Monday, 28 December 2015

How to Act for Camera Nobody Tells You About

 How to Act for Camera

I’ll bet most of you as actors out there are actual human beings. And most people think that the easiest thing in the world is to just be just memorize lines and play the character when the camera comes on. Wrong! I find that most people have the toughest problem, not with the techniques, but with just looking and feeling like an actual living, breathing human being once the camera is running. And, let’s face it, a good acting scene should never look like a good acting scene. It should look like "a reality show" that is so natural and real that we forget it is an acting scene.

Here are the top five tips I use in my classes now to get students to feel and look like real human beings in a scene:

1. Start by relaxing and your body to "just let go.” 

You need to get out of your mind and nervousness and focus on your body. It’s important to physically loosen your body and to unfreeze it so that natural life energy and subconscious reactions are set free to happen.

A simple relaxation technique of breathing 

Easy steps
While sitting on a chair

A. Step 1
-One hand on chest
-The other hand on stomach

B. Steps 2

  • Exhale fully emptying your lungs
  • Inhale deeply, pressing your stomach slightly. No pressing of your chest with the other hand.
  • Hold your breath for 5 to 7 seconds and while you are holding your breath.
  • Auto suggest silently to you, like-“I‘ll be relaxed”, “I’ll feel good”, I’ll give a great audition”, “I’ll give good performance”…
  • Exhale very slowly in 7 to 10 seconds, releasing the pressure of your hand, the one which is on the stomach and pressing your chest slightly with the hand which is on the chest
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times or till you can continue, depending upon time available with you in an audition room or the set before the shoot.

Finally, auto suggest yourself- “I’m feeling relaxed. Really good. Yes, I’m ready to go…”

2. Free yourself as though you are alone and no one is watching you. 

Create a wall in front of you and block everything-casting director, assistants, camera, reader (who reads the other part of your co-actor). Set yourself free. Based on the analysis of the script and the character you are portraying, do the things you would do if you were alone.   For example-scratch, get the hair out of your face. Be creative and set free natural nuances to happen so that you are working as a real “living human being”. Allow yourself to feel ugly, imperfect, even boring. Everyone actually looks better in a relaxed mode, as your face and body gets a beautiful, natural glow and flow. It will look like you are doing nothing, but remember, tiny nuances by you looks great in the camera.

3. Give yourself something to do! 

Anything that is real looks amazing on camera. So really read the book; really listen to the other person; really try to get the piece of lint off of your clothes; really give a soft smile; adjust your clothes. Really observe the other person in the scene. Feel the breeze on your face. Clean your finger nails. Touch someone with love. Stare so hard into the eyes.

4. Eyelines

Why an actor should care about Eyeline?
An actor should care about Eyelines because where and how an actor looks on screen gives viewers information about his character.
Though basically "Eyelines" is a subject of film making, direction and cinematography as to where to place the camera, especially in 2 shot filming, it could be a great opportunity for actors to showcase their talents through eye expressions
In a cine industry of Bollywood or TV serial market in India, where there is a cut throat competition,
it's  absolutely essential for actors how to position themselves suitably in a shot or at the audition to give a memorable performance.
There will be a separate post in detail on how actors should use their eyeline for the camera

5. Use props

It may be a Rs 20 ring you are giving to your love, but feeling that it’s a diamond ring and so should be felt by her. Sipping a coke, but feeling it’s a great scotch in a finest cut glass.
Feeling and just  feeling. A camera loves,  "feelings"! Yes, that’s the way you should use your props
(Prop: A property, commonly shortened to prop (plural: props), is an object used on stage or on screen by actors during a performance or screen production. In practical terms, a prop is considered to be anything movable or portable on a stage or a film set like pan, umbrella, coffee mug or anything but not a scenery, costumes and electrical equipment etc.)
Based on

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

India's Only 'One on One" Your Professional Acting Course

India's only "One on One" acting coaching program


32 Steps of designing coaching program, especially suited to you

Introduction and Initial Step

Your audition is taken followed by interviews, not for selection in classes, but to know the level of talent in you, your dreams, why you want to be an actor, your determination, ability to struggle for a considerable period, financial resources to support you for a long period, your persistence and perseverance + more
Then we do your SWOT (your 'Strength', 'Weaknesses', 'Opportunities' for you, and finally 'Threats' to you)

Based on the above, we design a learning program, particularly suited to you.

Key points while designing Syllabus for you:

  1. What is an actor?
  2. What is your acting instrument?
  3. How to improve your acting instrument
  4. Body & mind
  5. Improving all your 6 senses
  6. How to really Listen and react normally
  7. Why develop guaranteed and quick  relaxation techniques
  8. How to fight tension on auditions and in a shoot
  9. How to build confidence
  10. How to improve your voice and diction
  11. How to build a killer hot body
  12. Two key factors in learning success- "Observation" and “Imagination”: Techniques
  13. How to create a story after "observation" and importance of building up your sense-memory
  14. How to play different emotions and 20 attitudes you see around you
  15. Acting Technique: You are taught a special acting technique suited to you and are encouraged to develop your own technique after training you in Konstantin Stanislavsky method acting, Meisner technique and Stella Adler Acting Method.
  16. How to win auditions
  17. Why and how to do script analysis
  18. How to do a character analysis of the role
  19. Top tricks for quick memorization for auditions and large number of pages for film / theater
  20. How to prepare a monologue and give a top performance
  21. What is and how to enact 'improvisation"
  22. Which are different acting techniques and which one suits you the best-create your own
  23. What is camera acting and how best to play for the camera
  24. Camera loves ‘eyes’-how to use them (use of your Eyeline)
  25. How to work and get roles for the commercial ads
  26. Why acting is a business and how to be a successful business actor
  27. How to market and promote yourself, website making, monologue and show reel filming
  28. Public relation secrets for actors
  29. Life and career 'Goal Setting'
  30. Casting directors and coordinators in India
  31. Production houses and TV channels in India
  32. Writing a script for your monologue and shooting a 2 minute video-film for promotion

+ More...

Get Coaching details here: Click

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

6 Audition Steps You Don't Know and Failed Again

Failing repeatedly in auditions

6 Steps Everyone Should Know About Auditions

An acting career is a strange thing. You spend more appearing for auditions than for getting roles in a TV serial or films. I don’t think there are any other occupations like that. Looking back at my life as an actor and an acting coach, the average to number of auditions to actually getting the role (job) is 10:1, and a working actor probably had hundreds of auditions during his/her career.
This is why you have to learn how to handle an audition. Sadly, there are a lot of talented actors out there who never had a career because they couldn’t deal with the auditioning process.

  1. The first thing you have to understand is that auditions aren’t about winning a role.. You can’t do good work inside an audition room with at kind of pressure hanging over your head of “getting a role is a MUST”. 
  2. If the casting director says to me as his/her coach that my student did a great job, but he/she was too young or too old or too tall or too short, then I say to my guy you’re on solid ground. That means you’ll get repeat audition calls or even better, may select you directly without an audition for some future project. 
  3. Look at it this way: Auditions are an opportunity to create a terrific, memorable impressions and fans in the casting world. And if you can get into the good books of casting directors, you will have a successful career.
  4. Another thing you want to keep in mind is that nothing a casting director does is personal. Remember, these people are under a lot of pressure. They have to get their job done while facing calls from their producers, the director, the studio, the channel etc. So if the casting director is eating lunch during your audition, it means he’s hungry. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you. 
  5. That’s why it’s a mistake to read into every little moment that occurs before, during, and after your audition? This road leads to madness. And if you are oversensitive about this, nine out of 10 times, you’ll be totally wrong.
  6. If you want to become a successful actor, you’re going to spend a large part of your life auditioning for the acting roles you’re never going to get. So learn to enjoy the process. See every audition as a chance to perform, and don’t worry about the outcome. 

My advice

“All you guys want to do is to win an acting assignment, and you are thrilled because you finally get an audition. All anyone is asking you to do is to  focus and act in those two to four minutes, because that’s about how long an audition is gonna last 
And what you do? You jump into your own freaking conclusions and wonder if they’re paying attention. Do they like it? What are they thinking? Did I make mistakes? ... Think I got the role... No?
Forget it. Just perform
Based on


Monday, 14 December 2015

A Key to10 Secret Tips to be 100% a Bollywood Star

Key to clues for an actor's success
Key to clues for an actor's success

Here are Vital Tips from My Secret Chamber to Put You at The Top of Acting Game

1.  Watch Great International Actors

To become a better actor you must not only continue learning the craft of acting (which is a lifelong process), but observe celebrity actors known for memorable and award winning performance. Go to the theatre, watch films/TV programs that have your favorite actors in. Observe how they execute their craft. What can you learn from them? What are they doing that makes them an outstanding actor?
Warning: Don’t become a viewer getting involved in the story, but observe films as a critic and as a learner. One of the great ways is to switch off the volume and then observe their acting

2.  Give Your Best in Rehearsals

Bring as much to the rehearsal (If there is one) as you can including strong character choices, clear character intentions, ideas, and your prep work/research. This will help you hugely when in the rehearsal space and creating the world of the character with your fellow actors. If there are no rehearsals, then seek some time before a shoot with the director and show him/her.
Remember, anything you do repeatedly become a natural habit, good or bad!

3.  Have a Mentor or a Coach

Had lots of failures and are struggling to see how to find the success you desire? Having a mentor (acting coach) can really help you see outside your “pre-conceived idea” and find other ways to climb up the acting ladder of success. It doesn’t need to be someone who is a three time Filmfare or Oscar winner, but someone you believe and admire. You can seek solutions from such a coach before an audition or before a shoot (May be by paying a small fee), fix an appointment, practice and then go for your kill! Having a mentor can do wonders for your confidence and your career.

4.  Develop Your Observation and Imagination

As an actor, drawing upon our life experience is part and parcel of connecting to a role and injecting truth into it. It is ESSENTIAL you live a full life to do this. Take walks in the parks, stations, zoo, visit as many people as possible regularly and observe keenly everything about them. Try new experiences, visit new places, hear different genres of music… Be an imaginative actor and create new lives. Use your imagination and dream and create stories from your observations of people, animals, birds, nature etc.

5.  Improve Mental Health

Alongside working on honing your craft and audition technique, you also need to work on your mind. This is of utmost importance. Do you understand the limitations your mind places on situations? Do you understand why? How can you overcome this? Once you have cracked this (Ask your coach), you will free yourself, lose inhibitions and find you begin taking more risks and making clearer choices with your work. Even work on your mind, your mentor (coach) can help you.

6.  Analyze Script and Character

Very carefully read your script, perhaps many a times. Analyze the objective, changes and how it achieves the objective. Analyze your “character”. This contains all the clues you will ever need in creating your character. Go through it with a fine tooth comb to pull out all those gems the script writer has loaded it with.

7.  Build Contacts

As well as having talent and consistently honing your acting craft, you need to have a good, solid list of contacts and continue to build upon this. You can build up your network/contacts by really working on social networking sites like Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Attending film festivals, theater groups, workshops, meeting industry people will definitely expand your contacts and help to broaden your visibility to casting directors and others who matter to you.

8.  Read Books

If you say you’re an actor, be an actor. Read books on acting to hone your acting craft and read fictions which have conflict, suspense and intense emotions. Don’t just read, imagine scenes while reading and be a character in the story.

9.  Then Discover Who You Are

Write down your physical, mental, social and cultural profile. The best would be to seek help from your coach. Identify your flexible traits, emotions, attitudes, which you can easily change, matching that of a character. Then forget what you cannot. Just bring the character into you rather than trying desperately to be a character.

10.  Create your Character-Write Down

Do you document (Write down) your character while analyzing the script and character? This is a great way to stay on top of all the choices you make for your character. Of course, you have to create not one but maybe 2 or 3 choices of creating different profiles of your character. Just grab an A4 size paper, write anything that inspires you in the development of your character, this can include a back story, photos of their street, house etc.
Based on

Sunday, 6 December 2015

A Lesson From a Tragic Tale of a Failed Dreaming Actor

Struggling actors discussing their dreams
Struggling actors in their single room discussing dreams

Once upon a time, there was an actor, a real dream boy.  We called him Swapan Kumar (स्वप्न कुमार) 
-(Name changed due to secrecy)

Swapan Kumar, like most actors, was passionate, creative and excited to fulfill his dream and get his career off the ground.  He felt a surge of excitement when he realized that acting is more than a hobby, and he could do acting as a profession and be Salman khan or Randhir Kapoor. There was just no stopping him!

He was ready.  Because he thought that’s all it takes to be a professional actor.  A passion!
Right? But he didn’t know anything about, how? Oh, yeah… training!; he realized

Okay, Dream Boy realized how silly he had been.  He should probably take an acting class or something.

So he did.

  • Now he was ready to be a professional actor.  He had taken training from a renowned school, paying Rs. 200,000 (two Lackhs, about $3000)

He had passion, he had been properly trained with all the information he needed to be a professional actor (after all, he took BJAS acting class) and so… he said “watch out Bollywood- Swapan Kumar is here"!

Well, nothing happened..  Swapan Kumar was stumped.  He took an acting class.  "Why wasn’t Karan Johar or Sanjay Leela Bhansali, banging down his door, script in hand, offering him the lead?… Or even a supporting role?"

"Oh, I see!" Swapan Kumar realized what the problem was.  Portfolio (Headshots).  Didn’t he need to get those if he was going to be a professional actor?

 So he went out and spent Rs. 25,000 on headshots. And Swapan Kumar was really excited because the photographer told him that he could now definitely get roles in Bollywood and in TV serials.
So Swapan Kumar got 1,000 prints paying extra Rs. 5000 for the package.

He remembered what the photographer had told him; get registered with a few good artist coordinators and had given him names.

So, he got himself registered with 6 top artist coordinators in Mumbai paying additional Rs. 30,000. The coordinators told him to get show-reel/ monologue film of 2 to 3 minutes shot to be sent to casting directors to improve his chances. He did that too and was out by another Rs. 25,000
But still nothing.  No Karan Johar.  No, nobody.

And he was down by a total of approx. Rs. 2,60000 (Two Lakhs sixty thousand; $ 4000). He had to use all the tricks to get this money from his parents and friends.

He was starting to think maybe being an actor wasn’t such a good idea.  The doubt started to swell.  His family started to tell him he was nuts for doing this and he should just “stop chasing rainbows” and get a “real job”.  He sunk further!

Why wasn’t Swapan Kumar’s acting career taking off?

After all, he had PASSION!  He was focused.  He took an acting class and he had all other things.
What’s wrong with this picture?  What’s missing?

Why Swapan Kumar Is failing?

Swapan Kumar has the passion (which is essential).  He does have headshots, show reel, monologues filmed and registered with top coordinators (few out of this also essential).  He did take an acting class (gotta have that too).

However, our स्वप्न कुमार- Dream Boy knows NOTHING about how the business of professional acting works.

He has no idea how to market himself.

He didn’t know how to develop confidence which he was losing due to self-doubt and shattering dreams.

He has no idea how the business of Bollywood and TV industry and how to develop contacts to get work. Some consistent work in projects so he can make a living as an actor.
Passion is great.  In fact, it’s a non-negotiable requirement for a successful acting career.  But it’s not enough.

OK sir, I'm too an aspiring actor So, what should I do?

To Become and Remain a Successful Working Actor You Need

1. To understand the business of “the business” and how making your business of acting, successful.
2. To  continue training in a variety of different things (not just an acting class)
3. To understand basic actor marketing (and some more advanced promotional stuff if you want to move quicker)
4. How to deal with self-doubt, rejections, criticism and other career-killing mind trash (which will continue to haunt you unless you win over them)

Is it possible to be successful without one of those things?

Well, you might get “lucky” and get a job here and there. But you’ll have trouble jumping to the next level.
You’ll keep having the same experience year after year wondering why you’re not getting ahead.

You’ll most likely end up stuck in some other job you hate, getting a few small parts a year (if you’re lucky) and wondering why you’re stuck at that level for what seems like FOREVER.

You won’t be a CONSISTENTLY working actor whose career gets better and better over timewhich is what you want… Right?

If that’s happening, somewhere along your journey you skipped a step.  It’s coming back to bite you now.  You’re missing some essential pieces.

Don’t panic! There is a solution.

Always remember this

“You can get wherever you want from wherever you are right now”

So, if that’s you, decide right here, right now that-

  1. You WILL NOT be the actor in a bottle of self-doubt and self-pity.
  2. You WILL fill in the gaps of essential knowledge strategy that you’re missing.
  3. You WILL invest in your career by devoting TIME and with an IRON DETERMINATION 
  4. If you’re at the beginning of your career, this is a critical time for you.
  5. Don’t be Swapan Kumar- A Dream Boy
  6. Get the ALL the essential information you need to get started on your acting career the RIGHT way. Make that promise to yourself right now.  

Go ahead.  I’ll wait.


Join some good acting coach you can like

Or if you find it difficult to find one, then join me NOW,

Get all the details here:  http:/

And You will be one step closer to a Bollywood's "The Red Carpet”!

You DESERVE The Red Carpet

Join Us!

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

How to Consult Acting and Audition Doctor to be a Star Actor

Acting and audition doctor
Kiran Pande Acting and audition doctor

Do you want to know whether you can be a successful actor?What should you do to be a Bollywood or TV serial star actor?



What we offer:

·    Your audition
·   Based on the results, your total analysis
·   What are your   Strengths, Weaknesses, Your opportunities to be a star, Threats to you
·   Action plan: What should you do?
·  Acting for the camera
·   Setting your career goal
·  5 years marketing plan for you for your success
·  Action plan
·  Answers to any question you want to ask

What do you get?

1.    Top Portfolio  studios and photographers to get auditions
2.    13 Best Acting schools and acting coach
3.    3. Handpicked best artist coordinators
4.    Top 3 casting directors
5.    Leading film production houses

Fees for 1 hour consultation: Rs. 1000


1.     Deposit Rs. 1000 in our bank account (will be sent to you to your email)
2.     On receipt, take appointment time and date
3.     Or pay on arrival
4.     Arrive on date and time
5.     Our Email:


There is NO other meeting system

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Best 6+20 Portfolio Studios to Get Audition Calls

Good headshots of actors
Good headshots of actors

How do casting directors call you for an audition?
Of course, first by looking at your Headshots!

Actor’s portfolio photos! It’s the single most important promotional tool for an actor, and it’s amazing how many people do it wrong. Take my advice; it’s time to take it more seriously. When your headshots pops up on a casting director’s computer, you want them to say, “Yes, bring that person in!” and not just deleting it with a dislike on their faces.

Portfolio photograph tips for actors and talent

Most Important

  1. Your headshot and other profile pictures  should look like you - exactly how you would show up for an audition
  2. Remember your photo has to sell your looks and personality
  3. Go to a professional portfolio photographer. Don’t be stingy or if you are financially tight, get fewer looks rather than multiple ones. A good studio or a The good photographer in Mumbai may cost you anywhere from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 50,000 (inclusive of makeup and wardrobe?), though there are plenty of cheaper ones also looking for a kill.

Your eyes

Just like with on-camera acting, it’s all about the eyes, and what’s happening behind them. It’s your close-up, your moment. Your eyes should be perfectly in focus, alive, and energized, and not dead. There should be strong inner thoughts, implying a backstory and a life behind the eyes. A strong piercing eyes will bring a picture to life and help it stand out among hundreds. This can be done by your “imagination” to be in a particular imaginary or observed character.
Warning: Never, never and never hide your eyes with dark glasses. This is most irritating to the casting directors.

Outdoor vs. Studio

Some photographers do both, as they offer a different look and feel. Natural light gives a very real, a “film” look, which I prefer. Studio lighting tends to be a little more polished, with a more neutral backdrop. Both can be wonderful. What I would suggest is to have a combination of few outdoor and studio looks, if possible.

General Tips

  • Tell photographer your expectations and intentions. Let them know what kind of look you want
  • Drink lots of water and be well rested (so your eyes will not have dark circles)
  • Your skin might not look best after drug/alcohol use. Try to abstain from these before your shoot
  • Arrive on time. 

Top Portfolio Photo Studio 

1. A.Rrajani Photography*

Phone:070453 60660

2. Sandesh Jayakar Photography

Phone:022 4021 1956
Address: Off Aarey Rd, Vishveshwar Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400063

3. Studio 999

Phone:098219 25888
Address: Goregaon West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400104

4. Sameer Belvalkar Photography

Phone:098505 33300
Address: 505 Menka, Nalanda Menka Society,, Off J.P Road, 7 Bungalows, Andheri W, Mumbai, Maharashtra 411053

5. Luv Israni Photography (Branch of Studio 999?)

Phone:098212 97666
Address: New Link Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400102

6. Photography Institute

This is a photography institute where you can get some good portfolio done by few bright students/ experienced photographers attached, at an economical rate or the faculty can suggest and guide you where to go. Contact them
National Institute of Photography*
11/2, Ghamat Terrace, 2nd Floor,
Above Shagun Hotel,
Op. Dadar (WR) Station Middle Bridge,
Senapati Bapat Road, Dadar(West),
Phone: 022 24306502 , 022 65203364
Mobile: +91 9820109479

You can try top fashion/ model photographers also

Other reviewed and select photo studios for aspiring actors

1. Studio Favourite*
+ (91)-22-38575149  Shop 142, 29th Road, Off Waterfield Road, Bandra West, Mumbai - 400050, Opposite Chemistry Boutique, Chinchwadi

2. Guri Photography
 + (91)-22-38535527  D Wing, J B Nagar, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400059, Opposite Kohinoor Hotel

3. Arya Studio
+ (91)-22-38523052  14, Ram Niwas Building, RRT Road, Mulund West, Mumbai - 400080, Near Railway Station

4. Alive Kraft Photography
+ (91)-7303707770, +(91)-9167252520  B 1703, Garden Estate, Link Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai - 400104, Behind Kancha Restaurant

5. Fine Arts Studio
 +(91)-22-38566873  E/40, Sahar Rd, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400069, Koteshwar Nagar,Opp Garware House & HDFC Bank

6. Shree Vireshwar Digital Studio & Colour Lab
 + (91)-22-39622369  Shop No 10, Premavati Chawl, Marol Military Road, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400059, Opposite Seven Hills Hospital

7. Sana Chhabra Photography
 + (91)-22-38535809  601, 6th Floor, Landmark Platinum, S V Road, Bandra West, Mumbai - 400050, Opposite Khar Mosque, Behind National College

8. Vilas Photo Services
+ (91)-22-38596171  Shop No 7, Flower Queen Building, Veera Desai Road, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400058, Opposite ICICI Bank And Dominoz

9. Snapshot*
+ (91)-22-38517366  29/232 Motilal Nagar 1, Imperial Heights, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400058, BEST Nagar, Near Fire Brigade

10. Midastouch Productions and Events
 + (91)-22-38524917  303 Elavia Manor, Chincholi Bunder Road, Malad West, Mumbai - 400064

11. DYT*
+(91)-22-39930267  +(91)-22-26465322, 26465323; 3 Sethi Terraces, 1st Floor, P D Hinduja Marg, Khar West, Mumbai - 400052, Opposite Canera Bank

12. X Pose Studio & Color Lab
 + (91)-22-38562109  Shop No 7, Ground Floor, Amina Manzil, Kishore Kumar Lane, Juhu, Mumbai - 400049, Opposite Ram Mandir

13. Studio Patidar
 + (91)-22-39370950  Unit No A/25, Oshiwara Industrial Estate, New Link Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai - 400104, Opposite Goregaon Bus Depot

1. Elite Images Studio & Colour Lab
 + (91)-22-38586908  Shop No 1, Imperial Plaza, Linking Road And 30th Road, Bandra West, Mumbai - 400050, Opposite Amarsons Collections

15. Fotoscenic*
 + (91)-22-38579395  A 1, Sun And Sea Apartment, Royal Lane, Juhu Tara Road, Juhu, Mumbai - 400049, Near Sea Princess Hotel, Opposite Royal Hotel

16.  Priyanka Photo Studio
 + (91)-22-38564961  Shop No 31,Heera Panna Shopping Centre, Adi Shankaracharya Marg, Powai, Mumbai - 400076, Near Jal Vayu,Hiranandani Gardens

17. Starlight Model And Talent Management Pvt Ltd
 + (91)-22-38559246  Shop No. 25, Ground Floor, Om Heera Panna Premises Co-operative Society Ltd., Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053, Behind Oshiwara Police Station

18. Ajay Kaustubh
 + (91)-22-38526959  Shikhar Society, Plot No 104, Room No 16, Sector No 1, Kandivali West, Mumbai - 400067, Near Muncipal School, Charkop

19. Star Color Lab and Photo Studio
 + (91)-22-38585959  Shop No 12 Gren Ville, Lokhandwala Complex, Millat Nagar Circle, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053, Next To Samarth Vaibhav Shopping, Next To Shiva`s Stylo Salon

20. Ridham Creation
 + (91) -22-38515180  R3/303, Asmi Complex, Ram Mandir Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai - 400104, Near Movie Star Cinema


  • Though the above details are best to our knowledge, you are strongly recommended to check the quality of their work (Portfolio albums) and other credentials, as over the time, a good may become bad and a bad, good 
  • Also check what they are offering in a portfolio package like make-up, costumes, no of looks, indoor/ outdoor, etc. 

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Unless You Follow These 4 Tips You Fail in Auditions

Aspiring actors preparing for Bollywood audition
Aspiring actors preparing for Bollywood audition

It’s always your fault for audition failures. So stop making excuses! Follow these 4 tips, give a "Star Performance" and grab your dream role

When you walk into an audition, it’s all about confidence. It’s about owning the room, and believing in yourself, your technique, and your skill. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else will.
Confidence is an attractive quality that gets buyers (casting directors, producers, show runners, directors) to trust you so that they can put you on set and you won’t crack under all the pressure. You can be an amazing actor, but if you can’t walk into an audition with confidence, you will lose the role. Remember, your confidence level can play a major role in grabbing or losing the chance

Here are my four tips for developing unshakeable confidence in auditions:

1. How to get rid of the pressure

Outside in the waiting room, sit comfortably, don’t think of the crowd sitting or strolling around. Take a deep breath and relax.
Give auto-suggestion to yourself that you are relaxed and would give the best performance. You are good. And then focus on the script, the character and imagine the scene.

The trick here is to divert your mind immediately towards positive things, before the crowd or the scene in the waiting room makes you tense and nervous.

Remember, this audition is a simply a chance to play. So much of it is out of your hands (type, eye color, hair color, height, etc.). Forget the need to be perfect, allow for mistakes, and remind yourself that there will always be more auditions. Think of this as a fun chance to show your work and give them your take on the character. The casting director is your friend, on your side, and genuinely wants you to be right for the part. Don’t worry about the need to get the role. Thinking this way will free you from unnecessary tension and you will feel and appear more confident.
And your audition will be just great!

2. “Act” as a confident person 

You’re an actor, right? It’s all about perception. Even if you are feeling terribly tense inside out, repeat in your mind “I’m feeling good” and act like someone who is very confident, and you will actually become “Confident”. Some actors walk into the room with body language that says, “I’m sorry, don’t expect much from me”.” 
Act like you are fully in control and have been doing these “auditions” since ages. Take a deep breath, smile (One of the most important “acts” by an actor), walk into the room with purpose, make eye contact, hold your head up, act like you already have this role in your pocket.
Before you start your lines and looking at the auditioners, boost your confidence by saying to yourself, “Ok, ladies and gentlemen, watch this performance”. Just fake it. It puts the casting director at ease, and lets them know that you are in control.

3.  Know your lines, backwards and forwards

Being unprepared is the quickest way to feel nervous and insecure when you walk into a room. Knowing your lines is one of the few things you can control, and will help you feel sure of yourself and confident in your audition. Read the whole script if possible, understand the circumstances of the scene, know the techniques of quick memorization (If you don’t know how to memorize instantly, ask your coach) and learn them so well that you can just focus on the camera and the scene in the audition room. A prepared audition is a confident audition, and allows you to be present without panicking.

4. Wear comfortable clothes that make you feel good 

Unless, you are asked to wear specific clothes, otherwise this is my best tip. Unfortunately a lot of actors forget.
For on-camera auditions, I always feel that actors should wear something that makes them feel good, that fits them well, and that brings out their eyes and face. Wear something that makes you feel comfortable in your own skin, not something you just bought and have never worn before. All actors should have their own audition outfits. When you walk into a room and feel good about yourself, it radiates from you and makes people want to watch you.
After all, the game of audition  is about "Feeling" and "Delivering"

Monday, 16 November 2015

Which is the best acting technique for Bollywood and TV?

Acting techniques for Bollywood and TV

Method Acting

These are the teachings and concepts developed by Constantin Stanislavski, the father of acting started around 1911.
In the dramatic arts, the objective of 'Method Acting' is how actors should create in themselves the thoughts and feelings of their characters (of the script/story), so as to develop lifelike performances. This is done by a group of specific techniques.
Among Bollywood actor who learnt Method acting techniques are Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Varun Dhawan.
“I learnt a lot working with Nawazuddin. He’s a method actor and I enjoyed working it him. It’s always great to work with such talented people,” Varun told IANS (  Another actor is Sidharth Malhotra to name a few. Of course, there are others who periodically attend method acting workshops in USA or UK

There are 3 main versions of 'Method Acting' developed later

Strasberg, Adler, and Meisner. 

1. Strasberg 

He was an advocate of what's called affective memory and substitution. This is using past emotions or your own experiences to generate current emotions. Some famous Hollywood stars who studied this version of Method were/are James Dean, Marilynn Monroe, Al Pacino, Paul Newman.

2. Stella Adler 

She was Stanislavski disciple who studied alongside Strasberg at the Group Theatre in NY and later went to Europe to study with Stanislavski. Stella went back to the U.S. and formed her branch of American Method. Her version focuses more on imagination and doesn't use affective memory or substitution. You use your imagination to be the character and create the environment. Top Hollywood stars  Robert DeNiro and Marlon Brando were from this school.

3. Sanford Meisner 

He also studied at the Group Theatre in US and  also wasn't a fan “affective memory and substitution’ so he formed his own version which focuses more on instincts and reacting to the moment based on a simple technique of “Listening”. He defined acting as "living in imaginary circumstances." Some big Hollywood celebrities who use Meisner are/were Gregory Peck, Robert Duvall, Steven McQueen, Jon Voight, Jeff Goldblum, just to name a few.
Study and get yourself coached on all three major branches and find out which one suits you.

I’m not a big fan of the popular concepts of Method Acting. I don’t believe that an actor can become a character. If you become totally the character (say Emperor Akbar), you may mess up! In fact, it will be dangerous if the actors start becoming the character. Why? Because if you struggle to be or copying a character in you with the traits which not a part of you, it may look as if you are trying to fake it and the camera will catch and so the audience

  • I'm an Adler and Meisner guy with due regards to ‘Method Acting’. 
  • You would love Adler if you are good at using your imagination and thus, feel yourself at the best for when a director wants you to offer options or to improvise a scene or a character. Please remember, 'the power of imagination' can be learnt
  • I find Meisner effective for creating a scene with my partner if my partner is really a good actor. I didn't have in my memory a messed up past life from where I can recollect sadness and crying instances, intense happiness with different types of laughter, anger, distaste, different types of love, chivalry and so on. I agree with Stella Adler and Meisner that emotional memory and substitution aren't honest enough. 
  • I believe and that’s the way I coach my students that  Before they were exposed to any technique, their acting programs included a limited number of generalized improvisational exercises. (Playing a scene without a written script)

My Conclusions 

  1. Finally, my suggestion would be to learn at least 3 acting techniques mentioned above. Then create your own method and style to play a character after you have done a character analysis of the script and created a new human.  
  2. Don’t forget yourself. Bring to the role (You intend playing), that part of yourself that are coinciding with what is written and shelve (drop) those parts of you that are wrong for the role. Use only those parts of you which you can use comfortably without struggling too hard to make you tense or just faking it.
  3. My simple logic is you are acting for the camera and not giving a live show. You have to be in a character as well as in yourself. You cannot submerge yourself totally in a character because of technical aspects of filming like various limitations of multiple shots and camera angles to name a few. A good cine actor should be like an electric switch to be instantly ‘On’ and ‘Off’ between a character and self. Therefore, create your acting method after taking the best of the above explained methods.

To You, the Best

Kiran Pande is the chief coach at Bollywood Best Actor Academy, Mumbai