Wednesday, 29 March 2017

I'm Struggling Since Long | Any Hope To Be An Actor?

Failing due to no inborn acting talent
Struggling Actor Trying To Commit Suicide

Your Struggle And Failure Is Because You Are A Fool

Did you ask your parents, elderly family members, your childhood friends or can recollect If You Had Inborn Acting Talent?

You had an idiotic dream to be an actor and just jumped!.

Never bothered to do any research on Internet on requirements and what is required to fulfill those conditions.

Like a jerk, spending money and time with no industry knowledge

Did You Ever Imagine Your Failure Could Be Because Of  No Inborn Talent And Never Bothered To Train Yourself To Develop Talent?

Inborn Acting Talent Helps You To Be An Actor Easily

  • Acting is a talent something you are born with. It can be polished and you can be great. But talent doesn't promise success
  • Acting is a born talent (of varying degrees) that can be polished. The amount of polishing needed varies from person to person. The desire to act is NOT necessarily in proportion to the talent to act. The reasons people desire to act very, falling loosely into these categories: a desire for fame, for money, for glamor, for fulfillment, for self-expression, a love for the ART of acting, or because acting is a necessity like food and water. But the bottom line is that if you are born with a talent for acting, you can not lose that talent and may become easier for you to be an actor.
  • However, it is absolutely essential to get a proper professional training, preferably by a good acting coach, especially if you are a beginner

18 Signs You Were Born to Be an Actor


  1. You could dance before you could walk.
  2. You were a very expressive baby (Smile, Make faces, Laugh loudly, Move head etc).
  3. Even the most ordinary tasks are performed with great focus and intensity.
  4. You are the one who always has to make the speech, mimic, dance or sing at important family functions, birthday parties, during recess in school with classmates and other school functions
  5. You taught yourself how to raise one eyebrow, make faces, change voice just so that you could be more dramatic.
  6. You loved tp participate in school's plays
  7. Your teachers noticed your acting talent and always recommended you
  8. You never were really good at sports.
  9. You were emotional, cried and laughed easily and people just couldn't handle you.
  10. You were a  complex child and later a complex person with many sides to your personality.
  11. You have always been very sensitive to the latest fashions.
  12. You sometimes forget that your openness and outgoing personality does not always fit the situation.
  13. You have always liked to be photographed and that too with different poses and moods.
  14. You were jealous of your sibling with if more attention given to him/her.
  15. You really know how to party.
  16. You are always conscious of how you look.
  17. You have full command of your range of emotions.
  18. Basically, you were born to be great.

However, it doesn't mean if you don't have Inborn Acting Talent, can't be an actor. An aspiring actor will require a regular training till you die, passion, determination, and dedication.

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Casting Director Are Ruining Actors | 9 Tips To Ensure Job

The frustration of Aspiring Bollywood actors
The frustration of Aspiring Bollywood actors 

Yes, Casting Directors Will Wreck Your Future!
You Will Be Rejected In Every Audition
Do You Know Why?
You  Don't Know The Level Of Competition And Pressures
Your Audition Etiquettes And Performance Is Mediocre
Are You Scared?
Don't Worry
Learn 9 Sure And Simple  Steps To Force Casting Directors To Select You

How To Enter | Introduce And Shoot 

1. Smile! A smile from the moment you walk in the door to greet them! It's an important sign of friendliness, and it lets your possible future employers know what kind of professionalism they can expect from you.

2. Stand at the marked place

3. Enter like a star but without any arrogance. Just express confidence. 

4. Hand over your headshots and resume, if not given earlier

5. Since every audition is different, be flexible and pay close attention when given instructions prior to (and during) an audition.

6. Wait for few seconds for instructions. If no instructions are forthcoming, ask a polite question like "May I introduce myself, please?

7. Then speak your name and contact details and may be few words about your background and experience, if you have any.

8. Then, again wait for further instructions on auditions

9. Relax and shoot!

    Ways to Improve Your Auditions

    Prepare your audition pieces. Rehearse them as you would rehearse a play. Work on them with a coach, director or another knowledgeable colleague. Be as confident with the piece as you would a role you were performing. Work on them outside of the context of an upcoming audition. Work on them in front of people. Don't wait until the night before your audition to search for, memorize and rehearse an audition piece! Practice, practice, practice!

    Speaking Your Lines

    When auditioning for a role in a TV commercial, you read from cue cards. Cue cards are like large flash cards that have an actor’s script printed on them in big letters. If a TV performer forgets the lines, she ever-so-subtly looks at the cue cards and reads from them. The viewing audience doesn’t see cue cards because the person holding them is standing next to (not in front of) the camera.

     Keep the following script etiquette in mind when auditioning

    If you just received your copy of the script moments before your audition, do an analysis of script  or may be just lines, create the character with your imagination and try to memorize the lines
    Don’t be afraid if you have forgotten a line or two or words. Just continue without a break. The important part is to see how well you can interpret the part, not how well you can memorize a script on short notice.
    If you completely mess up your lines, it’s okay to ask if you can start from the beginning again.
    During an open casting call or casting audition, another person may read lines with you. This person could be anyone from the casting director to another actor to the man who just delivered a pizza to the casting director for lunch. Many times, the person reading with you is not a professional actor and, therefore, may not give you much to work with. Don’t let any acting inadequacies bother you; stay focused, and give your best audition.
    Luckily for you, there may be a callback. However, you may be asked to audition and read lines with an actor who already has been cast. The casting director wants to see how you look and sound next to an actor who has already been assigned a role.


    Enter the room with confidence. If hands are offered, shake them. Look the auditors in the eyes during introductions if there are any. Introduce yourself and let them know what piece you are doing and who the authors are. Then let them know which of the pieces you will be performing first. Remember to smile and show off your confidence.

    Minding Auditioning Manners 

    A lack of courtesy shows disrespect, no matter where you are in life. If directed toward the folks running the audition like a spoiled brat, it can kill an acting opportunity faster than you think
    Never touch the casting director or any of his or her possessions, such as the notepad, laptop computer, food, and such. Doing so is rude and definitely, works against you.
    Never smoke or chew gum during your audition. If you must smoke, do it outside where no one can see you and where your smoke won’t interfere with others.
    If you bring a small tape recorder to record and then later evaluate your performance in the comfort of your home, hide the device so that it doesn’t distract from your performance. Otherwise, the casting director may be looking at your tape recorder rather than watching you. Don’t ask for permission to tape record because it will take time and distract the casting director. Just hide it in your pocket or purse and let it run

    Making Your Exit

    After you complete your audition, thank everyone (the casting director, the camera operator eating a sandwich in the back, the receptionist who helped you check in, and anyone else who may be sitting in the room). If you read from a script, be sure to hand that script back to the casting director or his assistant. In general, you want to leave the room exactly the way it appeared when you arrived.

    Congratulate Self

    Well after exit, there is nothing more you can do. So don't think about audition you have given. Just congratulate yourself for doing a great job and celebrate. Have a coffee and go back home smiling

    Tuesday, 21 March 2017

    Struggling Actors! Which One Deserves To Be A Star Actor?

    Feed Shark
    How to be a star actor?
    Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif: The Star Actors

    Is Your Dream Is To Be An Actor?
    A Great Actor, To Be A Celebrity?
    Do You Want Name, Fame, And Money As An Actor
    Acting Secret To Be A Great Actor 

    • Whether you are an aspiring actor or a common person, your life goal is to meet your objective-Be Great and Happy
    • Everybody is acting day in and day out. But are we successful, great and happy?

    Here Is The Secret To Be A Great Actor

    Requirements to be a great actor

    Do your SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis

    Know What Is Acting Really

    The fine art of performing fictional roles in plays, films, TV, commercial ads, public road shows, reality shows, anchoring modeling etcACTOR: A person who plays (portrays) a character in a performance

    What is Semiotics?

     An actor transformation into a convincing character. A person has to be unique in playing a character in “All aspects” of a character: situation, behavior, emotions, attitudes, gestures and signs. This uniqueness should be highly “creative”

    What is the process and method for an actor to transform into a convincing character, living truthfully under imaginary circumstances

    What Is The Tool (The Instrument)?

    Body and Mind

    • This instrument of everybody is set, has an “Essence”, an archetype which makes him/her unique.
    • If an actor has to perform a fictional role, a new interesting life, a character has to be created after analyzing the script to be played truthfully and convincingly.
    • However, the biggest hurdle in this sincere endeavor is his “own self”, his essence, his/her “type”. The more an actor tries and forces self to act in the best possible way, more it looks an “acting” and fake. The actor’s  “self” like his/her body language, voice, gestures, attitudes, emotions etc come in the way to transform convincing into a character which an actor has created by his/her imagination.
    • Then, how an actor can transform into an authentic character which looks real?
    • Observe self. Who are you? Note down your
    • Physical profile: height, weight, hair, face, eyes, mouth, skin, shoulder, chest, walk, gestures, voice, language, any physical abnormality, your style etc
    • Mental profile: attitude types, emotions, intelligence etc
    • Social: class (rich, middle class, poor), income, education, occupation, knowledge etc
    • After the above analysis of your own self you will realize why it’s difficult to portray a new life, a new character:

    If pour the liquid into an already filled glass, it will spill. You can’t rewrite something new on a page already full. You have to empty the glass and make the page blank by deleting the text

    How to an actor neutralize self?

    Body and mind exercise to develop abilities to adjust your physical and mental essence (archetype) to suit a character’s profile to an extent which makes an actor living a truthful life of a character.
    In my personal opinion, though many who believe and practice Stanislavsky Acting Technique may not agree, is to bring the character in you rather than desperately trying to be a character. An actor transformation should be convincing, even to the incredible heights, that’s all.

    Analyze world’s great actors, They are legends, a history!

    Charles Chaplin, Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson, Daniel Day-Lewis, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Anthony Hopkins, Mohanlal (India), Kamal Haasan (India), Russell Crowe, Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Amitabh Bachchan (India)

    Keep in mind, they are known today and would be remembered for generations first by their manes and then by the characters they have played or awards they have won. However, these celebrities too focused on changing from “ self”- a common person, to transform and present an astonishing and highly creative performance giving a memorable character to the viewers thus lifting a film to incredible heights.

    Top Acting Coach

    Tuesday, 14 March 2017

    Acting | Fixing The Confusion In Acting School Or A Coach

    Acting | Which one to join? A school or a Coach?

    I want to be an actor. Help me

    Sure, you can definitely be an actor, and a success one.
    Identify requirements to be an actor and how to meet those requirements. Get professionally trained to have an excellence in the acting craft for all types of media like film, theater, TV, Anchoring, Modeling

    Should I join an acting school or an acting coach?

    If you're a beginner, you need personal "one on one" attention and therefore a good acting coach (Preferably an actor him/herself)  would be better. The schools are good for those who have been fighting for some time, learning in a group, scene enacting and networking

    What can an acting coach do for me?

    What can you as an acting coach do for me?

    Do I Really Need An Acting Coach To Be An Actor?


    People often ask, ‘What can you as an acting coach do for me?’

    Professional actors are themselves the most suspicious clients that I work with. They simply don’t see how an acting coach could help them. Probably because most of their learning or coaching experiences have ended in little or no practical help.

    So what can I do as Acting Coach do to help you? What is my role?

    It’s possible to recognize 4 distinct areas in addition to from training on acting techniques, acting for the camera, auditions winning techniques, playing emotions and different attitudes, script and character analysis and how to create a character, self-development and marketing and promotion of your acting career.
    I’ve applied these 4 key areas to actor training and actor coaching and I hope it will give you a fuller picture of the roles and responsibilities of an acting coach.

    An Acting Coach will Recognise Your Potential

    The first thing an acting coach should do is the test to see if you actually have the goods. I don’t mean that you necessarily need to have talent, but that you have a potential for training to a higher level. Some people are innately gifted, it’s true, but some people show the signs of being ‘trainable’ and some people clearly are not. An Acting Coach should be truthful with you about your potential and be honest with you about your chances for progression. Even (especially) when coaching experienced actors, the acting coach should always be truthful and honest. That doesn’t mean that they should ride roughshod over your feelings. They must believe that you can learn the skills of the actor. If they do not believe this, they shouldn’t keep appeasing you and taking your money, this is just Charlatanism.
    Acting coaches have a responsibility to be honest with our students because the bond that is created is one of trust. This can’t be built on hypocrisy and bullshit.

     An Acting Coach Will Encourage You

    Once a bond of trust has been established, an acting coach should encourage you in any way that they can. Once they’ve established that you are trainable, they should point you in the direction that you want to go and give you the encouragement you need to believe in yourself and your developing skills.

     An Acting Coach will Guide (Facilitate) You Individually 

    An Acting Coach will give you the necessary practical tools that will help you to improve. These tools should relate DIRECTLY to the job of acting. None of us wants to learn to water-ski in order to tap dance. Likewise, your actor training should be job specific. You should be taught pragmatic skills that can be used immediately, or at least with practice. Their facilitation of you should be based in practice. It doesn’t matter how many books they’ve read, they need to know this stuff works for real, otherwise, they won’t facilitate you, they’ll actually disable you.

     An Acting Coach Stretch You

    A good acting coach will never stop pushing, gently, sometimes sternly, but they will always keep trying to stretch your capabilities. It’s not always pleasant, any kind of change is usually accompanied by some kind of pain, some mild and some less so. After a number of classes, you should feel that the coach is pushing you and helping you by not letting you rest on your laurels, or get comfortable, by constantly shifting the goal posts, they will continue to stretch you as you improve.
    However, they should acknowledge your achievements and encourage you to press on ever upwards towards perfection, even if you never reach it. Based on

    The Final Proof

    Must Watch these 2 Videos By Me On Requirements To Be Actor And As An Acting Coach 

    Sunday, 12 March 2017

    9 Reasons Why Acting Schools May Create A Bad Actor In You

    Pros and Cons of learning acting from a school

    I Want To Be An Actor

    Which Is The Best And Economical Acting School?
    Or An Acting Coach?


    Who Are You?

    "I'm unique. There is no second then “Me” in the world. I  have my own “type’ an ‘archetype”. I cherish this uniqueness of mine and I'm proud of this self of mine".

    Okay Great!

    However, remember,

    • This individuality of your's has an emotional intelligence- the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions and an intellectual capacity. This applies to learning also where an individual may learn with a group or where an individual may learn better in a focused individual environment’
    • Acting is a very fine and an emotionally creative art. Therefore, in my opinion, acting is not like learning a subject like physics, history or mathematics with a large group in a class


    Disadvantages Of Leaning Acting In A School

    1. To an individual, the activities may be perceived artificial. The situations are sometimes and irrelevant to the individual learner’s need.
    2. Learning exercises and activities in a large group are difficult to monitor and correct them individually.
    3. There is a fear among teachers that a large group may cause sort of uncontrolled fun among learners.
    4. It causes embarrassment and awkwardness, in some shy and introvert students in certain situations.
    5. It indirectly may encourage incorrect forms of learning like language, voice defects, body language etc. as long as the teacher has a limited class timings and is not encouraged to correct mistakes immediately. 
    6. Activities may not be suitable for all the students. The activities that succeeded with some in a group of students may fail with another group or with an individual.
    7. One of the most important aspects of learning-To learn and to practice the power of developing imagination, observation and developing creativity, need to create a character and transforming instantly into a character may not be effectively ingrained individually in a group
    8. Most of the schools don’t teach all the important acting techniques of the world like Stella Adler, Sanford Meisner, Practical Aesthetics and perhaps no one teaches one of the most relevant “Michael Chekhov Technique”
    9. Unfortunately, may be the lack of individual focus, marketing and promotion of acting as a business are not taught or stressed effectively and the result is disastrous. The actors fail in getting jobs in spite of being a good actor

    The Above 9 Drawbacks of  Acting Schools May Create A Bad Actor in you

    However, these problems could be solved if careful thought and planning are used in creating syllabus, creativity in group teaching, empathy and acting as a facilitator rather than a teacher and an instructor

    Advantages Of Learning Acting From A School

    1. It promotes confidence, trust, cooperation and group cohesion.
    2. Learning scene enacting with co-actors.
    3. Learning watching some good performance from others
    4. Listening co-actors in a scene and reacting real
    5. Developing network. A group can be a great source of industry information, auditions and creating good friends who could help an individual in career


    • For beginners instead of an acting school, an acting coach who trains an actor on “one on one” basis is better
    • For working actors but not professionally trained, an acting school could be preferred 

    Thursday, 9 March 2017

    2 Step Solution To Fight Anxiety and Tension During A Take

    How to fight Anxiety tension in actors
    How to fight Anxiety-tension in actors

    Learning Relaxation Technique
    Learning Relaxation Technique in our coaching class

    I'm failing in auditions

    My performance while filming in a "take" is not good

    I'm nervous and tense in auditions and during a "take"

    • As an actor, you have little time to prepare. People want desired performance quickly
    • The worst enemy of acting-anxiety and tension
    • Many actors and other artists reportedly struggle with anxiety, tension. Many fail in auditions and in ?

    Performance Anxiety Symptoms

    1. Racing pulse and rapid breathing
    2. Dry mouth and tight throat
    3. Trembling hands, knees, lips, and voice
    4. Sweaty and cold hands
    5. Nausea and an uneasy feeling in your stomach
    6. Vision changes

    The cause

    Simply put, stress and anxiety about performing in front of people causes performance anxiety

    2 Steps Solution

    No Time Available Technique

    Breathe out your anxiety
    Anxiety makes your breathing shallow and rapid. And rapid, shallow breathing has a way of increasing anxiety—not a useful cycle. Using a quick and easy breathing technique can help you to restore a calming pattern of breathing. If anxiety attacks you, try following these four simple steps to help you find some relief:

    1. Inhale deeply through your nose.
    2. Hold your breath for a few seconds.
    3. Slowly let your breath out through your lips while making a slight sound—hissing, sighing, or whatever comes naturally.
    4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for a minimum of ten breaths.

    Performance Success Sitting Technique OF Yoga | Self Hypnotism | Auto-Suggestion

    This can be practiced in a sitting position as well

    Yoga Relaxation Techniques for actors to Relax Body and Mind A SURE WAY TO SUCCESS!
    Yoga is the union with the divine. It is a philosophy used to the growth of mind, body, and spirit and also a system of exercises that help to balance your body and mind. It also increases your breathing techniques and focuses the grouping of your body. This way it can help you tremendously as an actor to overcome tension, tiredness, fears of rejections in auditions, on the set in front of a camera.

    Relaxation method for actors

    "The Corpse pose", also known as Shav Asana, is a tremendous yoga posture that can be used among poses, which allows total relaxation. The corpse pose is a standard yoga relaxation pose, which is practiced by all disciples of yoga.
    Anyone at any time when one requires a few minutes of total rest and relaxation can also practice this yoga relaxation technique.
    It can be easily practiced while waiting in an audition room or just before a "take" in a shoot. However, it is suggested to begin learning and pracicing this technique in lying down flat position at home, till you start feeling a relaxed and calm state


    • It is most important to select a place for practicing yoga relaxation where you will not be disturbed. You need to wear loose comfortable clothing. First, you lie down on your back with feet about 18 inches spaced out with your hands palm upward about 6 inches from your sides. Let your legs and feet to roll outwards.
    • See that your body feels balanced. Close your eyes and relax centering your consciousness on the rise and fall of your abdomen. Deeply and slowly take the breath.

    Next step:

    Now you have to relax to go into a mild self-hypnotic state and then guide and instruct your subconscious mind:
    Instruct starting from > your toes, then legs, thighs, waist, abdomen, shoulders, hands, neck, face mind, then finally eyes. Give a bit of extra time on the individual part of your eyes

    For example when you reach to your eyes:
    • "My feet from ankle to toe, please relax", wait
    • "My feet from ankle to toes are relaxing, becoming study... relaxing..."
    • "Wow! My feet from ankle to to are relaxed" wait and repeat
    • Like this, slowly proceed to the other parts of your eyes like eyelids, eyebrows. Here you must feel heaviness in your eyelids with a feeling of sleepiness
    Once done, the wait, feel a sort of floating feeling, a sense of nothingness.

    Next, instruct yourself:

    • I'm gonna to be a good actor, repeat
    • I'm gonna to remember my lines
    • I will do my best in audition
    • I will get the role
    • I will enjoy filming of scenes, shots
    • I'm looking good
    • My voice is becoming better


    A. Select few objectives
    B. Always give "Positive" suggestions to your subconscious mind. NEVER NEGATIVE for example don't say "I will NOT be afraid, "will not be tense" etc. Instead say"I will be this", "I will do" I'm gonna to be great" and so on..
    C, Start and try to do this exercise every day. In the beginning, it may take 20 to 30 minutes. Slowly you will be able to do in 10 minutes and eventually you can do in 2 minutes at any place. Maybe just before an audition, or before your shot.


    Updated Post

    Sunday, 5 March 2017

    7 Sure Success Steps For Struggling Actors

    What are sure success steps for struggling actors?
    What are sure success steps for struggling actors?

    I have tried but not becoming a Bollywood Star. Help me

    I'm struggling for the last 5 years to be and want to give up

    I'm Good looking good body struggling actor but no success 

    Lost everything. What to do before I commit suicide?

    What is the last hope for a struggling actor?

    I have lost money, living place, my parent's hopes and friends due to my dream to be an actor. What's my last hope?

    I have spent a lot of money in school and with casting directors. Now no solution but suicide.

    I have failed in auditions due to bad acting.

    Here Is My Acting Secret And Best Hope To Be A Star Actor 

    Whether you are an aspiring actor or a common person, your life goal is to meet your objective-Be Great and Happy
    Everybody is acting day in and day out. But are we successful, great and happy?

    How To Be A Great Celebrity Actor

    Step 1

    Whar Are The Requirements To Be A  Bollywood Actor
    SWOT Analysis: Analyze your strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to you
    How to meet requirements

    Step 2

    Do You Really Know What Is An Actor, Acting, And semiotics?

    Acting: The fine art of performing fictional roles in plays, films, TV, commercial ads, public road shows, reality shows, anchoring modeling etc
    Actor: A person who plays (portrays) a character in a performance
    Semiotics: An actor transformation into a convincing character. A person has to be unique in playing a character in “All aspects” of a character: situation, behavior, emotions, attitudes, gestures and signs. This uniqueness should be highly “creative”

    Step 3

    Why Most Of The Actors Fail To Be Goods And Successful?

    The actors perform with their acting tool or the instrument- Body, and Mind. This instrument of everybody is set, has an “Essence”, an archetype which makes him/her unique.
    If an actor has to perform a fictional role, a new interesting life, a character has to be created after analyzing the script to be played truthfully and convincingly.
    However, the biggest hurdle in this sincere endeavor is his “own self”, his essence, his/her “type”. The more an actor tries and forces self to act in the best possible way, more it looks an “acting” and fake. The actor’s  “self” like his/her body language, voice, gestures, attitudes, emotions etc come in the way to transform convincing into a character which an actor has created by his/her imagination.
    Then, how an actor can transform into an authentic character which looks real?

    Step 4

    How An Actor Can Neutralize And Free Him\Herself To Portray A New Life?

    Developing Acting Instrument (Body and Mind)

    Step 5

    Observe self. Who are you? Note down your
    Your Physical profile: height, weight, hair, face, eyes, mouth, skin, shoulder, chest, walk, gestures, voice, language, any physical abnormality, your style etc
    Your Mental profile: attitude types, emotions, intelligence etc
    Your Social Status: class (rich, middle class, poor), income, education, occupation, knowledge etc

    Author's Note:
    My personal opinion is,  though many who believe and practice Stanislavsky Acting Technique may not agree is to bring the character in you rather than desperately trying to be a character. An actor transformation should be convincing, even to the incredible heights, that’s all.
    And this conviction of mine is based on observing and analyzing world’s great actors, They are legends, a history-
    Charles Chaplin, Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson, Daniel Day-Lewis, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Anthony Hopkins, Mohanlal (India), Kamal Haasan (India), Russell Crowe, Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Amitabh Bachchan (India)
    Keep in mind, they are known today and would be remembered for generations first by their names and then by the characters they have played or awards they have won. However, these celebrities too focused on changing from “ self”- a common person, to transform and present an astonishing and highly creative performance giving a memorable character to the viewers thus lifting a film to incredible heights.

    Step 6

    Simple home exercises to practice daily

    Remember, physical and mental tension, fear and doubtful about self, people (strangers), situations and future is no1 enemy to a person’s success and happiness


    • Relaxation
    • Yoga-deep breathing, self-hypnotism and auto-suggestion techniques to be practiced either lying down or sitting (post)
    • Movements
    • Focus on practicing every part of your body starting from scalp (moving it), eyebrows (arching), eyes (Staring, large, small, narrowing), moving face and mouth while creating wild sounds, rolling of neck, movements of shoulders, use and vigorous movements of hands and fingers while talking, waist, legs and different types of walks
    Special movements
    • general wide movements
    • Expand and try to become big and bigger like a monster, contract and try to become small and smaller rolling into a small self on the ground
    • Walk weirdly with absurd gestures and movements to free your fixed type and to free your joints
    • Molding exercises for joints, fingers, transform into figures, sculptures, and objects
    • Floating- on sea, space or on the moon
    • Flying-against gravity, strong wind
    • Radiating- sending rays through body parts like hands, fingers, eyes, exhaling and breathing out sharply
    • Flowing on a river course (turbulence, calm waters)
    • Creating beauty in body language (by gestures and movements of anything you do), even in voice (quality, breath control, range, diction, accent)
    • Learn to free your physical type to be able to transform into a new life by learning dance, music, mimicry, martial arts


    Develop the power of imagination

    1.Observation: Set time for observing very keenly people, birds, animals, objects at public places like the bus stop, garden. metro rail stations, zoo, museums etc.
    2. Create stories on observed characters- ask questions on their life and create replies self thus building scenes
    3. Then play these created stories self-being one of the character in the story you created for the object you observed

    Word game

    Write down few random 7 words in big fonts on a piece of paper like
    and so on, one below the other
    Relax. Close your eyes and put your finger on a word. Look at the word and create a story, experience, a related scene.
    Now perform telling and showing the scene in front of an imaginary audience

    Develop the power of listening

    In our hectic and stressful life, we unconsciously don’t listen attentively. The result is our inappropriate reaction and responses which may not be appreciated by one who is talking to you. In life, we react and behave with what we experience, by our 5 senses on what we hear, see, smell, touch, and taste. The key is we must carefully notice these experiences to create convincing, truthful and real responses to meet our objectives
    The best way is to recollect and practice those real scenes of what we heard or experienced with our 5 senses