Thursday, 13 July 2017

How To Fix 14 Slip-Ups By Most Actors In Auditions

Screwing up an Audition- Fix it NOW!
Screwing up an Audition- Fix it NOW!

This Is My Pick Which May Screw Up Your Chances in Auditions

  • Don't do anything that isn't about the audition. 
  • To arrive at an audition without thoroughly preparing the requested material. 
  • Being late is another common mistake
  • Shaking hands: Don’t do it unless they approach you and offer their hand
  • Apologizing before or after your audition.

Whether you are attending auditions, barging in their offices or visiting production houses, you meet casting directors or directors or producers or may be their clients who are sitting with them. They expect a certain behavior and etiquette from you, which sadly they don't get from some of you.

 So here is 14 Screw Ups and how to correct them

1. Behavior

Don't embarrass them in front of their producers / clients (occasionally they be present in an audition or a meeting) or other direction or production colleagues when you show up and still do not have  a perfect preparation or the material memorized.

2. Clothes On And The Perfume Off

Keep your clothes on and the perfume off. If the role calls for exhibiting six packs or a nude scene, it will be done on set. Not in their office or in an audition room.

3. Don't Loiter

When your audition is over, please leave. They are not best friends and I don't want you hanging out in the waiting room or even chatting with their juniors or receptionists if you are calling them in their offices.

 4. Meet Them Through The Proper Channels

If you have registered with coordinators or with an agent, they will submit. I suggest not to phone or email (only once) or tweet repeatedly.

5. No Unnecessary Questions

Don't question whether you are right for a project. If they call you after scrutinizing your portfolio and resume, they might have discussed you with other concerned people and think that you have a chance at the role. They won't call you in to waste your time or theirs. Go and be prepared.

6. Irrespective Of Consequences "Smile"

Be respectful. Even if you are having a bad day, put a smile on your face and be pleasant to them.
7. Thank them irrespective of an outcome. They appreciate that

7. Be Professional

Be professional. If you are called and likely to be out of town, inform them with regret while  still thanking them for the invitation

8.  Be Truthful In Replies

Don't say that you can do something you can't. For example, don't say Yes to 5 nights continuous shoot if can't. Or nude scenes or horse riding  or bike stunts if you can't

9. Don't Mention Age

Never tell anyone your age if you're an adult . If you're an adult, it only matters how old you play in the room or on camera.  You could look far younger than your years or you could look far older than your years. At the most, you can mention only in resume “Screen look range”

10. Strictly Avoid comments, criticism, change in script

Never comment, criticize or change the script or your lines in front of the writer or director or producer of the project or tell anybody else in their office, audition waiting room or while auditioning. However, you are free to have your choices in performance options.

11.  Questions

Ask questions about the material if you are unsure about something. Only ask questions if you need clarity.

12. Request Should Be Appropriate

If you need more time with the material, it's OK to ask for a re-schedule or for another  opportunity if it's a rush call. Better to do your best and be prepared than to go in and try to waste their time and your chances.

13. Be Flexible

Be flexible and be prepared for a change in your lines or performance.

14.  Learn Relaxation Techniques

Invest in researching relaxation techniques so that you can overcome any nervousness previous to your entering the meeting or audition room.
Based on

Updated on 13 07 2017

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Why These 5 Acting Schools Names Leaps Out At You In Hundreds?

Best 5 Acting Schools in India

Which acting school to join? 

Which are the best acting schools in Mumbai?

What are the fees of good acting schools in Mumbai?

How to join NSD in Delhi and fees?

How to join FTII Pune for acting?

How to know the best select acting schools in India?


Well, here are your answers

Why The Names Of These Schools and And An Acting Coach Leaps Out At You?

  • Reputed
  • Good Teaching Faculty
  • Good syllabus
  • Extensive Scene Practice
  • Chance to Learn With Other Talented actors
  • For Beginners-An Award Winning Personal Coach

Note: However, check credentials before deciding

1. National School of Drama Delhi

Please visit the website to know eligibility to join. It's pretty tough!
NSD Fee Structure
The fee structure for three-year course in Dramatic Arts is as follows
Fees: ₹8,560 Per Year
Break up
Admission Rs. 50.00 /-
Tuition Fee Rs. 80.00 per month
Costume for   Classes Rs. 800.00 per month
Caution Money (Refundable) Rs. 2000.00/-
Advance for Makeup Kit (adjustable) Rs. 1000.00/-
Students’ Union (membership fee) Rs. 24.00/-
Stationary Rs. 800.00/-
Hostel Rent per seat Rs. 110.00 per month
Electricity and Water Charges (adjustable) Rs. 40.00 per month
Hostel Expenses Rs. 14.00 per month
Medical Fee Rs. 1.00 per month
Mess Charges Rs. 650.00 per month (likely to vary
from one month to another)

2. New York Film Academy | Mumbai, India

Address: 9th Floor, Tower A, URMI Estate, 95 Ganapatrao Kadam Marg., Lower Parel West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013
Fees: Tuition: $ 3,929 USD(Approx. Rs 2.25 Lakhs) + Service Tax

3. Subhash Ghai’s, Whistling Woods International
Subhash Ghai is the chairman of Whistling Woods International, Mumbai. The courses include a 2-year course in acting.
Fees: Rs. 9 Lakhs

4. Berry John Acting Studio
301 Nanak Chambers, Opp. Fun Republic
New Link Rd., Andheri West, Mumbai 400053
+91 9967977966/67, 022-26742192
32 Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar IV
New Delhi 110024
+91 9716114466, 9999704455, 011-40578451
4-Month DFA:
DELHI STUDIO:  26 June, 4 September, 30 October 2017, 8 January 2018
Course fee: Rs 1,75,000 +  18% GST (total Rs 2,06,500), installments available.
6-Month DFA:
MUMBAI STUDIO:  3 October 2017, 8 January, 2 April, 9 July 2018
Course fee: Rs 2,75,000 + 18% GST (total Rs 3,24,500). 50% at registration, 50% before course opens – we no longer offer installments in Mumbai.

5. Anupam Kher’s-Actor Prepares

The institute offers full time and part time course in acting.
Full-time course: Please contact Institute
Other Courses
A. Part-time Certificate Course
Acting and Dance: Rs 25,000
Only Acting: Rs 20,000
B. Weekend Workshop
Acting and Dance: Rs 12,500
Only Acting: Rs 10,000
C. Advanced Weekend Programme
Acting and Dance: Rs 75,000
Only Acting: Rs 65,000

Top Acting Coach

  • For "One On One" acting coaching privately
  • With a money back guarantee to be a good actor

Fast Track Rs. 20,000 (in a group of 3 only)
Supreme Course-Private; long duration with 5 years support Rs. 40,000 onward

Related important post 

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Requirements To Become An Actor | Know And Be One | Video

SActing Coaching Batch

What Are The Requirements And What To Do To Meet Them?

For Learning Acting-Whether A School Or An Acting Coach?

Who  Is The Top Acting Coach In India?

What Are The Acting Courses And Fees?

How To Contact An Acting Coach?

Mistakes Committed By Beginners

  1. No research was done and no plan prepared
  2. Forgetting the camera
  3. Acting with the voice and not with the body
  4. Acting too close to their own personality
  5. Voice and speech-diction, articulation and volume
  6. Camera or stage fright
  7. Not remaining in character when something goes wrong
  8. Falling on excuses
  9. Interrupting and not taking director’s instructions seriously
  10. Quitting early without knowing the struggle period

Watch This 3 Minute Slides Video, Follow And Be A Good Actor Easily

Join Us NOW!

Updated Post

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

7 Steps How To Give Stunning Introduction For Audition

How To Give Best Introduction For Auditions Or In Video Introduction?
On Camera introduction and video introduction techniques

Why Am I Not selected In Auditions?
How To Give Best Introduction For Auditions Or In Video Introduction?


This applies to both-

  • Physically on camera in front of auditions
  • Prepared Video introduction submitted to casting directors or production dept.

Your introduction (slate, as it 's called) tells those viewing your audition if you can be selected and are “castable."

Video Introduction

Due to the pressure of time and the rents of hiring a place for auditions is expensive hence, much of that decision to watch your video or even physically in an audition is based on whether your physicality fits their requirements and whether the viewing public will convincingly identify you with the character.

In Audition

While in a live audition, how you introduce self (slate), your presence, and how you connect to the camera is really important. Though your physical appearance to the character is considered, your overall introduction is totally up to you and can be your strong asset for selection if done well.

  • Speaking out just your name seems so simple, which is why many give it no real thought. This can be a mistake because the intro (slate) provides important information about who you are. It depicts confidence or lack of showing your personality, and so much more. 

From years of my own experience as an actor and teaching, I have seen most of the ways that actors make bad first impressions with their introduction.

7 reasons 

How actors create a bad impression

  1. When actors desperately try to fake an impression, overdramatize, and appear that they are working too hard to be likable, it may create an impression of insincerity, insecurity, or poor training. 
  2. If actors appear moody, sullen, uptight, or arrogant, it gives an impression that actor could have emotional issues. 
  3. If they are slick or monotone, they appear unbelievable or unlikeable. 
  4. If they don't hold eye contact with the camera, they seem afraid, shifty, or inexperienced. 
  5. If actors speak too fast or too soft, it makes them appear nervous, shy or inhibited. 
  6. If they speak too slow, it often is taken as patronizing like a saint or a priest. 
  7. if they speak too loud, it suggests they have done more theater than film work or that they are trying to reach the camera with their voice.

The above may happen as an unconscious act, habit, or a consequence of their anxiety and tension, which make them look 'one of those hundreds' and inexperienced.

How To Give Best Introduction (Video as well)

  1. I suggest that you introduce (slate) as if it were an introduction to someone, not as a presentation, announcement, or to impress. When auditioning, I suggest that you honestly introduce yourself to someone in the room (usually the person running the session) while looking into the camera lens. 
  2. You should be positive and enjoy introducing yourself. 
  3. Smile, if it feels right, but if you smile just to smile, it will look fake and insincere. Smile because you are confident and having fun, then it will be relaxed or engaging.
  4. Be spontaneous! Each time you say your name it should be just a little different. If there isn’t some difference each time, then it may convey you have probably memorized  and it's just a “line reading.” 
  5. Add a “Hi, I’m" or a “Hello, my name is” and then your name. This will make it friendly and less like you are reporting for military duty.
  6. When nervous, laugh a little bit (to relax) before you start. It helps to release the nervousness and quickly shifts you into a positive energy. If you have been told by auditioners that you are "not really you" in your slate, then you should give it some attention. 
  7. There is no second chance to make a first impression. This is especially true for commercial ad auditions.  

Note: Sometimes actors want to know if they should slate in character.  I suggest if you are unsure then ask the AD or audition session in-charge


Sunday, 2 July 2017

Bouncer! How To Become Bollywood Actor-Good Looks OUT Talent IN

Emerging Bollywood Star-Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Emerging Bollywood Star-Nawazuddin Siddiqui

"good-looking Bollywood Hero’ template is gradually wearing out, paving way for gifted newcomers"Nawazuddin Siddiqui

Every day, thousands of actors attend auditions and interviews to land a role. As an actor, you are always auditioning and looking for the next job. You stand in front of -casting directors and their teams,  producers,  choreographers, and influential industry experts who determine whether or not you will get the part.

As an actor or and an acting coach for long,  I can tell you:

Hope and hard work are not enough to win the job.

Even being a good actor and contacts are not always enough. Instead, you can increase your chances of getting selected by presenting unique and impressive characteristics.
To win every audition and interview, you must use the right set of tools and techniques. 
Body language plays a critical factor in whether or not you will get the job. In order to stand out in a crowd of hundreds (if not thousands) of actors, you must take control of your body language so casting directors will remember you.

To audition or interview successfully, use body language to your advantage. First, observe how you currently use body language and nonverbal communication. 

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • How do I prepare my body and voice before an audition?
  • What facial expressions do I make in the audition room when I’m not performing?
  • How does my voice is when I introduce myself to casting directors?
  • What did I do in my last audition to get the role?
  • Did body language contribute to my last rejection? What did I do and how can I change it?

Once you have done some self-diagnosis. Use these body language hacks for actors

Bollywood Stars Who Believe A Good Body Language Is A Part Of 'Talent' To Enhance Success Chances

6 Talented Bollywood stars who believed in good body language
6 Talented Bollywood stars who believed in good body language than looks alone

  • Amitabh Bachchan
  • Aamir Khan
  • Shah Rukh Khan
  • Hrithik Roshan
  • Deepika Padukone
  • Ajay Devgan
  • Vidya Balan
  • Nawazuddin Siddiqui

Improving Body Language

Body language isn’t a mere set of “techniques” or a show to put on for others. It is how you move in this film and TVworld. and how you move, In many ways, it dictates how you feel, what you say, what you strive for and what you allow to escape your grasp. It demonstrates your emotional state, your confidence, your vivacity. It is an important to create an impression in the industry, to the world who you are. Because you show what your body is doing.


  •  For instance, when you hold your body with confidence, you will actually feel more confident. If you slump your shoulders and hang your head, looking down, your brain will read that as sadness and depression, and you will actually FEEL sadder and more listless
  •  A weak limp-fish handshake, for example, will immediately create an impression as someone ineffectual, unconfident and untrustworthy. 
  • By contrast, someone who presses your hand will immediately demonstrate confidence and power.

 7 Body Language Secrets To Learn

1. Do your eyes say “Welcome!” or “I don;t like you!”?

Oftentimes the first form of connection with another person will be through your eye contact. Clearly, squinting suspiciously or looking with frowned eyebrows will convey that you are initially closed to another. By contrast, warm, relaxed eyes, and an easy slow smile when you encounter someone, will make them feel welcome and accepted.

2. Is your chest open to the other or closed off?

Think about a person with arms crossed tightly over their chest. Do they feel warm, receptive and friendly? Or guarded and judgmental?
Uncrossing your arms, and not holding anything in front of you (like a drink, or books or folders) signals that you’re open to interacting with people and ready to face what the world brings, whatever it brings. However, when you block your chest (your heart) with folded arms or objects, it may seem like you’re trying to protect yourself from something consciously or not.

3. How is your posture?

Think of a posture of an Indian Military Officer. Think of a confident politician. Think a straight spine. Think eye-level. Think feet planted solidly on the ground, with your weight evenly distributed. This kind of posture conveys strength, solidity, alertness, and confidence. By contrast, if you hunch your shoulders and head is drooping down, if you’re weight is uneven, you convey a lack of sureness, a lack of solidity.

4. What is your voice saying?

  • You are an actor. Words matter, but the meaning is always dependent upon how you speak those words; tonality. In workshops, In an audition or in a scene, if you say “I love you” like a murderer, a schoolboy, or as if someone won a lottery in a voice with a tone whose wife has just died, what you convey will be absurd.
  • Remember, how you say it matters as much as what you say.
  • Start noticing the voice and tonality of your voice on a voice recorder. Join Voice improvement classes or ask your acting coach
  • 5. Add a personal "touch".

When we communicate, it’s out of a desire to be truly friendly or to impress to meet our objective — even if for a brief moment. To raise the level of connection people feel with you, try establishing "touch". Now, there are many kinds of touch. One of the examples is, at a moment of agreement or laughter or sudden closeness or understanding you can briefly touch someone’s upper arm. A simple touch like that is usually not felt as intrusive and it can quickly deepen the connection that you’re having with another person. The other examples could be tapping shoulder or hand. Be careful —  some of it can feel unwelcome like slapping buttocks, punching someone's chest with the clenched fist. To create a sense of being appreciative, start slow.

6. Are you standing far apart or close?

  • Whether you know it or not, the physical distance that you’re close or far away from a person influences the kind of impact you have on them. The closer you are to a person when you’re communicating, the deeper the connection will be felt between the both of you. If you’re farther away, the lesser the connection will be.
  • Here’s another special-intimacy trick of the entertainment trade. Instead of standing directly opposite someone, which can create a “confrontation” feeling (especially if you physically larger and or with lady casting directors/Female co-actors ), try standing to a person’s side and speaking with them, which half-looking out at the world together. It’ll have the both of you feel as if you’re a team.

7. Mimicking people who have impressed you

Have you watched great actors in their real life like award functions, or attending some public function? Or wondered why politicians impress public? Do you like someone you know who has immensely impressed you? Watch that person's body language again and learn to copy. Use them in your meetings and communication
"Oh, we are alike!"
When meeting and talking to a person, simply mimic the gestures, keywords, vocal tonality, and pace of speech of the person you’re talking to. Doing this will deepen the connection level between you two because we all have a similarity bias, which means that we tend to like people whom we find our similar to us.
For example, if the person to whom you’re speaking speaks quickly, try matching that pace. If they use an unusual word like “Samzhain ne aap?,” or "Mere kehne ka matlab hai.."(In Hindi) or "Undoubtedly" "What I mean is",  find a way to put that into your vocabulary while talking with them. If they Tap (pound) the table while enjoying a joke, do the same. If they lean in to listen closely, then you lean in to listen closely to them.

Maybe for many actors, learning Body Language Techniques may be unimportant but research on Bollywood stars have proved, they create a tremendous amount of familiarity and comfort, and is one of the key success factors.

Join us to learn

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Good Looks-Good Training- Working Hard But Still Failing? Know Why

 How to Build and Maintain Your Image (Brand) as an actor

The Reason Of Why Are You Failing
Among Lakhs Of Aspiring Actors
Not Realized Acting Is A 'Business' And An Actor Is A 'Product' 

All Top Bollywood or Hollywood stars had eventually realized that 'Acting' is not only just a dream and a passion but a 'Business' like any other and they are not only an 'Actor' but a 'Product'.
Which requires a professional marketing and promotional skills of the highest level. It's like manufacturing a soft drink or a toothpaste in a highly crowded market of millions of similar products and trying to be a Coca-Cola or Colgate.
They really worked hard on this aspect alone initially and later hired top marketing agencies to promote them. (TOI 239, 12 07 2015)

In simple words to be a successful actor, you have to create, market and promote your image as an actor vigorously and repeatedly.

How To Repeat The Message

In the worlds of publicity, marketing, advertising and elsewhere, one of the common term is “repeat the message.” 
  • This is an important concept that has been utilized since the beginning. Any household name, whether we’re talking Samsung, McDonald’s or Coca-Cola, has employed this, and in no small way. Their message is repeated over and over again to the public.
  • But how can this be interpreted and used to your advantage in the world of acting? 
  • In my experience, it’s through, as I termed it “Image Bombardment” or “continuity of Branding.”
    But before you can repeat a message to film TV media
    you first need to have one
    This is where “branding” comes in. 
    What’s branding? 
    It’s essentially creating a unique name, image or identity for a product or person in the customer’s (Industry people) mind in order to establish a particular type of something that is significant and unique.

    You Must

    In case of relevance to the acting world, where you want to promote yourself (product) to casting directors, production houses, coordinators, producers and to all others related to the industryyou must-
    1. Create a unique name for yourself
    2. A clear image
    3. For example- Romantic actor, Hot and Sexy actor, Action actor, Tough guy, Innocent actor, Sly actor or Villain, Finest and the great actor, Comedic actor, Simpleton (villager), Versatile actor etc.   

    The Two Bollywood 'Business' Concept Examples

    • If you think of Akshay Kumar, you immediately get a clear concept: action hero -type. You even have physical mannerisms come to mind—incredible stunts.  
    • Shah Rukh Khan, finest and the great actor. Viewers love him because he’s so versatile, transforming into a character instantly and in totality. They don’t even need to say anything; they can just squint their eyes, start making “the face,” and you immediately get knocked out...just whistling and clapping in a cinema hall, that’s they are identified.
    • Similar are the examples of female actors like Bipasha Basu as a hot and sexy actor or Vidya Balan as a versatile or Priyanka Chopra as “ All in One” actor (Brains, beauty, action, a truly versatile).
    • These actors have become legends in this era. Their “image” or brand is unforgettable. Partially due to this uniqueness, and partially due to the persistent continuity employed in marketing and promotion. Their “messageof uniqueness has been repeated over and over. Their “brand” literally has gone unchanged for a considerable period. And once their “brand” was firmly established, you then saw them shift into comedies and other genres. Whether this was planned or not, just realize the result: 
    • Their type firmly established, on-screen, personality repeated, and is NOW the household name.
    • Of course, they possess another uniqueness- persistence, and perseverance in continuously developing their acting craft and taking their career and self as a “Business” model.

    Image (Branding) and maintaining a continuity in the image are two of the first things an actor must work for the success of his/her acting career as a business.

    When I was younger, I used to wonder why iconic brands like Colgate and Bata needed to advertise. I mean, why spend so much when everybody already knows all about them? But that’s the point. And that’s how they reached and maintained their classic level: a clear message that defines and expresses the brand; message maintained and never wavered from; message repeated again and again. Regardless of whether you like or agree with these giants, you can learn from them. And you can’t deny their success.


    • Image (Branding) and maintaining a continuity in the image are two of the first things an actor must work for the success of his/her acting career as a business.
    • In a nutshell: Discover who you are. Find a way to capture and express your message to others. Be consistent with that identity and message. Repeat it.

    To market and promote your career, make you an actor-businessman and be a Bollywood Star

    Updated Post

    Thursday, 29 June 2017

    9 Solid Ways To Talk And Impress Nobody Told Actors

    How to communicate well
    How an actor to communicate to get a break in films and TV

    Reasons Why Are You Not Yet A Successful Actor
    Admit It.
    You Don't Know How To Talk To Those Film and TV People Who Can Give You Break

    “I’ve never told in my school"~ Marlon Brando ( Hollywood Legend)

    As for communication is concerned, we’re taught the basics of communication early in the classroom. To be able to read, write, and speak effectively, we had to learn vocabulary, grammar, spelling, handwriting, and pronunciation.
    Today, especially in cine industry, how to deal and talk goes much further than school education of the written or spoken word. The purpose of communication is to build and grow connections with others at better than just contacting and talking. It is at an emotional level.
    Therefore if you want to build up contacts with casting director, coordinators, producers, directors, TV channels and film production houses, the earlier you master communication skills, the better for you.
    So, are you really serious to fulfill your dreams of becoming a successful actor, better read and practice  the cheat-sheet to the 9 essential communication skills your school and parents missed:

    1. Showing warmth | sympathy

    People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
    Empathy makes us human. You connect with others much better when you show understanding, appreciation, sympathy, and compassion in your communication.
    How-to do it:
    Be present with the person and feel what he feels. When someone opens up with his problems, see it from his point of view. Suspend your own judgment of what’s right or wrong. Listen to his emotions. Reflect back his susceptibility by sharing yours. Ask questions to go deeper into his world. Give encouragement. Offer to help if possible. Show the kindness and compassion you would hope to receive from someone else when in a similar situation.

    2. Resolving conflict

    This is the "how to defuse a bomb" under top communication skills. Left unchecked, conflict can leave contacts, communication, relationships constantly turbulent and painful. Avoiding conflict altogether isn’t a solution either, as you’ll often be simmering with restrained frustration and resentment. Conflict often happens as a result of poor communication. To resolve such conflict, you’d need better communication skills.
    How-to do it:
    Respond, but never react. When you react to a conflict situation, you allow emotions to lead your words and actions. Responding to the situation means you keep emotions in check and focus on the problem, not the person. Let the other party know your intention to work out a mutually acceptable solution. Clearly and calmly communicate what you want from the situation and listen to the other party’s views. Understand what counts as a ‘win’? winning the argument or winning the other person over?. The two are very different.

    3. Asking great questions

    To be a better communicator, don’t try to be the person with all the right answers. Instead, be the one who asks all the right questions, but not one to embarrass anyone. When you ask great questions, you show that you’re eager to engage and open to exploring more into the topic. They encourage the other party to share more of his opinions, stimulate discussion, and even create new ideas. He won’t forget you in a hurry.
    How-to do it:
    Ask questions that could lead to interesting answers. To do that, keep your questions open-ended, that is, they cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”. Let your questions come from a place of genuine curiosity. Consider how others can benefit from the answers. When you practice good listening skills, thoughtful questions will suggest themselves to you.

    4. Being an intelligent and a good listener

    This is the most underrated skill that can instantly make you a better communicator. Ever notice that when someone is a good talker, there is a possibility of something doubtful or untrustworthy about him? But when a person is a good listener, we see him as someone who is patient, trusted, and generous.
    Why be a good listener?
    When a person speaks, he believes he has something of value to share and wants to be heard. If he is not listened to, his self-esteem or ego takes a hit. By listening to him intently, you immediately build a bond by validating his importance as a person or professional.
    How-to do it: 
    Listen to the other party like he’s the most important person in the world at that moment. Be fully engaged and present with her. Block off your all judgment of what she says or what that says about him. Keep your mind from thinking of what you’re going to say. Listen to not just her words, but also his emotions. The tone of voice, pace of speech, and shift in energy can tell you much more about her. This makes it easier for you to respond in the most appropriate way.

    5. Using body language

    You should know that almost 97% of all human communication is non-verbal (without words). It’s not about what you say, but the overall experience people take away from their meeting with you. The message you send out without even saying a word is the impression others have of you. As humans, we are conditioned to "observe" people and make snap decisions if a person is a friend, foe, or lover.
    How-to do it:
    Work on the three basics of good body language

    1. Smile
    2. Eye contact
    3. The handshake

    Smile at someone from the heart when you meet them. Look the person in the eye when you speak to them, or when they speak to you. Combine smiling and eye contact with a good, firm handshake. Always keep your body relaxed and posture confident. Observe the body language of others to gather important information. Is he engaged? Impatient? Defensive? You can tailor your response for a the outcome you want.

    6. Perfecting your introduction

    In the busy world, it is important to be concise (short)"some thi yet memorable in the begining of our communication. An introduction is a very short presentation of yourself or your proposal to someone who has no more than 30 seconds. Whether you’re presenting a slating at audition, video introductio or just calling on people, this is one communication skill that will set you apart from the competiton.
    How-to do it:
    Prepare and cut your thoughts in one to three sentences. It’s not always easy, but put come up with something simple and memorable. For example to a casting director, Sir, I'm a versatile and an imaginative acror. Give the other person a reason to consider you and care. Show him how you can benefit him in a way nothing else can. Then end with a clear call-to-action, this is what you want him to do after your interoduction, isn't it?
    Remember, be confident.  When you’re confident, they will so be too.

    7. Accepting others and acknowledging what they talk

    Acknowledging someone is the act of letting the person know you agree and know something great about him or her. It is different from complimenting or flattering. The difference lies in projecting your intent about the person.
    How-to do it:
    Look for the good in someone, and tell her how great it is. When we compliment someone, we can be indirectly flattering ourselves. For example, when you say, “I really like your script” or when a director is correcting you in a shot or rehearsals " Aaah! this is better than the way I said the lines". This way in few words and in a subtle way, you are acknowledging the person self which definitely be appreciated

    8. Confidence while performing

    Performance phobia for actors is one of the biggest all-time fears people have. Be audition or on camera or on a stage.
    Yet with its ability to influence the audition, a scene and inspire many individuals at once, it’s one of the most powerful forms of communication.
    How-to do it:
    Prepare well
    Think and give 4 auto-suggestions repeatedly to self

    1. I'm good
    2. I'm better
    3. I will do good
    4. I'm gonna have fun

    Then focus on a single object or a person

    9. Truthfulness

    While there are many best practices in communication, here is one rule above all: Be True To Yourself. People will only trust you if they feel you’re a real person who stands for something worthwhile. Without trust, there can be no quality communication and connection.
    How-to do it:
    Keep it real. Never try to be someone you’re not. Don’t “fake it” if you haven’t made it, work on getting better until “it” becomes you. You’ll earn people’s respect that way. Be honest with your shortcomings, share inspiring personal experiences, hold yourself accountable to your words, and speak with conviction. Communicating with others will come naturally to you.

    Tuesday, 27 June 2017

    What's The Choice Of World's Top-Notch? Acting Schools | Coach?

    Interview with 1. Beth Henley, 2. Dawn Olivieri, 3. Ernie Hudson,  4. Hill Harper,  5. Jake Busey, 6. Lance Gross, 7. Wendi McLendon-Covey and others

    Do You Want The Best Acting Training To Be In Bollywood Or In TV?

    Would You Listen To The Advice Of World's Highest Ranking Actors?


    What Celebrities Contribute Their Success To?

    12 Observations

    1. 'With an acting coach, you're trained to express yourself as much as you can.'
    2. 'When I finally decided that my only hope was to go to an acting school, I decided against it, looking at the poor quality of actors and a lack of marketing experience. I joined an acting coach and once'
    3. 'I walked on auditions and set, I just knew I was home.'
    4. 'In an acting coaching session, the coach talks about how the 'given circumstances' of a situation help define a character.'
    5. 'What I loved about the coaching by an expert acting coach was that you got to think all day long about a 'person' from the script that wasn't you and figure out why they were sad, what they wanted and what they dreamed.'
    6. 'As an actor, I don't my mind to be idle, so I spend weekends with my acting coach.'
    7. 'If you want to play better roles, spend more time in a coaching session with an acting coach than you do in hangouts, social media chats, what's app and in the gym, and you'll have the career you want.'
    8. 'I took theater and stuff in college, then I took a bunch of different acting classes schools here in Mumbai. Sometimes when I have a hard audition, I'll call my acting coach and he'll come help me. It's actually a really great way to get over your nerves.'
    9. 'If you're not in someone's face, the audience is not going to remember you. So get yourself back into an acting class; get a coach. The coach trains those things you did when you were in the teens and wanted it so bad.'
    10. What you learn in any acting coaching session is how to make a fool of yourself and enjoy things and get out of your head.
    11. 'In an acting school, I was a neglect and I hated that. I quit. Later, I fell in love in love with my coach.'
    12. 'I always wanted to be an actor, but with a speech impediment, it's kind of tough. I decided to roll the dice and take an acting class, which was very, very nerve-wracking... My stomach would just be in knots. I left and joined a coach though an acting coach is a rare breed in India. 3 years of struggle and now I enjoy camera  lights aaa ann nd action!'
    13. 'In acting school, I had an opportunity to hide in the corner and pray the teacher wouldn't call on me to play a scene. With a coach, it was only me and couldn't escape. Just had to listen and act!'
    14. 'I really started dreaming... And broke out of my shyness when I got to acting coaching sessions in Mumbai. My first coaching class was a prayer followed by a funny way working on your body parts. I just laughed when I couldn't move my scalp or eyebrows. It really broke me out of my shell, encouraged me to follow my dreams and make them a reality.'
    15.  'What's beautiful about the actual acting coaching environment is that you can use it to push through everything: push your voice, push your inhibitions, push your fears, push your confidence, push your vulnerability, push your silences.'


    Acting Schools

    • Maybe good  for actors with some experience, learning scene practice with co-actors, networking, seeking industry's information and partying and fun

    Acting Coach

    • Acting supposedly being a fine art and not like a school subject, could be good for beginners who may need a personalized focused attention and training. 
    • Good for those beginners who may feel embarrassed with a group of experienced actors.

    Join top acting coach to be a Bollywood actor

    Join Us To Learn More

    Sunday, 25 June 2017

    Are You A Claver Actor? Check Here And Act NOW

    Great Theater and Bollywood actor  Naseeruddin Shah
    Great Theater and Bollywood actor  Naseeruddin Shah Performing on Stage

    Salman Khan: Screen Acting-Inviting Camera
    Observe how Bollywood star inviting the camera to look at him- the character

    Have You Learned Theater  And Film Acting Both?

    Practical Differences Between Stage And Screen Acting

    How to Be a Good Stage Actor



    Great actors spend their entire careers learning to relax the muscles in their face and body at will. Tension is very obvious when you are on stage. Your voice will sound thin and wavering, and your movements will be jerky and unattractive. To avoid these stiff and nervous displays when you're acting, it is essential to remain as relaxed as possible, This is possible by learning and practicing "Shav Asana", Self-Hypnotism and Auto-Suggestion (contact us)


    Focus your attention 

    It could be another actor, a prop, etc. Keep yourself in the moment on a scene and never stare off into space or at the audience. It is obvious to the audience if you are spacing out, and it is very distracting. Keeping your focus on an object in the scene enables you to remain in character.  and enhances the believability of the role and the play itself. Look at the eyes of the people we're speaking with or listening to, as we do in real life, so doing that on stage will appear quite natural.


    Immerse yourself in the role

    Forget that you are pretending, and try to become the character you are playing. Envision how that person reacts to life, how that person dresses, walks, thinks and converses with others. Don't be afraid to act like someone else.


    Everything should be more clear and  a bit exaggerated on stage

    While acting, you need to speak your words carefully and clearly. Project your voice farther than normal (which is not the same thing as shouting), because there are people a good distance away who are trying to understand what you're saying. All the emotions on your face should be formed in a more intense and exaggerated manner.


    Warm up your vocal cords

    Breathe deeply. Do numerous vocal warm ups to ensure that you do not strain your vocal cords. Practice voice-techniques.


    Concentrate on your expressions

    Facial expressions should be combined with simultaneous vocal modulations. For example say a simple "Oh!" or "Aaray, Ramesh!" (Hindi) in front of a mirror. Notice both your face and your voice. Alternately portray sadness, awe, anger, fear, shock, excitement, and any other emotion you can think of.


    Read, analyze, feel and practice your lines repeatedly


    How to kill stage fright

    Use the stage lights to kill stage fright. If you're less than comfortable performing before a live audience, trick yourself. When the lights in the theater hall go out and the stage lights go on, you won't be able to see the audience, except for the first row or two. Just pretend you're acting for a few friends.


    Make audience disappear by creating a wall

    Whether it be a live audience, a camera, pretend there's a wall between you and the audience. They call this "the fourth wall." You're no longer on a stage or a set, you're in your private world, and the audience doesn't exist. For example, imagine this as a blank wall or is of your bedroom, study room, bus stop etc.
    10. Finally, just remember never to turn your back on the audience.

    Screen Acting-The 6 Key Factors



    Learn the requirements of how to be a film actor and how to meet them
    Look and read relevant post in this blog


    Find A Good Acting Coach or a school


    LearnActing Craft Professionally

    A special focus should on  developing confidence, the power of imagination, acting for camera, audition techniques apart from how to market and promote your career


    Find Opportunities to practice acting craft

    • Join local theater groups
    • Act in local communities plays
    • Creating your own self-written short film. Use Mobile Camera
    • Practice in front of mirror or with friends
    • Present monologs, jokes in parties. Be a party anchor

    If financially tight...

    Find a part time job in the film industry like production, direction, film or acting institutes


    Acting for films is a "Cut Throat Business"

    Learn how to market and promote your career as a "Business"


    * Learning at home

    One of the finest resources for learning at home is this blog itself which has more than 250+ posts. There are many aspiring actors who could not afford expensive acting schools have practiced at home from 280+ Posts and now are in Films and in TV serials. However, learning and mastering the acting craft from this blog requires serious reading, patience and regular practice with either your friends or in front of mirror


    How To Develop The Skill Of Concentration For Sure Success

    The art of focus and concentration
    The art of focus and concentration for an actor

    How To Succeed In Auditions And In Scene Performance

    The Art Of Focus And Concentration 

    You are standing before the Camera. Settings are arranged. People are moving around. The Asst cameraman is checking the light intensity with some instrument, right close to your face and calling cinematographer loudly while you are still recollecting your lines. The director is instructing loudly to the crew. Sound technician is adjusting lapel mike on your body breathing on your face.

    Suddenly  there is a shout "Ready?" 
    Followed by "Sound"..."Lights"...Camera"....a...n...d..."ACTION"
    Tensely you start your lines...and you stop! 
    There is a block. A total mental block!! You have lost your CONCENTRATION and FOCUS
    The director shouts..."CUT"!  

    • Everybody looks at you...director,  crew and your Co-stars!
    • What a pity! The shooting is stalled because of your mess up!
    • Tension builds up affecting your performance and the portrayal of your character when you notice a chaos around you on a set before a "Take". It further aggravates when you see the crowd watching you.

    How to overcome this mental block?

    5 Ways To Concentrate

    • Select an object on the set, say a lamp. A small table, a picture on the wall or anything and keep your focus on it. Even if the shot demands you to look somewhere else, keep looking at that object mentally. You don't see anything else or hearing anything. Just keep focused on that object.
    • Go on giving an auto-suggestion that you are "The Character". Go on repeating this in your mind again and again. Say to you "I will do well", "main bahut achcha karoonga"  "yes"! "It will be a great performance!"
    • Don't repeat your line now. You have done enough. Repeating just before the "take" may create a mental block
    • Take a deep breath and release slowly. Do this 11 times.
    • The best is to create a "Wall". Think of your bedroom or any room with a blank wall. Mentally put that wall in front of you, blanking out all the chaos on the set. You are now focusing on the wall, but are not aware of it. Your mind is active and aware of what is happening around, but not seeing it. 
    Have You Got It?

      Finally, when you hear "ACTION", go into your "character' and shoot!
      Congratulations! You have just given a great performance!

      Updated Post

      Saturday, 24 June 2017

      2 Reasons Why Learning "Method Acting" May Ruin Acting Career

      Hollywood film: A method acting performance
      Hollywood film: A method acting performance

      Is "Method Acting" Technique Is The Best To Be A Good Actor?

      Here Are The Analysis And Reasons For A Big NO 

      Is Method Acting A Dangerous Form Of Acting Technique?

      Yes, because it has the actor use real life trauma's and puts it into the character which has been what a few people have mentioned, but it also can cause the person to have physical and mental breakdowns from the emotional toll it puts having to relive past experiences over and over again. This can also cause the majority of actors to feel this way even after filming because the emotions linger to the person because it's like digging up your ghouls from the basement and putting it in the life to relive it.

      The actor using Method also can be "extreme" and need real life weapons to get into character VS. Props. So real knives or loaded guns which can obviously turn sour very quickly by accident.
      Bonus Info: From what I know all other acting techniques involve the imagination which can bring out the same quality of acting but keeps the actor safe as their training and tools can remind the actor that what they're going through is not real and the emotions don't hang onto the actor for that exact reason.

      The other explanation could be when you try everything to become the character you are portraying.
      You put effort into experiencing what the character would actually feel and you may start making changes to your life so you can more intimately connect with the character and understand what the character would think and feel in different situations.

      You're not just pretending to be the character and putting on a fake act, you're attempting to assume the actual personality, thoughts, and behavior of the character not only during filming but potentially in the outside world / at home.

      If your character is supposed to be sad, you're not pretending to be sad, you're learning to empathize and become the character to the point where the character's sadness is your own sadness and you truly feel sad when you are 'acting' as the sad character. Sometimes you may achieve this by linking your own emotional memories (e.g. of a loved one dying) to the sadness in the character's life, in order to better appreciate what the character would be feeling.
      It really comes down to putting yourself in the shoes of the character. You're not just following directions and 'acting' as you're told. Instead, you're actually taking on the life of the character and you're personally identifying with that character so you can understand the character's thought processes, feelings, and then the 'acting' should, theoretically, come naturally without explicit instruction (because you implicitly know, for example, how the character would respond to and feel about certain situations etc.).

      2 reasons why to be careful in learning Method Acting

      In our fast-moving film, television, and theater industry, we actors are continually asked for "quick results." We must be emotionally available, learn our lines rapidly, and fill our characters with the objectives and desires of a multilayered human being—all without much preparation time. Now more than ever, the deciding factor in a successful audition or performance is the actor's ability to call upon focused inspiration at a moment's notice. After all, inspiration leads to real, organic, surprising, fresh performances. How is such focused inspiration readily achieved?

       A lot of press has covered Method acting over the last several decades, and they often get it wrong. A few things it is definitely not: gaining or losing weight for a role, insisting everyone call you by your character name whether you're acting or not, doing dangerous or questionable activities to be more like your character, avoiding modern stuff when you're in a period piece, etc.

      My Conclusion

      Every actor is a human and therefore, has his/her own essence, an archetype. The best would be to learn different acting techniques, discover the self and then create his/her own unique acting style This would be under his/her total control and would be flexible to suit the character created by him/her.

      Join us to learn all top acting techniques of the world and create your own unique acting style to be a guaranteed Bollywood actor 

      Updated Post

      8 Steps To Prevent Quitting Acting And Fleeing From Mumbai

      Feed Shark

      8 steps to success of acting business

      Are You Struggling For More Than 3 Years Without A Good Break In Films Or TV Serials?

      Do You Find NOW Difficult To Meet Expenses To Live In Mumbai And Continue Struggle?

      Are You Seriously Thinking To Quit Acting And Leave Mumbai?


      A Struggling Actor's Optimism
      A Struggling Actor's Optimism

      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop fighting. There will be the sunshine after darkness~Your Acting Coach

      Acting isn't all about portraying with excellence the character and being truthfully in a scene. If you can't get a  break, it's not uncommon and much at all. Acting is only possible if somebody's prepared to sit and watch you perform. Nothing can happen unless you are noticed among thousands.

      Your Chances

      The statistics are terrifying, with something like 92% of the actors are out of work at any one time. What the figure doesn't reveal is that some 8% get work continuously while the same 92% never get into a situation of working regularly. Unfortunately, this 8% success rate comprises of actors with-

      • Sheer luck like winning a lottery 
      • Close relative of top producers, directors or financiers in the industry
      • Actors who can invest to get a job
      • Actors willing to sell themselves (with any price) to get a break

      However, the fact is all the above can never guarantee a regular acting assignment and earning the tag of "Market Actor" (know industry actor)
      The trick, therefore, is to be in the top 8% minus ABCD as above.

      How this could be achieved under current cut-throat competition in the industry?

      The Truth

       Acting is a Business: Learn to Market Yourself

      For anyone aspiring to be a professional actor, knowing your craft is only half the battle. You also need to know how to go out into the real world and find paid acting work. Understanding the business side of the acting industry is absolutely crucial if you want to make a living as an actor. If you can get to grips with these elements of the acting life, you will be well on your way to making a career for yourself as a professional actor.

      The Begining

      • Set your acting and life goal-Long and short term and the plan of action
      • Follow-up

      Promoting Your Name

      No matter how good an actor you are, if nobody knows about you then you aren’t going to get any work. Making sure the right people are aware of you and what you can do is absolutely fundamental. So how do you do that?

      Step 1

      Promotional Package
      The first step is to put together a proper promotional package to send to casting directors,  production houses, and artist coordinators. This should include your actor’s CV, a set of the professional-quality portfolio (head shots) and, ideally, a professional-quality acting showreel plus or video introduction

      A  package containing all three of these elements will effectively demonstrate to industry gatekeepers that you have the skills and experience they are looking for. It also allows them to judge the kind of roles you might be suitable for. That way they can start offering you appropriate auditions or recommend you to other industry professionals who may be able to offer you work.

      Step 2

      In the modern digital age, it’s increasingly easy (and important) for actors to market themselves online. There are several ways you can this but the most popular and effective are creating a website with the same information found in your promotional package and making good use of social media.

      Step 3

      Build Connections
      The old saying “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” isn’t entirely true, but it’s not completely false either. The truth is, success in the acting industry is about what you know AND who you know. Getting to know the right people means when opportunities arise, they can give you the chance to take advantage of them. You still need the skills to make the most of those opportunities, but the industry insiders definitely help.
      To make the most of your time in networking, you need to know where to go and who to speak to. Do your research and find out which casting directors, agents, and other industry figures are involved with the kind of projects you would like to work on.
      One you get in a room with someone you want to connect with, be brave, smile and go say hello. A large part of succeeding is simply having the courage and self-confidence to put yourself out there. Once you have introduced yourself, find common ground and make sure to ask plenty of questions about their work while also making sure you communicate your own career ambitions without directly asking them to help straight away.

      Step 4

      Getting Good Artist Coordinators ( some may call themselves 'casting directors')
      Every aspiring serious professional actor has to have few good career promoting guys. It’s their job to get you meetings and auditions with casting directors, directors, producers and anyone else who can offer you work. They can also chase up people for you after an audition and talk you up to increase your chances of landing a role. They’ll negotiate on your behalf when you are offered a role and a good agent will get you more money with better terms than you would be likely to achieve representing yourself. An experienced coordinator will know a lot more people in the business than you could ever hope to, so will hugely increase the opportunities available to you.
      How do you find them? Again, you need to do your research. Find out online, on social media, co aspiring actors, industry people like crew members, from schools and acting coach

      Step 5

      Managing  Auditions
      Of course, getting auditions doesn’t mean you’ve made it. You need to actually win the audition in order to progress to the bit where you’ll start getting paid. Obviously, a huge part of that comes down to how good you are as an actor, but there is also a whole load of audition etiquette that you need to know. Get this right and you’ll be judged purely on your acting. Get in a wrong and you’ll be remembered for all the wrong reasons.
      Some key points for audition are

      • Be on time. Never be late
      • Be a good listener first and then respond
      • Prepare your lines
      • A high level of confidence
      • Knowing how to behave
      • Be prepared for a rejection

      Step 6

      Manage Your Finances
      Budget and simply live within your means. Save for the rainy days

      Step 7

      Continuing Developing Your Professional Acting
      Although we are talking about the business of acting rather than the craft of acting, the two are obviously interconnected. The more you learn as an actor, the better you will be and the more opportunities you are likely to get. This can mean taking acting classes in schools or with your acting coach, workshops, but may also involve developing additional skills such as dancing, martial arts, horse riding etc. This will also look good to agents and casting directors as it demonstrates that you are a hard worker who takes their career seriously and is open to learning and developing.

      Step 8

      Learning Acting Business quickly
      Learning how to negotiate the business side of the acting industry can take years, while many actors never get the hang of it at all. The sooner you get to grips with the business of acting, the sooner you can start supporting yourself as a professional actor. Therefore, the best is to learn from your teacher at a school (most don't teach this in detail) or from your acting coach

      good luck smily