Monday, 24 October 2016

How To Kill 2 Major Reasons Of Failure | Criticism and Jealousy

Jealous to criticism? Bollywood's Akshay, Jacqueline Fernandezand Lisa
Jealous to criticism? Bollywood's Akshay, Jacqueline Fernandez, and Lisa

Dear actors,
I sympathize with you. Don't worry.
Of all the emotions humans show, jealousy and criticism are 2 of the most common and unsettling. It tends to bring out the worst in us, even though most of us know better. It's an age-old problem, having been recorded since Mahabharat and Biblical times, and no doubt experienced even before that.

Foolproof  Way to Deal With Criticism and Jealousy

Actors are just like anyone else in terms of the number of insecurities they have. The difference is that actors more regularly find themselves in situations where insecurities are likely to surface.
Consider the number of auditions an actor attends and the high ‘rejection rate,’ take into account the emotions actors express in any given class or performance and the potential for judgment and ridicule that entails and keep in mind the overwhelming competition that makes even great actors feel unworthy by comparison. It can be overwhelming.

That’s not to say that members of the general public don’t have their own challenges, but most of them can be kept private. When you perform, yours are on display for everyone to see and potentially critique and analyze. That’s depressing stuff—but never fear. There are ways to overcome and conquer these insecurities.


When you face criticism of any kind, you have three options:

  1. Ignore it
  2. Become insecure, or
  3. Learn from it.

I hope we can all agree that the first is foolish, the second is destructive and the third is the most desirable.
To ignore all criticism is a great way to make sure that you miss even the nuggets of gold buried under the rubble of a well-meaning advisor or teacher’s poor delivery. To become insecure about feedback makes it more likely that the next suggestion from someone is going to also be viewed by you as an attack because you’ve conditioned yourself to view criticism as a rebuke. To learn from everything, however, regardless of the sometimes coarse and unmannered conveyance of advice, is your only true and effective way through insecurities.

As a teacher, I can hand-over-heart say that I never judge my students. I used to do this many years ago, maybe for a month or two when I had just started coaching and was insecure about myself.  But as my confidence in my own teaching grew so did my patience and empathy when it comes to actors and their attendant insecurities.
When you react negatively to a note, direction or piece of feedback, the only thing you can be certain of is that your own reaction was negative. You can’t even be sure that the advice-giver was being rude or uncaring—they may have simply failed to communicate in the way you prefer. If you dismiss everything you heard means that you lose an opportunity to learn and grow. That’s the only one true guarantee.

Your future is not dictated by your past, nor is it the result of what your critics say about you or to you. Your future is decided entirely by how you react to the hand (like a card game) of that you are dealt. Though you may have suffered the most humiliating blows in your life and career to date, only you can change your life for the better.

Wouldn’t it be nice to start today?


Are you jealous of others? Their looks, body, acting, respect and attention they get on set? Or notice the others who you feel are jealous of you?

Jealousy might feel like something that comes with the territory of being an actor—as if it’s something you’ll always have to feel. But that doesn’t have to be the case. You can go through your entire career without feeling jealous at all, or move through it quickly whenever it does arise.

While jealousy is usually regarded as a “bad” thing, especially because it feels really bad, it’s a natural human emotion that arises whenever you really want something but, for whatever reason, don’t believe you can have it. It can be incredibly painful when left unchecked, though, and it can become harmful to your acting career, eating away at the creative energy you could be using to advance your career and do great work. But the most important reason to shift out of jealousy is that
it represents a “wall” inside that stands between you and what you want—whether it be a high-profile role, a contract with a power agent, or a relaxed stage presence.

Here are 3 steps to transform jealousy into an advancement tool for your acting career:

1. What you’re jealous of ?

  • The good news about jealousy is that it’s a very clear indicator of what you want. Jealousy isn’t a wish feeling—it’s intense, pointed and clear.
  • Acknowledging this clarity is the first step toward using it to your own benefit.
  • All you have to do is write down exactly what you’re jealous of and be really honest with yourself. If you’re jealous of someone who just got a major role in a film or in top TV episodic  or is it because they’re going to be famous? Or because they’re going to be well paid for doing work they love? Or maybe it’s because they’re going to work with artists you’d love to work with. There’s no right or wrong here, just clarity. Writing your answer down brings even greater clarity, and it also makes the next two steps easier.

2. Why you feel like you can’t have what others have

Whenever jealousy is present, it’s because some part of you feels like you can’t have what the other person has, or, at the very least, you’ll have to overcome huge obstacles to get it. So another gift jealousy gives you is the knowledge that you have a block—a negative fear or belief that you can't have what you want.
Identify and write down the precise reason of this jealous feeling
Now, start thinking about how can I overcome it? What options do I have or can create? Or, should I focus and develop something I have which the other person lacks?

After getting clear about the specific thing you want, ask yourself, what's my action plan? Write down

3. To end my post, here are my final thoughts

  • You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars.
  • Part of being a man is learning to take responsibility for your successes and for your failures. You can't go blaming others or being jealous. Seeing somebody else's success as your failure is a cancerous way to live.
  • Anyone that hates on you is always below you because they're just jealous of what you have.
  • Many of you who have undergone training in acting in a school or with a personal coach, will know what's a 'Method Acting' and animal exercises for actors. Apart from what you learn as an actor from animal exercises and where you can apply in your performances, I found another great aspiration for actors to learn from animals-Animals don't lie. Animals don't criticize or are jealous(except maybe chimpanzee and elephants) . If animals have moods, they handle them better than we actors do. 

My strategy to kill jealousy and criticism:

Personally, I don't get jealous of people or criticize anyone of them. I go on auto-suggesting myself-Jealousy and criticism is such a waste of time because you're jealous or criticize them, and they go about their lives and have a wonderful time, so what's the point? So now, I don't get jealous. At worst,  I get suspicious.
Partly based on

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Hot And Macho Actors From Best Acting School But No Break | Fix It

Sad and burnt out?
Sad and burnt out?
Great! You are a handsome actor hunk or a vivacious female actor and have mastered your craft from the top acting institute. You have created the best resume, picture portfolio and a top show reel. However, you are a bit depressed. You have been waiting to hear from your coordinator or agent the good news of a call for an audition but.....till now no news!
What to do now?

  • You must become an expert at the marketing and promotion of acting: as an actor, you are a product among thousands and therefore and if you want film industry should know and use you, you have to market and promote yourself.  And if you don't have business training, find the right acting coach who can help you create the business structure you need.
  • Secondly, you may be NOT trained and prepared to give a best audition to grab the role!

The fact is right now you do not have auditions calls. So what are you doing?
  1. Tighten your belts and devote time in finding sources of auditions and meet people.
  2. Till you get a call, spend a minimum of two hours on web to find out where the auditions are taking place.
  3. Market yourself by meeting people. Submit your resume, portfolio and show reel, personally. 
  4. Spend around 6 to 8 hours a day on meeting the concerned people.
  5. Master the craft of giving a good audition performance.

Here are few selected audition avenues in Mumbai

This Face Book group has 3000 members
In Balaji Telefilms (Face Book)
One of the best alternative to search for auditions
Good but a paid site
Mumbai and Pune
Lots of opportunities but authenticity of ads appearing for auditions have to be checked. Do not pay beforehand(quikr and olx)
A talent database website with acting jobs
Contact and meet them: SOM ARTS 9867410533
This seems to be a good site

How to give a great audition

Some suggestions by others

Acting and Modeling Audition Tips 

The following article concludes the top 11 Audition Tips to ensure that you show good performance and body language. Make sure that all the preparation you do for a Audition isn’t in worthless. Your body language is key to Modeling and Acting Audition success. 

The top 11 ways to improve your Acting and Modeling auditions when you go to a new Production house or Ad Agency are as follows: 

1) Don't refer anyone as "Uncle" or "Aunty" 

Mumbai film and Advertising industry people take this as a insult, and nobody wants and unwanted relative, be professional use the best word "Sir" or "Madam" or add "ji" with there name, this brings more respect.

2) Make Good Eye Contact 

Make good, strong eye contact. The director on audition may think that because you’re unable to do this, you either have something to hide or you may not have the conviction of your beliefs. If you’re struggling to concentrate when looking straight into someone’s eyes, then try looking in-between their eyes. They won’t be able to tell that you aren’t looking straight into their eyes, but you’ll find it easier to maintain focus. Try it with a friend first to see what I mean. 

3) Keep Smiling 

You need to practice a strong, sincere, smile. A good smile has the power to say, “I’m a happy, confident person and I’d love to work here”. Try practicing smiling in a mirror. Practice a smile that puts people at ease. It’s just as much your responsibility to ensure that there is a relaxed atmosphere during the interview. 

4) Body Language 

Again, try practicing this with a friend first. Make sure that your legs are slightly apart. Place your hands apart, on your thighs is good. Open body language is even more important during the audition. It demonstrates that you are receptive to the question and actively listening. Remember when you practice your body language with a friend to take a note of what to do with each part of your body. Unless you do that – and remember – you’re leaving it to chance that your body language come across well at your Acting and Modeling audition. 

5) Don’t be too relaxed 

It’s easy to appear as if you relax too much. This is especially prevalent if you’re asked to sit in a large sofa seat. Try not to appear too relaxed. Not sitting right back in the seat is a good idea. If you sit forward, it makes you look more attentive and more interested. Some people relax because they’re not very interested. Other people relax because they have bad body language. 

6) Don’t be too Alert

If you’re too alert then you won’t appear too relaxed. If an experienced director is auditioning you then they might put this down to stage fright. They might just judge you on what you’re saying rather than how uptight you appear. However, They could leave the audition with a feeling that you weren’t as good as the other person simply because you were too erect. Try to relax… but not too much! 

7) Sleep well before Acting and Modeling Audition 

It’s all very well having fresh look at your acting audition, but if your eyes aren’t looking bright and interested then you’re making life difficult for yourself! Make sure that you have a good night’s sleep before your acting audition. Remember – this is a very important day – you need to look your best and have no bags under your eyes! 

8) Pay attention 

It’s important to be positive at your modeling audition. You need to demonstrate that you’re actively taking part in the audition. When your director is telling you about the role and script, make sure that you listen. This shows that you are listening and are interested in what they are saying. It shows that your are engaged in the discussion process and want to be part of the Production or movie. 

9) Breathe deeply 

One of the best ways to relax before an important audition is to breath deeply. If you breathe deeply, not only are you relaxing by slowing your rapid, nervous heartbeat, you’re also ensuring that your brain has as much oxygen as possible. This means that you’ll be able to think clearly at your audition and be able to respond to difficult questioning more rapidly. Breathing deeply before an audition will provide you with the effective combination of being relaxed and alert at the same time. 

10) Accept an offer of a glass of water 

You may not feel like a glass of water, but taking a sip from a glass of water can have a calming effect on your audition performance. It can give you an opportunity to collect your thoughts while refreshing you. It will also give you a chance to get used to the surroundings. This will also give you’re the opportunity to gather your thoughts and decide upon any amendments to your acting and modeling strategy as well as reviewing your prepared responses to questions. 

11) Style your handshake 

So many people haven’t got the right professional handshake. Remember that this is part of the first and last impression that you leave at the Audition. If you have a weak, limp handshake then this tells the director that you may not have the ability to deal with confrontation. On the other hand, if your handshake is too strong, then you may not be a good listener. You may be quite confident about controlling a situation, but you may be less likely to be democratic in approach. 

Practice is the key. If you’re able to perform with good body language, you’ll find it much more easier to communicate because you’ll be speaking the same silent body language. This will put you streets ahead of the competition in the race for your dream role.

Top Related Posts You MUST read

Simply Hugging 10 Truths Of 'Life' Can Make You A Top Actor

Join hand with 'life' to be great
Join hand with 'life' to be great

Are You A Struggling Actor? Not Yet made It As A Star?  Has A Hard Life?

Read below and embrace these facts on 'Life'. I guarantee, your embracing life truths will transform you to a relaxed but a  rejuvenated fighter in pursuing your ultimate goal to stardom, sooner than expected.

Life in general, more so of an actor is a beautiful experience, but sometimes it is hard. During those hard times, we often forget how awesome it is to experience this thing called 'life'.

Here are 10 amazing truths about life that will change your life as an actor and as a human being  for good.

1. Life is cyclic with up and down

Everything under the sun rises and falls. In fact, even the sun itself rises and falls every single day. After every fall there is a rise. When you accept this truth you don’t have to be discouraged when you inevitably experience a fall. You just have to wait for the tide to turn- and it will.

2. Life doesn’t judge you

Life is not judging you. It does not judge who you are. It does not judge what you’ve done. Life sees no faults. It loves you just as you are. Life only cares that you live it to its fullest and take advantage of all that it has to offer.

3. Life forgives you.

Sometimes we curse life. “F***K MY LIFE” may be a common slang, but life doesn’t hold a grudge. Whatever you’ve done or said against life isn’t held against you. Life is standing by waiting for you to change your mind. When you are ready to love your life again, life is ready to help you create a life you can love.

4. Life doesn’t believe in failure (or success for that matter).

We tend to think of life in terms of successes and failures. If I make a lot of money, marry an attractive spouse, and raise intelligent kids I am successful. If my house is in foreclosure, I get a divorce or raise a wayward child I have failed. Life doesn’t see events and circumstances in terms of successes and failures. Life believes in lessons learned and experiences that strengthen you. Life accepts that stuff happens, and no matter what happens, life is prepared to help you rebuild, change directions, and find fulfillment once again.

5. Life will give you things you never knew you wanted.

In my personal experience as an actor, life gave me the gift of traveling the world – from Asia to Europe to South America. I never knew how important it was for an actor experiencing new places was until I was gifted with the opportunity to do so. Then I realized a Life’s imagination is much bigger than my own (Actor's) imagination. Be ready to receive things you never knew you wanted but can’t live without. Life loves to give good gifts.

6. Life will make sure it is good in every evil.

When something bad is done to you, life will make sure you are repaid with good. When things go wrong there’s always something amazing that comes out of it. There’s always a silver lining whether it is a lesson from an audition failure, a new perspective, new direction or even a new friend.

7. Life rewards the apologetic.

I’ve heard it said that apologizing is one of the most difficult things for people to do. That is so unfortunate because saying “I’m sorry” can breathe new life into your relationships. It can offer a fresh start and a new slate. Life will help you start again, repair what’s been damaged and regain what’s been lost when you are brave enough to admit your faults and apologize.

8. Life honors the courageous.

When you take a chance on life, life takes a chance on you. When you’re brave enough to conquer life in ways that scare you, life shows you things you never knew existed. Life honors your courage with higher self-esteem, more confidence, better opportunities, increased joy and higher purpose.

9. Life believes in you.

Life believes that you are capable of so much. Life believes you are stronger than you know and can handle more than you think. Life wants to see you triumph. Life literally adores you.

10. Life is always a friend.

You can laugh with life, cry with life, and explore with life. You can tell life your deepest secrets, your wildest dreams, and your biggest fears. Life will listen. Life supports you. As long as you are breathing, life is by your side. Even when you’re not breathing, life is still on your side and life will remember you always.
Based on

Monday, 10 October 2016

5 Reasons Why An Actor Was the Worst Decision of Your Life

Is this actor made a wrong decision to be an actor?

Tell Me, Why You Want To Be An Actor And Destroy Your Life? 

To decide to be an actor is to choose a license to become extraordinary 

Unaware That An Actor Makes You Different From Most People

And that change could be painful. You certainly don’t want that. You’d rather live out your life in the way you and other millions are living, perhaps in mediocrity, without any trouble, slogging at a job hating it though and always wondering “what if I could become an actor”. 
Result: You don't accept this fact, change your attitude and fail

Becoming An Actor Is Frighteningly Challenging 

You want life to be easy, handed to you on a silver platter so that you can never feel truly struggling to achieve something extraordinary that others only dream about. 

It's Just Your Dream And Thought it 'My Passion” To Be An Actor Without Any Inborn Or Acquired Talent

You never thought that 'Creativity' and 'A Quick Transformation' into 'A New Life' (a different character) is a prime requisite to be an actor.
And you certainly don’t want any of that puzzling and annoying 'Creativity' getting in the way of a perfectly routine life and easy existence. You’d much rather live a day-to-day life and be an actor than to take all the pains to get trained throughout life and develop the power of imagination, focus, and observation (which has to be steeply higher than a common person) and that completely suppresses your whatever creative impulses you have.

Becoming An Actor Will Require In Unusual Situations And Meet Unusual People

Your life before you decided to be an actor has been around situations and people you are used to be and comfortable with.
And you don’t want to constantly be around people who are different from others who have bizarre behavior and have unusual expectations from you.
That’s crazy!
Result: Rejections in auditions, TV circles, performance in a scene, in industry  and actor circles


Becoming An Actor Compels You To "Pretend" What You are Not And "Wear Odd Dresses" 

No way! You would like to be who you are and be comfortable.

You don’t want the opportunity to create fascinating characters and live out pieces of their lives wearing things you’d never wear, saying things you’d never say being in places you’d never be having experiences you’d never have. Like kissing a stranger, playing a murderer or a beggar etc

Well, after reading the list above, would you rather be the one watching others live their dream than living your own?

  • Before someone tries to make you feel that becoming an actor was the worst decision of your life, consider these 5 reasons and see if you can allow the smile to creep across your face knowing that you’ve chosen a path that allows you to live an extraordinary life, meeting extraordinary people, doing extraordinary things.
  • Remember that even when it seems “impossible” to be an actor, never never give up!
  • The God has created a unique human being in you and there is none similar to you in this  world. Love and cherish it.
  • We have been gifted with a great power of molding ourselves to anything. Hundreds of discoveries were just dreams in the past. We created realities out of human dreams. Think of discovery of electricity, electronics, cars, trains, great performing actors, singers, dancers, magicians,  great people who changed the destiny of nations, people and so on.

So, go head with single-minded determination. Get trained. Continue to learn till you die.

You Deserve Red Carpet!

Inspired by

Thursday, 6 October 2016

11 Requirements And 9 Sure Ways To Be A Bollywood Actor

Bollywood stars
The sure ways to be a Bollywood Star!

The Secret Of How To Be A Film Star

Do You Know?
The Requirements To Be A Bollywood Star Or TV Actor
And How To Meet Them?

      A Must Follow Tips

      Though not a cakewalk but by working on yourself, self-marketing, hard work and perseverance, you can definitely be a successful actor/actress in Bollywood, India.

      What Should You Have?

      1. Good looks may help you (especially in TV serials) though I don't agree fully with it. You can work on your looks or rather on your overall personality by facial exercises, Ayurveda treatments, and yoga.
      2. Good body and its maintenance.
      3. Good voice. You can develop by various vocal exercises.
      4. Very pleasant nature. 
      5. Reasonably educated, good command on HINDI and an ability of a well spoken ENGLISH
      6. Excellent ability to memorize and that too, quickly. This is of paramount importance, especially in TV serials where you get your lines just before the shot!
      7. Good acting abilities. You can learn from this free blog or by joining our Private and Individual "One on One" Coaching
      8. Good networking capabilities- building up entertainment industry contacts by contacting them personally or through social media.
      9. A very high level of patience to withstand  a prolonged struggle (maybe for years) and willingness to face periods of financial instability. 
      10. The beginners must have a reasonable and regular source of income  to meet mandatory requirements like- training, portfolio, registration with artist coordinators/ casting directors, travel expenses for visiting production houses and casting directors, auditions, computer/ smartphone and finally LIVING EXPENSES in Mumbai
      11. A very high level of emotional stability to withstand repeated rejections, tensions from need to perform well, competition, money and living in Mumbai  

        How Should You Develop the above Qualities in you?

        1. Learn professional acting either by carefully selecting a good school or if in doubt, for a beginner, the best option could be a personal and professional acting coach
        2. Join gym developing a good and HOT body. If you can't afford gyms, there are good exercises to practice at home without any money. Know about them here!
        3. Improve your mental health and be strong. Join yoga classes or practice at home to learn relaxation and mental balance
        4. Make a professional portfolio of about 7 to 10 pictures, to begin with, where you look exactly as you are. No dark glasses (Let casting directors see your eyes!).
        5. Complete your graduation because it's a long struggle with financial instability. Being a graduate and having an additional skill like IT, Marketing, Teaching, etc. may help you to support financially to fulfill your dream to be an actor. Knowing spoken English well  helps you to network with cine industry and creates a favorable impression, apart from being comfortable with English dialogs in a film / TV serial 
        6. Start building your contacts in the industry by networking through creating and updating of your profile/ page on a regular basis on social sites (FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin etc), emailing your profile, monologues, your website, and showreel.
        7. Register yourself with at least 3 to 4 good coordinators (Select from posts in this blog) 
        8. Do not restrict your efforts only to one field, e.g. Bollywood films. Enter in modeling, TV serials, commercial ads, and print. Just hit all opportunities available
        9. Remember that acting is a business and you have to be a good businessman or a woman. You can't live in emptiness without money or with your parents/ relatives/ friends charity forever!
        Finally, have confidence and faith in yourself and go on struggling, at least for 3 years

        If You Want To Be A Guaranteed Actor
        Then Get Privately And Personally Trained By Top Acting Coach

          This acting coach gives money back guarantee of satisfaction

          Wednesday, 5 October 2016

          Should You Go For Theater Or Films? Differences And Rewards

          Theater  or films?
          Theater  or films? 

          What is the difference between acting in Theater plays and in a film?

          • Understanding the difference from an actor's point of view

          What can an actor achieve in terms of fulfillment of objectives?
          • Theater: Talent, Moderate Name, and Fame
          • Film: Money, Name, and Fame

          Performance Wise

          The main difference between stage all over the world and film acting can be summed up in one word:
          The voice and body are generally used much more fully on stage, whereas in the film (in relatively close-up shots) it is more as if actors are under a microscope, so smaller voice projection and physicality are appropriate.
          Film acting is almost always performed out-of-sequence. Often, all the scenes with a particular actor will be shot on one day (or in a sequence of days) so that, once done, the producers can let him go and stop paying him. If that actor is only in two scenes, say the first and last scenes of the movie, those scenes will be shot together, maybe on the same day.

          The shooting order can also get jumbled due to locations. If a character travels back-and-forth from New York to Paris, the New York scenes will generally be filmed all at once. Then the Paris scenes will be shot. (Or the other way around.)

          Many films are unrehearsed or just slightly rehearsed. It's simply too expensive to pay an actor for a month of rehearsal. In the film, the "rehearsal" generally takes place on camera. If the actors aren't ready yet, those shots just don't get used.

          In theater acting, stage actors generally have a minimum of two-weeks rehearsal before stepping in front of an audience.

          On stage (in most plays), an actor can simply remain and go through in his character's experiences in proper  chronological order. So it's relatively easy. Stage actors generally have much more freedom of movement, improvising their movements, at least to some extent.

          In films, this is rarely possible for film actors due to filming requirements. For example. a shot must be precisely lit and the cameras must be focused on a particular angle. So actors have to stand in very specific places or they'll be out of camera range or out of focus. This one one of the major reason why film actors sometimes either fail to maintain being in a character or make mistakes in movements causing retakes

          Every time you see a cut in a movie, that means there had to be a new setup. Most of the time, it's much more complex than just pointing the camera in a new direction. The whole scene has to be re-lit.

          Flow Wise

          On stage, acting is live storytelling. The flow of the story is shaped by the audience and the actors in real-time. It is never exactly the same story two nights running. If the audience is slow to respond, the actors can modify the performance to match. And they can watch in the wings to see how other parts of the play are progressing. The play is the thing!

          In Films, there is a flow, but this is completely outside the actor's control. An actor is a much more passive participant in a movie than the final result would suggest. Usually, the only thing an actor can focus on is the individual performance.

          Preparation Wise

          The Film seems to have a greater emphasis on spontaneous performances. You learn your lines, you get told where to stand - and someone yells "action".

          On stage, you learn your lines, you get told where to stand - and then you spend several weeks rehearsing to understand the story and the character's place in it.
          On a stage, you must be heard, so you have to adequately project your voice.  People aren't going to see subtle facial expressions, so you must instead express yourself with body language.
          Stage actors have to rehearse to perfection.  They don't have a chance to attempt something more than once.  They're in front of the audience, delivering their performance to them right there and then.  Stage actors have to repeat their performance over multiple days, often multiple weeks.  Maybe even months or years.

          Film acting is in some ways, closer to reality as if they were the character they were portraying.  This character should be completely believable as if it were a real person. Their self-preparation (without rehearsals)
          What they do, down to the minor responses, facial twitches, habits, etc should be along the lines of what you would expect from them if they actually the character.  A film actor gets to "try again until they get it right".  It could be  a retake 10 times before the take is approved.

          Performance Wise

          For the film, a talented editor can create a stunning performance out of several average or bad ones.
          For live theater, everything is right there, warts and all, for audiences to see. There is no 'change or re-performing unless it's improvisation (improv). If an actor forgets a line, bungles a line, steps on another actor's line (cue), or falls off the stage, nothing can be done. Just called as a terrible mess-up and continue  with the play.

          In my view acting on stage is far more demanding. Filming a scene can be undertaken in small scenes allowing retakes. Once you are on stage and the show is underway it's down to you, your knowledge of lines and character and of course talent.
          Apart from the differences mentioned above, for an aspiring actor's success, it's the “business angle”. The career planning and promotion required for to be a star actor in films is staggering and phenomenal! This is primarily due to size of world's Cine/TV industry and a frightening  competition among actors

          My final views

          • In the larger interest of aspiring actors, I would recommend going for both, Theater and Film
          • Looking at the intricacies of acting for theater and films, and whether you have an inborn talent or not, a top level training in acting craft is absolutely essential and remember, you to go on learning till you die 

          Sunday, 2 October 2016

          Want To Be An Actor? Wait | Know Why Acting Is So Hard?

          Why acting is so hard?
          Nargis Fakhri, Varun Dhawan, and Tiger Shroff: "Why acting is so hard?" Few successful actors out of thousands!

          Why Isn't Acting For Everyone?

          The Problem

          Most acting problems stem from the fact that we think of acting as the process of copying life.
          What does that mean? Simply this: in life we laugh, cry, and say things with a certain amount of emotional investment, so if we duplicate that emotional investment and say our characters’ words, we will do GREAT ACTING.

          And when that doesn’t work out the way we think, we are baffled: “I thought that if I said it just like I do in real life it would be REAL.”
          To dig deeper, the problem with that line of thought is this: we can’t copy the appearance of life, in the same way that we can’t take a photograph of something and present it as the original and live itself. The photograph may be an external representation of the subject photographed, but that’s about it.

          It’s easy to be just an actor and get small roles. A good body and looks and hard work. That's all!
          But to be a credible actor and to be a star, are you ready to truly act, to be a convincible character of the story? And by ready, I mean possessing some inborn talent, psychologically,  emotionally and financially ready to meet the requirements to be a star
          Unfortunately, everyone is not ready.


          So how do we solve this problem, or what are the true underpinnings of great acting?
          Learn acting for the camera and for the stage. The different techniques and how to market and promote yourself as a product in a highly competitive market where every aspiring actor is better than the other.


          What’s acting technique? Acting technique is the process by which you create the appearance of life (a character from the story) by creating spontaneity and emotionally truthful behavior as you tell and show the story you were hired to tell.
          Learning acting is understanding and practicing this process by triggering the power of imagination and getting to the NEEDS and ACTIONS underneath the outward appearance of a character's behavior.

          The character You Want to Play

          The human behavior we observe around are too diverse, leading to a creation of  people of different attitudes with underlying emotions.  To transform yourself into this unique and dynamic character truthfully becomes difficult, may be practically impossible if you don't have at least some inborn power of imagination, and on the top of it, may get compounded with thye lack of knowledge and training.

          The Examples

          A. You have an excellent portfolio done from the top photographer by paying an incredible amount. On the basis of your headshots, you are called for an audition.
          -You get your lines just 15 minutes before they call you in. Enter the room tense, nervous and shaking. You stand without knowing where is the mark. Don't know anything about the camera and where to look. Somebody says, "Profile!". No idea how to respond. Another person calls for "Intro please". You are lost. 
          -Then you start just speaking your lines without entering being in the "character" or the script properly. You fumble.. you didn't know how to memorize your lines within 10 minutes. Then its get over. You hear "Thank you, we will let you know"
          -You ask some silly questions like "Am I selected?" or "Plz plz plz give me the role" and then walk out. No "Thank you" from you
          -The result: "Not selected!"

          B. You’re shooting a scene and your director tells you – “More anger!”. OK, so how do you do that? You decide to be louder and FEEL the way you do in life when you’re angry. The director yells “Cut!, What the f*** are you doing? That’s terrible!”
          You’re baffled and also in a panic – if you don’t get this right, you’ll never be hired by this director ever again or his friends.

          Learning It

          But if you have been studying and practicing acting, and at the right school or in the beginning, with a good personal coach, you will have a way to solve this. You will know that what the director really wants is more intensity, more emotions of action. Meaning that if you fight for whatever you’re fighting for in the scene, anger will happen naturally, if you are feeling the situation in a scene as 'happening really' rather than trying hard to generate an emotion of increased anger.

          The result will be believable, your director will be happy, and you will keep your job.
          The point is, you need to understand and learn the process of acting. You will be shocked how very few directors understand that process (and why should they, do you know how to direct?) and rely on YOU to understand it and give them the results they need in order to move on to the next shot.

          So a word of advice, it’s OK to call yourself an actor before you are one, but also KNOW HOW TO DO THE JOB. 

          You may get acting jobs because of your looks and body or with excellent communication skills but how long? Without learning and mastering the fine craft of acting, If you’re just faking it, you will be found out and it won’t be pretty. You may fool them for a bit, but eventually, someone is going to ask you to act and act well.  
          Based on