Sunday, 25 September 2016

How To Make Big Money And Learn Acting By Film/TV Ads

Commercial ad example Indian idol
Commercial ad example Indian idol

Are you ready to learn acting free, earn lots of money, but ready to struggle in a stiff requirement?
6 questions and answers

Commercials on TV, Video channels and on other advertising sources  and are a great way for you to practice your acting craft. You can work on your “improvisation” acting techniques ie playing a scene without a written script (Improv)  skills, make great money, and make invaluable connections with influential people in the industry. However, due to stiff requirements and competition it can be difficult to get started in commercial ads work.
How you can break into commercial ads work and start promoting commercial products . We took a survey of some of the directors attached to production houses of commercial ads and   asked them the following questions:

1. How can actors can get jobs in commercials/commercial acting?

A clearly defined “look.”

Imagine a 20-year-old with unshaven face actor, a bad fitting dress, facial marks or tattoos,and high heals funny shoes. Now imagine a clean-shaven 50-year-old actor with white hair, expensive dress or suit, and glasses. There may be more roles available for the 20-year-old, but the 50-year-old is going to have a higher success chance due to cultivating a clearly defined “look.

Action: Create a “look” by working on your body, face, dress and etiquette code and then define your “Type”. 

An improv (Improvisation background) natural ability or training.

Many commercials ads may not require actors to speak, but almost all require actors to have the ability to think fast on their feet, entertain, or simply create, in most cases, into something worth watching. Though an improv background is not mandatory, many casting directors certainly look to actors with this improvisation ability for their commercial ad projects.

Action: Learn this acting technique of “Improv”(Improvisation) from your school or better if you have a personal coach

2. Can actors learn auditioning and earn money as well?

Yes. Commercials ads are a great way to practice auditioning, get used to being on set, and make good money.

Action: Identify school, workshops or a personal coach to take a special commercial ad and “improv” training. Learn audition skills. Many commercial auditions are improvisations, and working on these skills will prove invaluable. In addition to training your skills, meet experienced commercial ad actors in auditions who may give you tips, recommendations, or referrals that you may not know.

Buy these 2 books for how to prepare for commercial ads auditions

3. What are the right ways to better chances getting selected in commercial ads? 

  1. To figure out the “Type” of actor or character required (age, physical attributes, looks, behavior etc) 
  2. Find out what types of roles and what types of commercials they would be best for you. The best way to do that is to watch commercials and find the type of actors that are most similar to the characters in an ad.


  1. Find out your type: How do you look, behave (Your attitude)?Think of all of the films and TV shows you’ve seen and start to notice how you would describe all the characters you see in just a few words and where do you fit in. 
  2. Make a good portfolio. They should keep ready a "resume cum headshot" (resume to be clipped at the back of the headshot) to be submitted to the production houses/ model coordinators
head shot and resume to be clipped on the back
headshot and resume to be clipped on the back

4. Should actors have excellent acting skills for commercial ads?

May help but not really necessary.
The danger is some actors have a tendency to show off their acting ability when they appear for auditions irrespective of type of an audition resulting into focusing the character rather than the product they are promoting

Here are the facts

Learn acting for commercial ads
Remember, in commercial ads you are a medium to sell a product or a concept and not just a character. It's a question of how good are you as a medium rather than an actor. How well you can tell and show a story (product) is more important.

  1. In commercial acting, they are buying your special magic and consider your inner self, your essence. Therefore, sometimes you don't even need much acting experience if you have “a look” suitable for their script's character and can light up in front of the camera. 
  2. But good acting is still a plus and you can also learn lots of tips watching commercial ads on TV and in other media like video channels

Action: There are some artist (Modeling) coordinators in Mumbai (nowadays, a so-called casting director) primarily for commercial ads.

Here are some. Register

5. How much an actor or a model can earn?

It depends on the budget a production house has or on a client and the product.
However, in the Indian commercial ad business, depending on the reputation of a saleable value of an actor. it could be anywhere from Rs. 5000 to Rs. 50,000,000 (5 crores for actors like Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Priyanka Chopra and so on) for each ad

6. Which commercial ads production houses actors/ models can contact directly?

Details of most of the commercial ad production houses can be found by visiting this site:

Important individual commercial ad production houses
Partly based on

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Are You All Set For Your Audition? Check 4 Points

How to prepare for acting auditions

You’ve memorized your lines. Great. That is a very important step, but it is only one small step of a larger process. Don’t put yourself at the risk of a rejection by skipping the rest. Below is a guide to help you cover the bases of audition preparation and give your character the tools to live truthfully within any circumstance. In other words, this is a guide to help you do your audition waiting room work or homework before your shoot days


For auditions, normally you have to prepare quickly as there is hardly any time given. Therefore, you must develop your power of imagination to create a character and memorization exceedingly well

1. Know For "What" You Are Auditioning?

  • Is it for a Feature film, Short film, TV serial, Documentary,  Art film, Commercial ad?
  • Who is the director and a writer (if it is possible to find out)? Try  to know something more about that director and writer-nature, attitudes, likes. and dislikes on types of actors they have preferred in their earlier work etc. (Visit their office may be a day before and do some spying)
  • What is the "type" of the character you are auditioning for?  This means a bit more details on the audition requirement for a character like age, background, attitudes, physical, mental and social traits etc. If none of these references are available, make logical choices based on the script. 
  • What is the atmosphere , particularly, of the scene you are auditioning for? What is the scene'sTempo? Rhythm? Is it Drama? Comedy? Light? Dark? Know what world you are entering before you start!

2. Know Your Role 

Even if it is a one-liner, where do you, as your character, fit into  the scene? What's the objective of the character and how does it is achieved? What 's a physical, mental and the social profile of this character exhibited? As the character speaks or moves, what are the shifts in emotions, voice, rhythm etc? Make smart choices for creating a character based on this information you have imagined. A casting director / director will never reveal this in detail.

3. Know Your Associations With Co-Actors

What is your relationship to the other character(s) in this scene? Be specific and in-depth with your answers. Saying, “He is my boss” is not enough. Saying, “He is my boss and the sight of him makes my blood boil. Nothing I do is ever good enough for him and I’m F-ing sick of it!” is much more helpful. Not just, “He is my husband” but, “He is my husband and even though we are supposed to be professional right now I can still smell his hair and feel his warmth from when we were in bed together 20 minutes ago.” Or “He is my husband, but I think he’s lying to me about something so every time he looks at me in earnest, I feel betrayed.” The point is, build a relationship rather than simply speaking it. Even if you can't add more lines to your pre-written ones, you can show your expressed feelings if you imagine and speak to yourself without uttering any additional words

4. Test Your Options

Rehearse! Once you are solid in a scene's given circumstances, familiar with the script and memorized your lines, REHEARSE.
Keep working until everything you do/say/feel is convincible to you for this character in this situation. 
Learn to trust your preparation and live truthfully in the moment within the dramatic circumstances you have created. Trust yourself. Trust the work you’ve done. Trust your talent. Only when you put in the effort this preparation deserves can you be truly confident in what you have to offer… And if you are confident in what you have to offer… Others will be too!

Then, in the room, LET GO and knock 'em dead!
Based on

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Winning Auditions Is Easy As Masturbating | 16 Hand Gestures

Hand gestures used by top Indian actors
Hand gestures used by top Indian actors

Using hand gestures to sparkle acting performance
Using hand gestures to sparkle acting performance

This Is A Science of Actors

  • Be the most memorable person in the audition room or on filming your scene
  • 18 Hand Gestures You Should Be Using

Crazy Facts About Hand Gestures:

  • You’re born to speak with your hands. Researchers have found that infants who use more hand gestures at 18-months old have greater language abilities later on. Hand gestures speak to great intelligence and definitely spice your performance whether you are an actor, singer, public speaker, candidate appearing for an interview or with clients or with bosses in your job. 
  • Hand gestures make people listen to you. Spencer Kelly, associate professor of Psychology and co-director of the Center for Language and Brain at Colgate University found that gestures make people pay attention to the acoustics of speech. Kelly said, “Gestures are not merely add-ons to language – they may actually be a fundamental part of it.”
  • We can’t help it. With most of us, hand gestures come to us naturally. Spencer even found that blind people use hand gestures when speaking with other blind people.
  • Gesturing helps you access memories. Using hand gestures while you speak not only helps others remember what you say, it also helps you speak more quickly and effectively!
  • Nonverbal explanations help you understand more. One study found that forcing children to gesture while they explained how to solve math problems actually helped them learn new problem-solving strategies.

How to Speak With Your Hands:

Before we get into a great hand gesture you can use, let’s talk about using your hands appropriately:
Use your hand gestures responsively getting created with lines as your normal reaction. No wild exaggerated gesturing, especially on the camera, please!

Stay in the box and  gesture within the box (in the context, with the lines you are speaking). Appropriate hand speaking space is (Especially while acting for the camera) from the top of your chest to the bottom of your waist. If you go outside this box, it’s seen as distracting and out of control. Here’s the difference:

There is a spectrum. Hand gestures are great up to a certain point.
Make your gestures purposeful. Just like a public speaker or an acting class teacher, 'bullet point' out a presentation, do the same with gestures. The best Talkers/ Actors use their hands purposefully to explain important points. Use the list below to guide you-

  • Study your script/lines carefully and know what you want to say. If you have a big dialog coming up, prepare your words, and rehearse with associated gestures . If you have to express without any lines, speak your emotions in your mind and just use your hands, silently. That would enlighten your performance. The more smooth the better. The audience loves fluid hand gestures. No jerky and robotic prepared moves. They are distracting. Practice speaking with your hands until it feels and looks natural.
  • Film yourself on your mobile and analyze your performance. Film yourself chatting with someone on the phone. Watch others talking on the phone. You might be surprised what kinds of gestures people use and how many you use during the conversation. Have a friend give you feedback on your gestures.

18 Hand Gestures You Should Be Using As An Actor:

After observing some of the best speakers and speeches in the world, we have collected our favorites for you to try. We put together some GIFs of the most popular ones. Remember, think about your verbal content and match your hand gestures to what you are saying:

1. Listing

The easiest and most basic hand gesture is numerical. ANY TIME you say a number while delivering a line, do the corresponding gesture–this makes for your viewers your dialog a true attention drawer creating a sudden interest. it also adds movement and warmth to your body language and serves as a nonverbal anchor in the conversation in a scene wit your co-actor.

2. A Tiny Bit

Anytime you want to emphasize a small point like something that they shouldn’t take too seriously or a small addition–show it! This is my favorite tiny trick with hand or just a finger/ fingers.

3. Listen Up!

This is a very strong gesture, so use it with caution. It is a “bottom line” hand gesture or “listen here” movement. The sound and motion draws attention and lets people know:  For example-“What I am about to say is important!”. In Hindi- ("Ab Jera Dhyan Se Suno")

4. I’m Determined!

Anytime you have a solid fist–shaking it at someone or punching it in the air, you are showing intensity. Use it alongside your delivery strengthens it as  a VERY important point. Be careful when using this gesture with an irritated voice, because it can come off as anger!

5. Everything

Want to make a big grand gesture? Then, the ‘everything’ gesture is your go to. It is as if you are sweeping across all of the ideas to be inclusive.
Alternate: This can also be used to say you are "pushing something out of the way". In Hindi (Ya To Abhi Paise Dai, Par Agar Kiraya Nahin Diya, To...(show gesture only which means Ghar Sai Bahar!)

6. Small, Medium, Large

This is a really easy one and can be used to literally show someone what level something is. You can use this to indicate how big or small something is or where someone stands. For example, you can use the high version along with “Look, Mom, how much money I have brought for you....look...look! ( Dekh Maa, Main Teray Liye Kitne Sare Paise Kama Ke Laya Haun...Dekh...Dekh Maa!)
It’s a pretty big deal” or the low version with “The light was entering from a small hole" or in Hindi "Bahut Chota Aadmi Hai Sala!"

Alternate: You can also use this as you talk about different stages as an alternate to the listing. For example, you could say, “We start with your vision” (low level), “then move on to your structure,” (medium level) and “we end most importantly on your finished product.”

7. Showing Dilemma

When in confusion or when indecisive

Rolling your hand around mouth or face or bring down your hand from the forehead down to the mouth, looking perplexed. Note: In the past when I used this gesture as an actor, additionally it always to calm while performing a tense scene

8. Let Me Tell You

Pointing should be used with caution. Viewers if at them, don’t like to be pointed at because it can be seen as accusatory or invasive. However, you can point to get someone’s attention or to literally make a point. For example, this gesture goes along well with: “You know, I just remembered something important.” or in Hindi-(Suno, Muzhe Kuch Bahut Jaruri Baat Yad Aaa Gayee)
“This one’s important.”
“Let me tell you something.”

9. Just a Part

This gesture can be used to demonstrate a very specific part of an idea. When you are talking about an aspect of something, this gesture can indicate that it is separate

10. I Am Great 

"I'm the Boss here"
In Hindi-("Main Yahan Sub-Kuch Hoon! Samzhe?" or "Main Yahan Ka Bhagwan Hoon!")

When you have both of your hands apart and palms facing towards the camera ( audience), it is a very "God-Like" pose. Use it when making a grand gesture.

11. Growth

Whenever you move your hand or gesture upwards, you indicate some kind of growth or increase. This can be used to indicate the expected growth, excitement or direction where something is headed.

12. Me

Anytime we bring our hands in towards our heart or chest, we usually want to indicate to ourselves. I have heard some top actors or sharp acting or speaking coaches (abroad) tell candidates to point towards themselves when talking about a fact or statement or anything positive and "be sure to be…".

13. This and That

Whenever you want to separate two different ideas or things, you can use your hands to symbolically represent them. For example, I might say we are totally different from them, using my left hand when I say “we” and my right hand when I say “them.” This is a great way to put distance between two things. in Hindi for example "Hum Alag Hain or Wo Alag"

14. Come Together

When you bring both of your hands together, it is a gesture of combining and is a great way to symbolically show two forces coming together as one. You can even mesh or fold your hands together to show complete togetherness.

15. It’s Just So

You can use your palms vertically with a rigid but quick slicing motion to demonstrate the need for precise measurement or to separate two things.
Alternate: This can also be used to demonstrate a tough stance on a point. For Example "that's it!'

16. I’m Not Hiding Anything

When your hands are at a 45-degree angle with the palms facing up, you are showing openness and honesty. It’s like you are saying you are laying all the facts in front of them or on the table.
Alternate: When your palms face up also lifting your shoulders and eyebrow up, it means you are seeking " I'm right, isn't it?". In Hindi "Sahi Hai Ne?.

17. You Listen to Me

Hands with finger pointing should be facing up, out or vertical when speaking. It is commanding. If you have a very strong directive or order you can use it. Be careful not to use this gesture by default!

18 Stop! 

When you flash your palm at someone, you want them to pause or stop. You can do this while anyone is speaking and they will almost instantly be quiet. I was with an actor who was portraying a character of a CEO once, and he practiced the habit of doing it to his employees in a scene when he was done listening. It was a powerful though horribly offensive gesture.
Milder but effective alternative: You can also do this when asking a question–it’s a universal attention grabber.

19. We

The last one can be the most powerful. This gesture can be used whenever you are speaking to a group or to an audience. You open up your arms as if you are wrapping them in a hug, making the ‘we’ gesture. You can also do this when standing next to someone and actually and your hands behind him as if to indicate you are in my inner circle. It is a lovely ‘come together’ gesture when used correctly.


Here are a few ways to implement these gestures:

  • First, try one or two out at a time. Too many at once is overcrowding and too dramatic (not recommended for the camera unless director approves it).
  • Second, I would use them first on the phone–where no one can see you or with close friends, so you can practice and try without being worried about how you look.

Based on

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

20 Easy To Follow Secret Tips To Be A Star And For Happiness

A successful Bollywood star with a happy life: Akshay Kumar
A successful Bollywood star with a happy life: Akshay Kumar

The success for aspiring Bollywood or International film star like you brings joy and happiness. Who doesn’t want more of that in their life!

Here are untold 20 small things you can adopt into your everyday life that will do just that…bring you success, a stardom, and joy!

1. Eat Breakfast

Make sure to eat a healthy breakfast ( sprouted beans, moong, chana, wheat bread, egg white, lassi or skimmed milk, green tea, and fruits) as it will help you concentrate and maintain your weight. Besides breakfast, be mindful of what you are putting in your body. You get out what you put in!

2. Smile

It’s amazing what happens when you smile. In today’s busy world, especially in our highly competitive film/TV industry, many of us walk around with our heads buried in our phones. Take a break from your busy day and smile, it will naturally put you in a good mood! Smile, even deliberately,  till it becomes your habit. It's a tremendous tool to be welcomed by all casting directors, coordinators, producers, co-actors, crew members, roommates, girl or a boyfriend.

3. Be Present

Be mindful and remain focused on paying attention to the moment (wherever you are and whatever you are doing). Throughout the day, just stop what you are doing and realize what is going on around you. It’s so easy to fall back on our bad habits. If we can consciously take ourselves out of that state a few times a day, it makes a big difference!


4. Slow Down

We all have “so much” to do every day! The problem with being “busy” is we actually end up getting less done, and our work suffers. We like to “multi-task” which is actually counterproductive. Pick one thing at a time and do it mindfully. You will produce a better end result and experience less stress throughout the day.

5. Drink Water Liberally

The more water you drink, the cleaner your body and mind become. Start substituting water for what you normally drink. If you drink beverages like sprite, coke, or beer, stop! You will be amazed at how much better you will feel and think!

6. Take Frequent Breaks

No matter what your day calls for, make sure to take frequent breaks. A recent study shows that your brain works at a high level for about an hour and then slows for 15-20 minutes. So, work for an hour and take a 15-minute break. This will help your productivity and your peace of mind!

7. Don't Get Glued. Move around

When you do take those breaks, move! If you sit at a desk all day, make sure to schedule times to get up and walk around, or at least stand-up and stretch. It will help you stay energized throughout the day!

8. Just Write it Down

Writing your activities done and what to do next day on the day is a great way to remember things, follow and enforce goals you are trying to accomplish. Whether it is a pen and a pad of paper, or an app on your phone, get in the habit of writing things down. You will be amazed at how much more you remember, and how organized your life becomes.


9. Listen

Start listening to people. But, really really listen. Instead of thinking about what you’re going to say next to your scene partner while filming or in an audition, cut out the chatter in your head. Just be there and attentively listen to what the other person is saying. 
You will be amazed at what you learn from what is being said, as well as who is saying it.  
This habit of yours will make you even a better actor when you are in a scene with your co-actors, irrespective of a number of times you have read the script or rehearsed a scene.

10. Take Action

We say we are going to do this and do that, but rarely do this or that! Pick something each day that you want to accomplish, and do it! It’s amazing how good it feels to finally start doing things you’ve been wanting to accomplish, even if they are small ones.


11. Celebrate Small Wins

It can sometimes seem like we haven’t had a “win” in a long time (auditions par auditions, par chance nahin mil raha). This can be because we often work on large goals or projects. No importance to small achievements. If you don’t already, break down your larger goals and projects into smaller ones. Each time you finish your daily goal, feel good and enjoy your win. Small wins add up to big ones!

12. Not Work But "My Time"

You should be taking small “my times” during the course of your day. My Time can be anything you enjoy, and is something that takes you away from the clutter of work or information we are bombarded with. Taking me time lowers your stress levels, and allows you to live a longer and healthier life.


13 Be Positive

This is easier said than done. Beginning your day with a positive mindset is very important. After getting up in the morning, go to a mirror, see , smile and say 'I'm looking good', 'it's gonna to be a great day' and so on. During the course of a day, your mindset will be tested. If you can mindfully keep a positive mindset throughout your day, you will have a happier and more successful life.

14 Kick Out Worry/Anxiety

Stop worrying about what happened yesterday and what is going to happen tomorrow. Be present and think about today! There is nothing you can do about yesterday and tomorrow hasn’t happened. So, enjoy today!

15. Breathe

Yes, if we stop breathing we die…everybody knows it. I’m talking about conscious (focused) breathing. If you start to feel anxiety or overwhelmed, stop and take a deep breath, hold and release slowly. At least 10 times! There is also a form of breathing called “box breathing” which helps you relax and strengthens your brain.

16. Listen To A Song

This is actually a relaxing body and mind exercise that is easy and fun. Be in your own space, relaxed, put your earbuds in and put on a random song. It works better with a song you don’t know very well. Sit or lay there for the 3-5 minutes (length of the song) with your eyes closed and just listen. Don’t think about anything but what the music brings. Listen to the different sounds and just observe the power of the music.

17. Kick Out Negativity

Don’t surround yourself with negative people! Or go to places where such people meet ( like near Andheri station0 where strugglers who are failing, who waste your time and demoralize you. Avoiding such people will have an immediate positive effect on you.

18. Laugh

Just as smiling has a natural effect on your mood, so does laughing. As you avoid negative people, go towards funny ones. Watch a funny show or movie, anything that gets your mood elevated. 
In Mumbai, luckily we have laughing groups or clubs where members meet early in the morning at a public garden and just laugh and laugh wildly with their raised hands. Join them. They would welcome you with their open hands


19. Plan Your Next Day

At the end of your day, sit down and write what you want to accomplish the next day. This transfers your thoughts of tomorrow and puts them down on paper. You will sleep better, as you won’t lie in bed worrying about what is going on tomorrow. When you wake up, all you have to do is look at what you have written down and follow the plan.

20. Sleep

Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Actors are supposed to get 7.5 to 9 hours a night, and the average Indian gets 6.5. Start scheduling your sleep and start getting the correct amount. You will be amazed at how energetic, confident and positive life becomes when you get enough rest. It has an impact on your energy, mental capacity, mood, emotional intelligence, and overall short and long term health.
So, write down what you will be doing tomorrow, get a good nights sleep, wake up early, start adopting and practicing these little things into your day and begin to live a successful and happier life!
Inspired by

Sunday, 4 September 2016

7 Bad Habits That Kill Your Looks As An Actor And Kill Career

The result of bad habits
The result of bad habits

Remember your entry into an audition room and how you look, contribute to 60% in grabbing the job

You might be spending a lot to add to your looks and being handsome or beautiful if you are a male or a female actor. But there are many bad habits which affect your face and overall health.

Here is the list of the most common terrible habits which might be damaging your skin and health.

1. Squeezing pimples

 Squeezing pimples

When you pop a pimple, clogged pore is burst open releasing bacteria. These bacteria come in contact with your rest of the skin and increase the acne. Moreover, the habit of squeezing pimples may also leave scars and pock marks. The best way to get rid of pimples is to use medicated/ antibacterial soap and let it heal itself.

2. Licking/ chewing your lips

chewing your lips

Chewing your lips make them even drier and chapped. It makes you lick and chew your lips more often. Excessive lip biting also results into bleeding and infection. To avoid this, get yourself a good lip balm and apply regularly to moisturize and protect your lips.

3. Nail biting

Nail biting

Nail biting result in ugly hands, fingers, and nails due to cuticle biting. It can also result in infections of nails, mouth, finger and dental problems affecting your smile too. Work with triggers to prevent these issues by yoga, manicure etc.

4. Smoking

Smoking affects your skin making it dry and rough. It decreases the blood flow to the skin and damages your collagen and elastic which result into saggy and loose skin. Quit smoking.

5. Sleeping with makeup on

Make up clog your skin pores and oil glands, making it difficult to breathe and prone to acne. To avoid this, spare some time before going to sleep to cleanse your makeup and moisturize the skin well.

6. Ignoring the sunscreen

Ignoring sunscreen

Ignoring sunscreen in summer is exposing your skin to UV rays. UV rays cause wrinkles and dry your skin giving you the older look. To protect your skin from UV rays, use sunscreen before half n hour of going out.

7. Inadequate sleep

Inadequate sleep releases the stress hormone in the body. It also ages your skin by decreasing collagen from skin. Hence try getting enough sleep.


Friday, 2 September 2016

10 Terrible Realities You Will Face In Your Actor's Life

Terrible realities of life as a Bollywood actor
Bollywood top star Salman Khan who faced terrible realities in his career

Be Prepared and Face or Quit Dreaming to Be An Actor

Understanding that hard work does not always equal success, is the most ruthless of all truths. We all know the great older actors that have worked in their whole career compromising with  small roles and yet cannot seem to break through for the big. Contrarily, some lazy young actors can simply become surprisingly lucky, which seems patently unfair to everyone else. The simple matter is that life does not promise—or even owe you—fairness. Hard work does not always equal success, but may simple help.

Your journey is your journey. At times simple, and at times alarmingly  challenging. Learn to enjoy the entire roller coaster ride, and not just the peaks. When you do, you’ll find that the “harsh” realities are every bit as enlivening as the “lucky” breaks.

Reality 1

One of the merciless truths actors discovers in this industry is that the most handsome, hot and the talented people don’t always get regular roles or experience the greatest success in their careers. This can be a harsh truth to face because when we first start out, we expect talent to win out.

Reality 2 

Much to our surprise, there are outstanding talents available in our country in Bollywood or TV serials we remember that somehow never work regularly are well known or earn their living without taking up another job. This can be a harsh reality to face when an actor sees someone they feel is less naturally talented gets regular jobs. A successful TV series producer told me  once, “We went with someone less talented who got less nervous and quick in memorization, rather than someone who is  having an excellent talent in the audition with their natural gift, but became less effective and requires repeated takes in a shoot.” So the harsh reality is it may not be talent but flexibility, perseverance, hard work, and a clear head that determines an actor’s fate.

Reality 3 

As an actor, you are a sensitive instrument, and it’s easy to take things personally and feel bad. Don’t. You may face many rejections. It’s not all about you. Casting decisions are trying to find out the best among hundreds who suits the best as a character in the story and on the camera. Therefore, it would be wise for you to find out your type and research before hand whether you suit to a character description, before you go for an audition

Reality 4 

One of the hardest realities to face as an actor is that you will always be who you are. As we know, you can’t please all of the people all of the time. You’ll win some roles and be rejected for others. The reality is the more roles you audition is not great, but more disappointed you’ll be. This is why it is important to know yourself, your strategy based on your talent, and set realistic expectations. Audition for roles you are confident in booking and have a strong desire to perform. When it comes to not getting the role, be able to separate your feelings from casting decisions, which are, in fact, business decisions (nothing personal). Choose to be happy for the person who got the role and move on. The more opportunity awaits you!

Reality 5

Everybody wants to be an actor and simply going to acting school is not enough. Better to engage a personal acting coach who will guide you for a long time. You have to be better focused, motivated, talented and have a razor sharp positive attitude—not to mention a perfect knowledge of acting as a business and how to market yourself to be successful hitting your goals. There are people literally dozing on benches at the reception of Bollywood and TV channel production houses to wait for a meeting with a big director or a producer to get their chance and if you are not willing to give it everything you will have to wait for years and years, your chances of success are small. It is not for the weak of heart.

Reality 6 

The truth is it’s a prolonged struggle and puts a lot of pressure on your financial resources to maintain this struggle.

Reality 7

No industry professional (artist coordinators, industry insiders, casting director, director, producer, etc.) will give a career to you. You must actively, aggressively, and strategically create your own opportunities (dancing, singing, martial arts, assisting directors or producers, comedy, etc.) to create a platform for yourself to be taken seriously. Career success is linked with the amount of focused work you put in and with your ability to build and maintain relationships with other industry professionals.

Reality 8

One of the hardest things for young actors to learn and accept is that you are not going to be right for every role you go out for. You just don't know why you were rejected. Apart from matching with the character as the best among the lot, there could be hidden reasons nobody can identify. For example, casting director had a bad night, the role had been cast already or a casting director is not really a decision maker (especially in India) but may be a producer or a client (in the case of a commercial ad). It can be incredibly frustrating, demoralizing, and difficult for an actor to grasp this reality that it’s not about who is good or bad, but that there are other factors that weigh into the casting process.

Reality 9

 One of the harshest things is that it’s purely a profit business and many a time your selection is based on this factor. Are you willing to work for free or on a small pay? Are you hot and sexy as an item girl or a sexy hunk to attract more viewers to my film or TV serial? You may be the most talented and most deserving, but do you fit into the project's financial budget? Keep this in mind this fact for your acceptance or rejection.

Reality 10

Actors have no power unless they’re stars. The hardest lesson an actor will learn throughout his or her career is that he or she is not necessary. How many actors become Bollywood or TV  stars? How many even ever get to make a living acting?  So, don’t expect all the roles you audition. The easiest way is to start thinking like a filmmaker, an investor in a film then probably understands a selection process

The Key Success and Happiness Factors To Develop

Lock and key to an actor's success
1. Insane Determination and Dedication
2. Polished People Skills (Networking)
3. Awesome Auditioning Skills
4. Excellent Acting Talent
5. A Strong Yet Open Personality

The last one (5),  may just be the hardest quality to acquire. An actor must be open to the world and the people in it in order to develop the insight necessary to bring characters to life. At the same time, he or she must be protective enough to deal with the constant rejection and disapproval that abound in this industry.
