Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Is Your Body Language Good Or Bad? Know It, Improve And Win

How actors can succeed with good body language
How actors can succeed with good body language

Are You Aware Of Your Body Language? Is it Good or Bad?
Oh! I'm sorry but what's the need?
Your Body Language Tells Who You Are.That's The Reason

How you move your body has a language of its own, and one that is interpreted by others non-stop. Your body language whether you seek more influence and success in your professional acting life or more intimacy and transparency in your personal or love life, your body language is crucial.

The entertainment industry in India is very particular about noticing actors quickly and keenly when they first meet them for the first time. Here the body language of an actor plays a vital role in creating a good or a bad impression!

If you want personal and professional success, let me give you 4 of the most important body language “expressions,” so that you can know yourself, change and easily live the life of an actor you desire.

1. Do your eyes say “Welcome!” or “Get lost!”?

Oftentimes the first form of connection with another person will be through your eye contact. Clearly, narrowing your eyes suspiciously will convey that you are initially closed to another. By contrast, warm, relaxed eyes, and an easy slow smile when you encounter someone, will make them feel welcome and accepted.

How to correct?
Just feel and say to yourself "I like you,and happy to meet you". Your eyes will sparkle and convey the same.

2. Is your chest open to the other or closed off?

Think about a person with arms crossed tightly over their chest. Do they feel warm, receptive and friendly? Or guarded and judgmental?
Of course closed and guarded!

How to correct?
Uncross your arms, and don't hold anything in front of you (like a drink, or books or folders). This will signal that you’re open to interact with people and ready to face what the world brings, whatever it brings.

3. How is your posture?

Think of those actors who hunch their shoulders with head drooping down. The easiest way to put off the other and person you are meeting! If your weight is uneven and stand on one leg with the other bent a bit, you convey a lack of sureness, a lack of solidity.

How to correct?
Think military posture. Think a straight spine. Think eye-level.  Think feet planted solidly on the ground, with your weight evenly distributed. This kind of posture conveys strength, solidity, alertness and confidence.

4. What is your tone of words?

Words matter, but the meaning is always dependent upon tonality (your tone of how you utter words). For example, if you say "I will give my best shot" with indecisive tone or use a sarcastic tone for a "thank you" comment, the meaning could be negative and may terminate opportunities. It’s the same with daily expressions such as “No,” or “I disagree.” Try speaking these lines with multiple emotions, and you’ll see how important tonality is.

How to improve your speaking tone?
Question yourself "Is my tone of what I speak bad or negative or hurting?". The best is to ask this question to your friends, your spouse or love-mate. You may get the truth. Practice speaking with gentleness, positivity and with a mild smile on your lips.

My personal tips

5. Touching a person as a personal "touch"

When people communicate, it’s out of a desire to connect with each other — even if for a brief moment. To raise the level of connection people to feel with you, try establishing a "touch". Now, there are many kinds of touch — and (warning) some of it may be unwelcome by some!
To create a sense of appropriateness, start slow. Simply high-fiving (greet someone by slapping the palms of their raised arms with one's own) the person when you both agree on something you really like.
Or, at a moment of agreement or laughter or sudden closeness or understanding you can briefly touch someone’s upper arm. A simple touch like that is usually not felt as intrusive and it can quickly deepen the connection that you’re having with another person.

6. Are we standing far apart or close?

Whether you know it or not, the physical distance that you’re close or far away from a person influences the kind of impact you have on them. The closer you are to a person when you’re communicating, the deeper the connection will be felt between the both of you. If you’re farther away, the lesser the connection will be.

7. Here’s another intimacy trick of the trade. 

Instead of standing directly opposite someone, which can create a primal “confrontation” feeling (especially if you physically larger), try standing to a person’s side and speaking with them, which half-looking out at the world together. It’ll have the both of you feel as if you’re a team.

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