched enjoy success have been the kinds of people who knew exactly who they are and had the confidence to communicate that in an audition room. They are confident, driven and serious minded people who (along with their talent) have a one-minded focus about what they want from this acting business.  Which is not to say I don’t know people who are just plain lucky – that happens, too –but outside of good fortune, the ones who goes audition room with that level of confidence about themselves, along with preparedness and a command of their craft, are the ones who succeed.

      Q3:  Conversely, what ways do you see that actors damage their career and themselves?
      A: The main place I see actors sabotage themselves is during the audition process.  I’ve seen very talented actors get nervous and allow insecurities to enter the room with them. This makes them extra conscious to do the utmost in their performance instead of relaxing and having the confidence they need to give it their best.  This is a sort of defense mechanisms which can close naturalness of mind and body to be a convincing character.
      That audition slot is your time: embrace it, own it but never think and guess it.  In the end, even if you don’t get that part, you’ve just had another chance to work on your acting craft which has allowed you to take one step closer towards success.  One last thing I would add is to be prepared.  If you know well "script and character analysis" and have the time then read the script, imagine, and create the scene, you must do it!. I’ve seen great actors kill their audition because they didn’t understand the role they were auditioning for and, if they had taken the time to read the script or done some work on the sides (Lines), could have easily grabbed the role. Be confident.  Be prepared. Be you.

      Q4:  Actors struggle with either unknowingly or being aware of reality that the acting is performing arts is not really depends on "merit", as most deserving actors don’t necessarily have the most success.  Consequently, over the period of time, they quit.  What’s the way you suggest?
      A:  For me, acceptance is the only way.  Accept that rejections and frustrations are the nature of the business and rather than focus on what I may find frustrating or arbitrary about it, I choose to focus on why I want to be an actor and what good can it do to me if I succeed. The "Act" is a story teller and this fulfills an individual as a person and an artist.  This is not to say actors should be immune to disappointments or frustrations in the business. It affects me too. But an actor has chosen this path basically because he enjoys "the doing" therefore the outcome does not determine his happiness.  To put it another way, if my career was at the height of its success today but I wasn’t happy and contended by it, I’d leave the acting tomorrow.  If an "artist’s life" truly makes you happy then that is what will carry you through the trials and challenges.

      Q5:  Many actors believe exploiting maximum opportunities and thus indulge in performing on too many platforms available for them. In the process, they fail to achieve their objective. What could be the solution

      A: Organization and prioritization.
      In my opinion, it depends on the phases of your career:
      Beginner -Multiple platforms to learn and exploit opportunity
      Regular actor: Start determining which segments and marketing efforts to focus without sacrificing opportunities and financial gains
      Star actor: Choosy in picking up projects
      Sustenance: Focus on projects, Public relations, Diplomacy and diversification into allied businesses
      Remember, you can't do everything. Determine what’s most important on your calendar and then discard and shut everything else out.  Don’t deliberate or vacillate.  Once you make a decision, make it happen.
      From: Brattleboro Reformer - Brattleboro, Vermont USA

      Top acting coach giving an interview
      Your Top acting coach giving an interview
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